The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 195: King Of Soldiers? All Fucked Up! (Second Update!)

"Good, so strong..."

The body is embedded in the wall, the heart of the middle-aged man at this moment can only be described as shock, Li Qing's speed is really too fast, even in the strengthened special forces and soldier kings, he has never seen such a terrifying Speed ​​and power.

Blood was flowing all over his body, and he staggered to stand up from the ruins.


Before he could use his broken Chinese language, the lightning-like figure flew over again and knocked him out again. The middle-aged man who hit him had his brains cracked and bloody, and he couldn't die anymore.

"What about me? Women who bully me? All of them must die!"

For these guys who threatened his woman's life, Li Qing would not hold back anything, he had already regarded these people as enemies.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, he deeply understands this!

At this time, snipers occupying several favorable positions in the distance fixed their targets firmly on Li Qing's body, and with a few bangs, the special bullets turned into streamers of light.

Facing these human weapons, Li Qing's face remained unchanged, and his hands changed gestures again and again, like a martial arts master, unexpectedly grasping bullets one by one with ease.

"How can it be?"

"Catch bullets with bare hands?"

The special forces of the United States looked at the scene in front of them in shock, and couldn't believe their eyes.

And just when they were shocked, Li Qing had already used the Body Flicker Technique to appear silently, and at the same time, his cold voice echoed: "Your speed is too slow!"

There was a faint mocking sound, and before the snipers could recover from the shock just now, their feet flew out, instantly kicking the two of them into fluffy flesh and blood, with bones and limbs flying around.

bang bang bang bang!

A torrent of bullets flew over, quickly blocking all possible dodging angles for Li Qing.

[Three Tomoe Sharingan] Spinning quickly, he could see the trajectory of the bullet clearly, and captured it firmly in his eyes. At the next moment, he jumped into the air, and at the same time, he took out several bitter bullets from his waist. none.

Kunai flew out quickly, and with the sound of metal colliding, he blocked all the flying bullets with ease.

Several special forces in the distance opened their mouths in surprise when they saw this scene, while the snipers below also felt a chill down their spines.

They have been performing tasks for many years, and there are almost no tasks that cannot be completed. This scene made them doubt their own existence for the first time!

If a player can kill the enemy by playing online games, then what do they want these soldiers to do? What is the country raising these human weapons for?

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

Li Qing didn't give them an answer, a mouthful of scorching flames spewed out, and several special forces soldiers in the distance were directly turned into ashes under the flames, and they couldn't die any more.

At this time, several soldier kings had quickly climbed up to the small second floor, and charged at Li Qing with daggers in their hands.

They figured it out, for a human like Li Qing who has been strengthened by online games, it is impossible to kill him with weapons like pistols and sniper rifles "only use cold weapons.

Under the strengthening of the online game world, their speed is much faster than ordinary soldier kings.

In the distance, Fenghua Xiaoxue worriedly looked at Li Qing who was fighting with several soldiers kings, her small face was full of nervousness, and beside her was Sha Mei, who had seen many big scenes, also full of worry, a The heart hangs in the throat in an instant!

Li Qing's movements are fast, under the capture of [Sharingan], the fighting skills of several soldier kings are like child's play to him, and he avoids them with three strikes, five divisions and two.

Ninjutsu, Uchiha Flow: Sword Flame Leap!

Suddenly, Li Qing's eyes froze, and he took out a short blade from his waist, and stabbed at several soldier kings fiercely, with a frightening posture of moving without moving!

After all, the kings of soldiers are dragons and phoenixes among men, the kings selected from millions of elite soldiers, facing Li Qing's attack, they easily avoided it, but they couldn't avoid the scorching flame hidden behind the short blade!

The screams sounded again, and the three soldier kings were slammed into the air, and the remaining two were also hard to escape, and were pierced through the chest by Li Qing's Kun Wu.

Under the splash of blood, the soldier kings fell heavily on the ground in strong unwillingness, and there was no more sound.

The battle ended instantly.

It only took a few minutes from when Li Qing started to fight until the battle was completely over.

Li Qing stepped on the soldier king's corpse like a king, a touch of disdain flashed across her eyes.

These soldier kings are indeed powerful, but how can they be his opponents who have been strengthened by as much as 40% and possess six ninja skills?


What made him a little puzzled was, how did these guys from America find Li Qing's address? Fortunately, he left the game temporarily. If he was in the game, he might not know how he died. After all, there are so many Snipers are present.

While he was thinking, a beeping sound came from a distance, a helicopter landed smoothly, and saw several heavily armed soldiers landing with heavy weapons. As soon as these soldiers landed, they were well-trained to occupy all the favorable positions nearby.

Down below, Feng Hua Xiaoxue and Sha Mei saw another force appearing, and their hearts that had been put down once again raised their hearts, hanging in their throats! However, after they noticed these sudden drops of forces, it seemed that they were not aimed at When Li Qing came, the hanging heart was relieved again.

"々Sorry, we're late! (Wang Haohao)"

Huaxia military officer Li Huo looked at the corpses all over the floor, in shock, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief. If Uchiha Qing died, it would be a huge loss to Huaxia!

"It doesn't matter, they can't kill me." Li Qing smiled lightly, "With their strength, they are still not my opponents.

Before seeing Li Qing make a move, Li Huo might feel that Li Qing was arrogant, but not now.

"Report, sir, no member of the US has been found alive!" At this time, a soldier reported in a shocked and trembling voice.

Hearing this, Li Huo was shocked again, and then took a deep breath.

According to their informant, there were at least twenty special soldiers dispatched from the United States this time, and none of them survived under Li Qing's command?

Uchiha Ao, how scary is that?

He can't imagine!.

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