The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 180: The Terrifying Power Of The Three Swords Style! (Second Update!)


No one expected that someone would appear suddenly and launch a surprise attack in broad daylight, and no one was able to defend against it for a while.

After all, it was wind and flowers raging waves, and subconsciously took out Ku Wu from his waist and put it on his chest.

[Big Sword of Beheading] crashed down, turning into a icy cold light in the air, only a bang was heard, and Ku Wu was sliced ​​into two halves under the unstoppable sharpness of the [Big Sword of Beheading].

Both Kunai and the owner of the beheading sword were shocked back several steps in an instant.

"Ice Escape: Black Dragon Blizzard!"

Only then did everyone see the true face of the assailant, and it turned out to be the ninja they were discussing, Uchiha Qing!

The expressions of Spike Avalanche and Winter Bear Freezing Rain both changed slightly, and then a deep anger rolled in their eyes. Unexpectedly, this kid is so arrogant that he dared to come to the palace of the Snow Country!

"Ice Shuriken!"

"Ice escape: Breaking the army fierce tiger!" The two quickly made seals with their hands, and their gestures changed rapidly, as if they wanted to kill Li Qing here!

The ice escape ninjutsu used by the three instantly devoured Li Qing's body, and then he turned into a piece of [substitute wood], obviously using the Body Replacement Technique.

This scene made the faces of the three of them change, and they began to search for Li Qing's trace.

"I'm here!"

[Sharingan] Spinning slowly, when Dong Xiong Dongyu turned his head and saw the eyes full of hatred and emotion, his whole body fell into a sluggish moment, unable to move his body

Standing there like a wooden chicken.

"Oops!" Seeing this, Wolf Fang Xue Beng's face changed slightly, knowing that his companion had been hit by an illusion.

"Still caring about your companions? Kill me!"

Li Qing appeared behind him in an instant, and slashed down the [Decapitating Broadsword]. At this time, Langya Xuebeng formed a layer of Chakra armor with extremely strong defensive power, and there was only a bang, and the [Decapitating Broadsword] was like hitting Like some steel plate, it only caused more than 10,000 points of damage.

Spike Avalanche smiled coldly: "With the Chakra armor, you can't break our defense at all, as long as we guard against your blow"~!"

But immediately, his smile didn't last long before he froze in place.

The moment [Decapitation Broadsword] launched an attack, [Explosive Knife Spray] and [Long Knife Sewing Needle] launched the next second and third blows, forming a three-stage slash.

I saw the entire body of the explosive knife suddenly glowing with spray, and exploded with a bang, and the steel wire protruding from the long knife's sewing needle had already firmly trapped Langya Xuebeng's legs

Three Mist Shinobi artifacts, through Mist Shinobi's [Ninjutsu: Seven Swords Style], have re-bloomed in Li Qing's hands!

It's just that Li Qing's current is only three swords style, but even so, it has caused an extremely terrifying attack!



The two consecutive blows directly broke through the defense of Chakra's armor, dealt nearly 250,000 and 180,000 attack damage respectively, and cut the blood volume of Spike Avalanche by half in an instant.

What's even more frightening is that the Spike Avalanche is still in the [sewn] state, unable to move, and can only be killed by Li Qing at will.

“Explosion Style: Fireball Technique!”

Li Qing would not be polite, and immediately added an explosive bomb after the three-stage slash.

In the violent explosion, the palace of the Snow Country became devastated in an instant, and the Spike Avalanche instantly shattered into pieces of meat, and turned into gold coins, equipment, and scrolls.

The battle started in an instant, until Li Qing successfully killed Spike Avalanche[It took only a few seconds before and after.

Next, Li Qing did the same, and successfully killed the winter bear Freezing Rain again with three slashes, blasting it into gold coins, equipment, and scrolls.

"Boy, you are very strong..."

In the end, the boss was in a rage, looking at the two corpses of his assistants, his brows became darker than ever before.

Being able to kill his two assistants in a short moment, this alone was enough to shock him. Especially the player in front of him, who only has more than 300 levels.

The Sharingan spun again, and Li Qing retracted all three weapons to his waist. It has to be said that the combination of Rain Shinobi's seven-knife style and Mist Shinobi's several weapons is unimaginable. If he can keep the damage at 200,000 points, he can deal more than 600,000 points of damage in an instant, which is enough to instantly kill a lord-level boss.

If he had more weapons at hand, and held the other four Mist Shinobi artifacts in his hands, he would be able to deal millions of damage in an instant! I am afraid that many dungeon bosses could be killed in an instant.

".々I don't want to talk nonsense, just apologize to Fenghua Xiaoxue, and you can die." Li Qing was too lazy to talk nonsense with this regicide and usurper.

In the original book, it was because of this guy who killed the king and usurped the throne, that made Fenghua Elementary School homeless and homeless, and became the shadow of his childhood... For such an ambitious guy, he really There is nothing to say.

At this time, Fenghua Xiaoxue outside the palace, under the protection of the third husband, slowly walked up.

"Uncle, I want to ask, why?" Fenghua Xiaoxue, who looked at her father-killing enemy in the past and walked outside the palace gate, instantly remembered what happened that night, and her eyes turned red for a while.

"Why? Hehe (Zhao Li's) can there be so many whys in this world? I spied on the position of the monarch of the Snow Kingdom, and spied on the treasure buried in a secret place! That's right for you Your brother did it, probably, you don’t know it? You are the key to that treasure! Ten years ago, I killed my brother and tried to take you away to open the treasure buried in the Snow Country. Legend has it that the treasure It can give people terrifying power and dominate the entire ninja world!"

"It's a pity that you were rescued by a ninja named Hatake Kakashi, otherwise, I wouldn't have to wait until now... But since you're here now, I definitely won't let you leave easily!"

As he said that, Feng Hua Nu Tao waved his hand.

There was a burst of sound, and hundreds of snow ninjas swarmed over to surround the place.

(Hematemesis recommends a book: Online Game City Love Apartment!).

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