The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 179: Crystal Palace Cheat? (First Update!)

"Okay, you can go now!"

Putting the long knife for sewing needles and explosive knife droplets in his waist, Li Qing used [Sharingan] to hypnosis everyone present.

I saw a vortex formed in front of everyone present, and then they followed Li Qing's order and rolled towards the distance...

The ground was covered with ice and snow, and they immediately rolled up a lot of snow, and then they rolled bigger and bigger, and after a while, they all rolled into snowballs, rolling farther and farther away, and their figures became bigger and bigger .

Seeing this scene, Li smiled so much that his belly almost burst.

Looking up at the sky at the moment, the sky is already bright, and it seems that morning is coming soon, thinking of Li Qing who is in the wind and snow, ten Body Flicker Technique rushed back.


A deep moan sounded slowly, and she, who knew nothing about what happened outside, lazily turned over and wanted to hug Li Qing in her sleep, but there was no one else, which made her puzzled He opened his eyes, and saw Uchiha Qing walking over with a plate of breakfast smiling.

"Little lazy pig, it's time to get up and eat." Li Qing's voice was so gentle that it felt like the wind, flowers and snow would melt in it.

"You, you promise me...don't leave me, okay?" Fenghua Xiaoxue was silent for a while, then said suddenly, her eyes were red.

"Huh?" Li Qing was taken aback when he heard this, and then put the breakfast away.

"I just had a very terrible nightmare, dreaming that you left me...I cried for a long time, and then I stayed in the snow and ice of this snow country day and night until I died, you It has never appeared again, so I am afraid, I am too afraid...this nightmare will come true." Fenghua Xiaoxue began to sob a little, and her red eyes couldn't stop falling With tears, pear blossoms cry with rain.

"Don't cry, I will be by your side. Don't worry." Li Qing smiled and gently hugged Fenghua Xiaoxue in her arms.

Feeling the warmth of Li Qing's embrace, and vaguely smelling the masculinity coming from it, Fenghua Xiaoxue agreed with a hum, and finally became quiet.

At this time, Li Qing's ear suddenly heard the sweet sound of a plug-in.

"Our store has just launched the Crystal Palace plug-in, which can bring the girls in the anime back to the real world, and NPCs can be transformed into real lives, and only 2 billion gold coins are needed to achieve it! Of course, the intimacy between the player and the anime girls reaches 80% It's time to use it.

Hearing the warning sound of the plug-in, Li Qing was first taken aback, then elated.

I thought that this cheat is really a matter of urgency. Thinking about what people think, it can actually bring anime girls to reality and give them real life. Doesn't this mean that he wants to build a big crystal palace, and only needs to spend money? Already? But... the 80 points of intimacy is a little troublesome.

He subconsciously checked the favorability between himself and Fenghua Xiaoxue, and it actually only reached 73 points, which is still 7 points away. I am afraid that these points of favorability will only be possible after the dungeon mission is completely completed.

"Good morning, are you up?"

Duk duk duk, the third wife knocked on the door outside, and the voice followed.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Push it away, and tidy up your clothes.

Seeing Fenghua Xiaoxue's cute and reserved look, Li Qing couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

After everything was ready, Fenghua Xiaoxue went to open the door. The third husband looked at the neatly arranged room, and then at the flushed Fenghua Xiaoxue beside him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ah, it's not what you think!" Fenghua Xiaoxue hurriedly explained.

"Miss, you don't need to explain. Mr. Uchiha Qing is powerful in ninjutsu, and he has defeated so many people. He is also a member of the famous Uchiha family, and he is in the same family..."

"Ah, Mrs. Santa, it's really not what you think!"

"Miss, you are more reserved, I know..."


Fenghua Xiaoxue was about to collapse, and she grabbed her hair for a while and didn't know how to explain it.

"Why, don't you want to?" Li Qing chuckled, and suddenly hugged Fenghua Xiaoxue in her arms from behind. The face of the beauty in her arms turned even redder, "the flush red filled the base of the neck and the ears.

Then the system prompt sounded again.

Fenghua Xiaoxue's favorability towards you has increased!

Fenghua Xiaoxue's favorability towards you has increased!

Fenghua Xiaoxue's favorability towards you has increased!

The original 73 favorability points have been raised to 6 points.

"Ah, it's important!" Fenghua Xiaoxue rushed out of the hotel blushing.

"It's rare for me to see Miss so happy. Mr. Uchiha Qing, if you really like Miss, please treat her with your heart." The third wife was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Of course, if I hear from others that you love her If she is not good, even if I can't beat you, I will try my best to beat you."

"I will." Li Qing smiled, after getting along these few days, he has fallen in love with this anime female character, and he can see that 670 San Taifu is sincere to Fenghua Xiaoxue.

The three set foot on the way forward again.

This time, Li Qing was carrying three long swords on his back, coupled with his thunder and magnetic armor, he walked vigorously, and looked extremely majestic and domineering from a distance.

Snow Country Palace.


"When did Fenghua Xiaoxue become so powerful? More than a hundred Chunnin from the Snow Country were dispatched, and even the three of you went there in person, but you didn't bring Fenghua Xiaoxue back? What do you eat?"

The hard cast chair in front of him was shattered with a palm, and Fenghua Xiaoxue's uncle, Fenghua Nutao, suddenly stood up, his eyes gleaming with anger.

In front of him, Spike Avalanche and Dongxiong Dongyu knelt carefully, their faces pale and frightened.

"Lord Nutao, it's not that Fenghua Xiaoxue is so powerful, but the helper he found somewhere is so powerful that even the Chakra armor can't defend against his blow.

Spike Avalanche explained.

"It's really that powerful?" Fenghua Futao couldn't believe it, "Hehe, I really want to see what this kid is capable of! Bring..."

Before the word "road" fell, a figure suddenly appeared behind him without warning!.

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