The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 181: The Dungeon Boss Is Raging, With 2 Million Hp? (Third Update!)

"You all have to die here!"

Feng Hua's angry and icy eyes fell on everyone, and they laughed wildly a few times.

When Fenghua Xiaoxue and San Taifu saw Xue Ren who was approaching, they subconsciously took several steps back, with deep fear appearing on their faces. After all, they are just ordinary people. Facing these killing machines, they have nothing but fear.

But soon, the two stabilized their emotions, and the fear on their faces eased a little. For some reason, with Uchiha Qing present, they felt extremely safe.

Especially Fenghua Xiaoxue, when she thought of that wonderful night, she couldn't help but feel a wave in her heart, and she didn't even have a trace of fear.

"Is this the power of love?" Fenghua Xiaoxue silently raised her hands and prayed for Li Qing, you must work hard!"

"Hmph, do you think these snow ninjas alone can defeat me?" Li Qing's [Sharingan] spun rapidly, sweeping across every snow ninja's body, a sneer couldn't help but appear from the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, what an arrogant brat 323!" Fenghua sneered, standing with his hands behind his back, "I'd like to see how hard you can speak..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qing appeared behind him in an instant, the speed was unimaginable!

【Decapitation Broadsword】turned into a ray of cold light, and covered Fenghua Routao's forehead. At the same time, 【Sharingan】captured every movement of Fenghua Routao clearly and clearly.

The bottom is the wind, flowers and raging waves, the ultimate boss of the dungeon, a character that Kakashi can hardly defeat in the original book, reacted in an instant, and took out several ice shurikens from his waist

These ice shurikens are very strong, and it is difficult for ordinary weapons to break.

It's a pity that no matter how strong the ice shuriken is, it's no match for the [Decapitating Broadsword]. There are only bangs and bangs, and several ice shurikens shatter in an instant, turning into flying snowflake fragments. And Fenghua Futao seems to have expected this situation long ago, the ice shuriken was actually mixed with a faint ice attribute Chakra, the moment the [Decapitating Sword] cut it, the rolling (bddf) cold air entangled Li like a long snake Qing.

Don't even think about it, once this cold air invades Li Qing's body, I'm afraid Li Qing can only let him knead at will.

And this is also the horror of the ice escape ninjutsu ninja!

Perhaps when using the beheading sword, Li Qing will be caught off guard by Fenghua Futao's hand, but don't forget that "Li Qing has the main draw weapon in his hand.

[Beheading Sword] At the moment when the rolling cold entangled and condensed, the detonating talisman on the edge of the explosive knife spray had already detonated, and at the same time, the steel wire of the long knife spray also took this opportunity to gallop out.


I'm afraid it's a kage-level master who will fight in person, and it's not Li Qing's opponent of the three-stage slash, let alone the wind and waves.

When the sound of the explosion came, the cold air that was originally wrapped around Li Qing's limbs was instantly dissipated, and the terrifying explosive force instantly produced an unimaginable effect under such close combat.

Surprised, Feng Hua Nu Tao was blasted out. Although the Chakra armor on his body blocked most of the damage, it still dealt 120323 points of damage!

This, is just the beginning.

The steel wire of the long knife spray penetrated into Feng Hua's body at the moment of the flame explosion, and the hard Chakra armor had no way to deal with such a small object as the steel wire. Nu Tao was entangled by the steel wire and entered a state of stitching, unable to move. At the same time, it also caused 82421 points of damage!

[Stitching] The state lasts up to 2 seconds for such a boss, Li Qing seized the opportunity, the strong Chakra gathered in the throat, and a bomb containing the terrifying explosive power of the thunder attribute Chakra flew towards the already stupefied in an instant The storm is raging.


There was another explosion, at this time Feng Hua Fu Tao had no time to use the Chakra armor at all [345121 points of damage were dealt in an instant! Let Feng Hua Fu Tao's blood volume drop rapidly!

At this time, the attributes of wind, flowers and raging waves are finally revealed, and there is nothing to hide under the gaze of Li Qing【Sharingan】.

Wind and Flowers, Level 567, Super Boss!

And Li Qing took a breath when he saw the guy's blood volume.

This guy actually has more than two million HP! And the damage he caused just now was only one-sixth!

"There's a lot of blood... Orochimaru only has five million blood. I didn't expect this kid to have so much!" Li Qing wiped his mouth, and saw the flustered wind, flowers and raging waves in the distance slowly He stood up, his face full of anger.

As the monarch of the Snow Country, it was the first time Feng Hua Nu Tao was beaten so embarrassingly by someone, many foreign ninjas died on the spot before they even saw his true face!

This kid, not to mention the few assistants who killed him, beat him to such an embarrassing state that he lost all face in front of Xue Ren. Thinking of this, his heart burst into anger!

"Boy, you were lucky to hit me just now, now, I want to move..."

Just as the wind and flowers were about to say something, Li Qing rushed behind him again without warning, and slashed out with the [Decapitating Broadsword].

This time, the Wind, Flowers, and Raging Waves learned to be good, and immediately chose to retreat.

Judging from the fight just now, he knows that Uchiha Qing is best at melee ninjutsu. As long as he fights at a long distance, he will be invincible!

However, when he thought that the majestic monarch of the Snow Country needed to use his brains to defeat his opponent, he felt a little bit of sadness.

At this time, the Snow Ninjas shouted and rushed towards Fenghua Xiaoxue and San Taifu. Without anyone to protect them, they were like lambs on the prairie, only to be slaughtered.

"Santafu, don't be afraid, Uchiha Qing is fighting in front, we can't pull down either!"

It's hard to imagine that facing so many ninjas, Fenghua Xiaoxue mustered up the courage to face the difficulties directly. You must know that at the beginning, she was a timid and scared crybaby!

Feeling the change of Miss Fenghua, the third grandpa also clenched the weapon in his hand for a while, without any fear!.

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