The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 184: Battle Post From America? (First Update!)

It's a battle post.

The content of the battle post is very simple. It is an American player who wants to learn martial arts from Li Qing and prove that he is the number one in the world.

He would receive a lot of such battle posts every day, which had long been commonplace. Li Qing was about to click delete to avoid getting upset. Suddenly, he noticed the record of this American player.

1000 kills, 0 deaths, 0 assists, 100% victory!

Past achievements: beat 108 Shaolin forest monks, 105 Wudang Taoist priests, 230 Kongtong faction, and Kunlun faction...... Picked all the pies!

In the world right now, the so-called famous schools like Huaxia Kongtong, Kunlun, Wudang, and Shaolin have not declined, but are very prosperous, and have become the endorsement of Huaxia Kung Fu. He established Shaolin Group, Wudang Group, etc., and recruited disciples from all over the world.

13 Many times in the game, Li Qing has seen players from these sects participating, and now the American players in the battle post have picked out all the famous sects in China, and the purpose can be imagined.

Thinking of this, Li Qing decided to meet this American player. Now that he has placed the battle post, he will represent the Chinese players and fight back!

Immediately, he signed his name on the post and sent it back to the American player.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] received a post from [Mike] who claims to be the number one player in the United States. Their PK will be held at 12:00 noon in the PK field. Players are invited to watch the battle ! The PK field is a battlefield specially set up for game players to PK. Whether you are a local tyrant with luxurious equipment or a dick with shabby equipment, the balance system here allows you to fight fairly with your opponent!

As soon as the announcement came out, countless players stared wide-eyed with surprise on their faces.

Nima? Who is so bold? How dare you challenge Uchiha Qing god-tier?

The PK field is a fair competition and a PK field where all abilities are balanced. The American players obviously feel that they can't beat the reality, so they want to use the PK field to destroy the prestige of Uchiha Qing's god-tier!

Hmph, no matter how this American player is, he's already famous. It's really cool to be famous by the name of Uchiha Qing god-tier.

If you don’t understand upstairs, don’t talk nonsense. Do you know who Mike is? He has won five world boxing championships and 13 boxing runners-up. It is said that his punch can kill a cow. The data has been synchronized, it should be stronger now, right?

Huh? To have won so many world championships? Looks like Uchiha Aoi's god-tier is hanging!

The players talked a lot, and they all showed strong expectations for this PK battle.

Soon, newspapers and periodicals around the world, including the New York Times, London Times, World News, European and American Times, etc., all reported in detail on the PK battle between Li Qing and Mike. , and even adopted extremely eye-catching text, the entire page occupies more than half of the page!

One must know that the pages of newspapers are quite valuable, occupying more than half of the pages, this is the first time for Li Qing!

"The players from the United States swept all the famous families in China, clamoring: Chinese kung fu is nothing more than that, Chinese player Uchiha Qing accepted the battle invitation and agreed to meet him in the PK field at twelve o'clock noon!"

Newspapers with eye-catching titles are scattered in every joint of the city.

The New York Times Editorial Office.

"FUCK? The sales volume of our newspaper has surged? It's out of stock now?" The editor-in-chief of the editorial department, a white-haired white-skinned man, suddenly stood up. Just let us get rid of the fate of bankruptcy! Quickly, print more, print five million more!"

London Times Editorial Office.

"Reprinting, must be reprinted! Unexpectedly, in the era of decline of paper media, it can also create a daily sales of 10 million. This is entirely due to the light of Uchiha's green god-tier! Wow Kaka!" the editorial department The editor-in-chief, a blond and blue-eyed sexy beauty, was extremely excited and excited.

World news editorial department.

"It seems that our strategy needs to be adjusted. In the future, we will only report news about Uchiha Qing god-tier. Businessmen are profit-seeking. Regardless of their brand value or group culture, Uchiha Qing's headlines can increase our sales. Ten million!"

The editor-in-chief of World News lectured his employees!

Li Qing, the person involved, would never have imagined that his act of accepting the battle posts would directly save countless paper media that were about to perish!

In addition to the activeness of the major media, the Hokage forum's battle analysis posts about Uchiha Qing and Mike dominated the entire page.

At this time, the major Internet live broadcast platforms also quickly contacted Li Qing himself, hoping that he can endorse the company's live broadcast. The bosses of many platforms even count on Uchiha Qing's reputation to bring them countless traffic .

It's a pity that Li Qing himself politely refused, and took this opportunity to hand over the live broadcast rights to his own [Li's Consortium Live Streaming Company] for live broadcasting, and threatened that, as a Huaxia Wan 833 player, he would make the whole world Countless audiences around the world understand what exactly is Chinese Kung Fu!

At ten o'clock in the live broadcast room, the number of online players swarming from all over the world has reached an astonishing 100 million, the amount of rewards is one billion, and the number of comments and bullet screens is astonishingly over 10 million. Still growing in terror.

Sha Mei appeared in [Li's Consortium Live Broadcasting Company] in person, and in order to ensure the smooth progress of the live broadcast, she spent a lot of money and rented several servers to prevent the live broadcast platform from collapsing!

At 11:55 noon, Li Qing boarded the 1341st room of the PK field as promised. At this time, the place was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of players watching the game.

The maximum number of spectators in the PK field spectator mode is 500,000, and the maximum spectator number has been reached in this instant!

The opponent this time, Mike from the United States, was standing in the distance with his upper body naked, grinning. He has a lot of muscles all over his body, he looks like a bodybuilder from a distance

"Mr. Uchiha Qing, don't lose miserably like other Chinese players. In the PK field, under the balance system, your advantage is gone, and here will be my Mike's home field."

As he spoke, Mike gave Li Qing a middle finger. .

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