The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 182: Defeat The Storm! (Fourth Update!)

The reason why the two had the courage to face it was entirely because of Li Qing's performance that affected them! You must know that the two did not have such courage and courage before.

Seeing the black snow ninja attacking, suddenly, two Uchiha Qing appeared to protect them. It turned out to be the Shadow Clone separated by Li Qing's seal.

"We are the clone of Uchiha Qing, here to protect you! Please stand within our protection range and don't go out!" Shadow Clone said to the two.

The two nodded heavily, feeling more at ease, and the fear in their eyes disappeared.


The Snow Ninjas rushed forward, the Shadow Clones looked at each other, Great Fireball, Explosion Style: Explosive Fireball Technique and other ninjutsu were released immediately, taking away a lot of Lei Nin's lives in an instant.

While Fenghua Xiaoxue's battlefield was in full swing, the battle between Li Qing and Fenghua Nutao gradually came to an end.

At this time, Fenghua Futao's Chakra armor has been pierced by Li Qing, and only about 500,000 of the more than 2 million HP are left. Li Qing only needs another three-stage attack to solve it.

"Good boy, I didn't expect to be able to push me to this extent..." Dodging Li Qing's ultimate move narrowly, Feng Hua Nu Tao's face turned pale, and he spit from time to time Breathing-breathing, a little weak.

Regardless of Feng Hua Fu Tao's blood volume, but as a dungeon boss, there is no ninjutsu that can threaten Li Qing, allowing Ji Qing to take advantage of it.

Suddenly, on the bright and wide silver blade of the [Break-off Sword], an incomparably hot flame appeared in an instant, and the next moment, the [Break-off Sword] slashed down fiercely, with an unstoppable sharp edge carrying unimaginable terrifying power , and chopped off at the waist of Feng Hua Nu Tao.

His speed is so fast that ordinary people can't defend at all.

Facing Li Qing's powerful attack, Fenghua Futao didn't dare to resist, so he could only seal his hands quickly: "Ice escape: icicle!"

Accompanied by bursts of tooth-piercing crackling sounds, thick and bright icicles appeared instantly, attempting to swallow Li Qing inside.

Li Qing's face remained unchanged, the moment the icicle fell, his whole body turned into a white mist, which was exactly the ability of Xueji Boundary [Garden Road].

"Where did you go?"

Seeing Li Qing disappear, Feng Hua Nu Tao subconsciously shuddered, his body even trembled a little, his eyes rolled, hoping to find Li Qing's figure

It's a pity that Li Qing, who has turned on the Mist Chakra Mode, has perfectly merged with the Mist, and Fenghua Raging Wave doesn't have Sharingan's insightful pupil technique, so he immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Suddenly, the 【Decapitating Broadsword】 descended from the sky and struck at the back of Fenghua Futao.

The wind, flowers and raging waves shattered into ice cubes at this moment, obviously it was just an ice avatar, and his true self appeared behind Li Qing who was the first to use the [beheading sword].

"Hmph, finally let me seize the opportunity!"

The battle reached its climax in an instant. Seeing that Kun Wu was about to penetrate Li Qing's body, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, but then, that sneer was restrained abruptly, and his gloomy eyes were caught Horror replaced.

Uchiha Ao in front of him, turned into a huge log.

Yes, it is wood!


The wind, flowers and raging waves instantly felt like being tricked, and Ku Wu fiercely stabbed towards the back, just in time to hit the chest of Li Qing who was charging.

"Heh, you have today too?"

He wasn't happy for too long, but found that the stabbed Li Qing turned into a bubble explosion, obviously just a Shadow Clone. And the [substitute wood] that he ignored just now turned into Li Qing again in an instant!

The battle situation happened too fast, and it often happened in an instant.

When the wind, flowers and raging waves reacted, the sharp blade of the [Decapitating Broadsword] had pierced his chest. At the same time, the countless detonating symbols on the edge of the [Explosive Knife Spray] exploded in an instant.



Two damages of more than 200,000, hit with five times the critical strike effect, completely wiped out the last trace of Feng Hua Fu Tao's little remaining HP.

...asking for flowers...

The fatal blow ended Feng Hua Nu Tao's life in this way.


A scream came out, and the wind and flowers closed their eyes in despair, and then the body was splashed into blood in the countless horrible explosions, and the fluffy blood mist filled the air in an instant

It smells disgusting.

And with the death of the storm, the gold coins, equipment, and scrolls exploded like a blowout, and the tens of meters around were covered with gold coins, equipment scrolls and other items, shining brightly and blinding people's eyes.

In the distance, the snow ninjas surrounding Fenghua Xiaoxue and San Taifu also turned into ice flowers and disappeared and exploded in an instant, turning into gold coin equipment and scrolls, making it seem like a special rain fell here.


Money Rain, Equipment Feather, Scroll Rain!

There are many rewards on the ground, and Li Qing's body is shining brightly as she upgrades.

"Congratulations, you broke through, you have reached level 305!"

"Congratulations, you broke through, you have reached level 306!"


"Congratulations, you broke through, you have reached level 310!"

"Congratulations, you broke through, you have reached level 311!"

In the end, Li Qing's level stayed at level 311, and at this moment, he clicked on the automatic pickup.

"You got 1342213 gold coins!"

"You got [Rare Level] [God of War Dagger]!"

"You got [Rare Level] [Ninja Armor]!"

"You got big HP potion*10!"

There were so many system prompts, so many that Li Qing was almost lost. Finally, after his prompts finished, he realized that his backpack was completely full, and all the equipment he had picked up had fallen on his back. Under the feet, superimposed together.

His backpack has at least 200 grids, and it can be packed full.

"100 million gold coins can directly buy unlimited packages, which can hold a thousand items!" Just when Li Qing was annoyed that he couldn't take away all the equipment, an unpleasant voice sounded.

(Recommend a book: God-level life with a smile! One).

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