The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 185: Boxing World Champion? But Scum! (Second Update!)

Through the live broadcast room, countless players saw this scene and felt that this Mike was too arrogant. Many Huaxia players were annoyed and sent out bullet screens, and recharged a lot of money as rewards!

Uchiha Qing god-tier, come on, let them see how powerful the Chinese are!

[I love Huaxia] rewarded [Uchiha Qing] 10 million live coins!

This American guy is too arrogant, Uchiha Qing god-tier, destroy this kid's prestige!

[Five-pointed Red Star] tipped [Uchiha Qing] 100 million live coins!

Hmph, let them see how powerful Chinese Kung Fu is! Show off the power of our country!

[Army fans] Rewarded [Uchiha Qing] 500 million live coins!

In an instant, countless tips made the entire page popular, making audiences all over the world feel the arrogance of the Chinese people.

Facing Mike's provocation at this time, Li Qing just smiled lightly: "There is a saying in China, that is, dogs that bite people don't bark, but those who don't have any skills

To show how powerful you are, bark often, like you are doing now. "


When Mike heard this, his face turned red instantly, and his face was bruised and purple, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Li Qing chuckled, "I'm just saying that dogs that don't bite often bark like crazy."

Li Qing's humorous answer immediately aroused the favor of many Huaxia players, and immediately another wave of rewards and flowers flew like pieces of paper. Of course, many of them offered rewards to Mike, but they were soon overwhelmed by the rewards from Chinese players.

As the whole world watched the battle, a system ninja landed on the competition stage and announced the start of the battle.

"Then let's see the real chapter!" Mike's speed was very fast, and he passed in front of Li Qing almost in an instant. This is the [Snapshot Technique] he just bought with a lot of money. With this advanced ninjutsu, I don't know how many bosses Died under his iron fist.

[Sharingan] Spinning fast, although Mike's speed is very fast, his every move is captured by Li Qing, even in his eyes, the attack speed is not so fast, and the slow one is crawling like a tortoise .

In the PK field, any cheats are useless. In order to ensure fair competition, many of Li Qing's heaven-defying stats have been balanced out, but his real strength is not in stats, but in combat experience and ninjutsu. use.

Seeing that Mike's iron fist was about to strike, Li Qing instantly entered the state of [hydration], avoided Mike's iron fist, and hit a MISS!


A cold snort came, and Mike, who did not know when, suddenly appeared behind Li Qing, holding a sharp long sword in his hand, and slashed at Li Qing.

Obviously, it was just his Shadow Clone that attracted attention, not his real body.

In fact, Li Qing had already seen Mike's tricks clearly, his expression did not change, and he suddenly turned into a wooden stand-in.

Seeing the stand-in wood, Mike was shocked, and immediately withdrew his long-prepared iron fist, looking around, hoping to find Li Qing.

"Oh, kid, you can't do it.||!"

The stand-in wood turned back into Li Qing again, and punched out, causing more than 3,000 points of damage. At the same time, Mike was blown out like a kite with a broken string, and almost flew out of the arena.

Seeing this scene through many players in the live broadcast room, countless people sent a bunch of 666. No one thought that it would be possible to confuse the enemy in this way, first turning into a stand-in wood to make the enemy think that the target was lost, and then changing back to the deity. It hit hard.

"666, learned!"

"This trick is really good!"

"Even the bosses of those dungeons can't defend against this attack!"

"From tomorrow, I will study [Transformation Technique] hard, but I didn't expect [Transformation Technique] to be used like this.

"In front of Uchiha Ao god-tier, it feels like Mike is being played like a monkey."

The barrage reached a critical point in an instant, blowing up the entire screen.

"Damn it!"

In the balance field, both of them have only 20,000 health, and their attack and ninjutsu damage, and even their defense power are almost the same under balance.

Mike secretly scolded Li Qing, waved the long sword in his hand and rushed up again, only to see a faint thunder light emitting from his body, it seems that he has learned the [Lightning Style Chakra] mode

However, the skill level is a bit low. Although his attack speed is much faster, it is not as terrifying as the original Fourth Raikage.


Facing Mike's offensive, Li Qing smiled coldly, and pulled out the [Decapitating Sword] from behind with a clang. Before Mike rushed, he had already appeared behind Mike, without any warning!

Mike just instinctively sensed the danger, but obviously his reaction speed couldn't keep up with Li Qing's attack speed.


【Decapitation Broadsword】The huge forbearance hit Mike's right shoulder fiercely, causing more than 3000 points of damage. ], [Kunai Throwing] instantly gave Mike a set.

Mike saw that first his right shoulder was cut into pieces by the [Decapitating Broadsword], then he was blown away by the detonating symbol of [Explosive Knife Spray], and then he was entangled in the body by the steel wire of [Long Knife and Stitches]. It was devoured by the final bomb [Explosion Style: Explosive Fireball], and finally hit by [Kunai] who was shot.






After several rounds of combos, Mike's blood volume directly bottomed out, and he died with a scream.

Although (fortunately) just for a moment, he triggered the [protection mechanism] of the PK field and fell heavily to the ground, but he still couldn't escape the fate of being killed by a set of combos.

Through the live broadcast room, players all over the world saw this set of combos, and all of them opened their mouths in surprise and widened their eyes in horror. They never thought that the weapon could be used so perfectly. More importantly, It can also perfectly connect with ninjutsu such as fire bombs and kunai to deal unimaginable large amounts of damage!

".々Oh, American player? I heard that you are still the champion of the world? Looking at it now, it's nothing more than that!"

Looking at Mike lying on the ground, Li Qing shrugged his shoulders helplessly, "I haven't made a move yet, and you are all down. Besides, Huaxia players are the strongest. I hope that when you provoke them, Calm down. Hehe..."

"Oh, by the way, Hua! Xia! The strongest!!"

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