The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 196: The Intruder Fourth Raikage! (Third Update!)


In a mysterious military base.

"What? It failed? This, how is it possible..." A voice of exclamation sounded, and an officer with medals on his chest slowly put down the information he had just sent from the front line with an incredulous expression on his face. , and asked his subordinates again: "Are you really sure, this is what Uchiha Ao did it alone?"

This was the fourth time the officer asked a question. Even though a full thirty minutes had passed since the fact happened, the officer still couldn't suppress the shock in his heart.

No wonder, when anyone heard that a player who played a game killed a special soldier of the most elite special forces unit in the United States, he would probably show the same look.

"Yes, sir.....…."

The subordinate on the side nodded heavily, his tone trembling.

When he got this piece of information, he thought it was wrong, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, a phone rang on the desktop next to it. The number on the caller ID had been processed. The officer answered the phone in doubt, and then his frown, which had been tightly frowned, slowly relaxed, and 350's dignified expression eased. Much easier.

"Sir..." The subordinate was a little puzzled, hesitated, and asked.

The officer waved his hand, signaling his subordinates not to speak too much, then thought for a while, and gave the order: "Go, prepare some things and come back."

"Yes!" The subordinate gave a military salute straightly, and walked away quickly.

At the same time that the United States did not know what secret operation was going on, Li Qing treated Li Huo and the Huaxia military officer well.

From the conversation, Li Qing knew that the United States, the island country, and South Asia had already attracted his attention and wanted to use his dead body for research. After all, his body has many more attributes than others. , and can also use ninjutsu that other players cannot use, which is of great research value.

Several countries want to learn something from it, and then become their ace weapon. Hearing all this, Li Qing felt chills down his spine. He never imagined that the powers of various countries would be so ruthless.

But soon, Li Huo gave Li Qing a guarantee, saying that the Huaxia military would protect his safety, and that from now on, special forces would be closely guarding him 24 hours a day.

Regarding the so-called protection, how can Li Qing not see through the thinking of the Huaxia military, but he is not a person who cares about it. Since someone can protect his safety, why not do it?

If he wants to run, the Huaxia military may not be able to catch up.

So Li Qing agreed to Li Huo's arrangement. From now on, he will have several special forces guarding him to protect his safety 24 hours a day.

Of course, in order not to reduce the strength of the special forces, Li Huo also specially equipped them with online game helmets, so that they can play games online during their breaks, and then strengthen their bodies.

After sending Li Huo off, Li Qing raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was already twelve thirty, and the new version had been turned on for half an hour.

"Wow, it's almost late!"

Li Qing hurriedly boarded the game.

When the holographic projection screen appeared, he realized that in the automatic mode, he followed behind Jiraiya and Naruto, and he had already walked tens of thousands of meters before he knew it. Not far away was a relatively luxurious village and town.

However, the villages and towns in the distance can no longer be described as prosperous. Looking around, they are full of players running around, looking for something.

"Let's stop and rest." Jiraiya glanced at the village, a little strangely, "Why are there so many players here today? It's not Konoha Village.

(bdbi) Players in automatic mode are no different from normal players, so Jiraiya didn't notice that Li Qing was offline, but just felt that Li Qing was a lot more dull than before and didn't talk much.

"Okay, I can finally rest!"

The optimist Uzumaki Naruto waved his arms excitedly, completely ignoring the countless players who appeared suddenly, his carefree nerves made people feel like an idiot, and the kind of stupid people have stupid blessings.

"Find a shop by yourself, I'll go and collect some information. I'll join you in a while." Jiraiya ordered, turned around and sneaked into the town, his simple nerves told him that there are so many players here , there must be beautiful girls!

"Hmph, old pervert, big pervert, you know how to find women!" Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips in disdain, and turned to look at Li Qing: "Brother Qing, I still have a lot of money in my wallet, let's have some snacks How's it going!?" He said while shaking his frog wallet.

"I want to practice cultivation, you go first!" Li Qing deliberately made an excuse.

"Cut!" Uzumaki Naruto curled his lips, "If you don't eat it, I'll eat it myself! Hmph!" Then he left angrily.

After Naruto left, Li Qing checked the [new version update task] just obtained:

【Looking for Tsunade】: Kakashi got Uchiha Itachi's Tsukuyomi Technique. It is said that only Hokage's granddaughter, the princess of Konoha Village, and Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, can be healed. Please find him as soon as possible!

At this time, the entire town has been filled with players, and Li Qing can figure it out even with his toes. I am afraid that many players get the same quest tips.

Now Jiraiya and Naruto are already busy in their own way. If Tsunade is found by those players first, the main task will belong to someone else. This is something he doesn't want to see!

But at this moment, he noticed two figures suddenly appeared in the distance, their expressions were in a hurry, one of them was carrying another ninja behind his back.

Li Qing, who is familiar with the plot, can see at a glance that the three people in the distance are the Fourth Raikage of Cloud Shinobi Village, and his two assistants. "It seems that they are looking for Tsunade to treat their partner.

He immediately remembered the scene in the original novel——

Fourth Raikage and others were attacked by the Xuanyuan crowd, and they inhaled the [Chakra worm] that would grow bigger when using Chakra. One assistant died immediately, and the other was seriously injured, and they went to Tsunade for help!

It's just that the timing of the original work is a bit wrong.

However, this does not affect his favorability degree!.

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