The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 198: Raikage's Gratitude! (Fifth Update!)

Raikage's shot was quick, almost appearing in front of Li Qing like lightning.

It's too fast, even if Li Qing activates [Sharingan] in an instant, he can't capture its rapid speed.


Seeing that Raikage's pliers-like palms were about to grab Li Qing firmly, Li Qing entered the state of [hydration] at this moment.

Originally, Li Qing's reaction speed couldn't keep up with Raikage's attack, but the long-term battle has already made Li Qing's body able to react subconsciously the moment he is hurt

This [Hydration Technique] is like this, making Raikage's outstretched palm empty for a moment, showing a MISS.


Raikage never imagined that the kid in front of him could react so quickly! Although "Zero Five Three" didn't turn on [Lightning Style Chakra Mode], his speed is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people!

After a simple fight, Fourth Raikage had a basic evaluation of the strength of the young man in front of him.

Excellent, fast response!

He was shocked that Konoha Village could have such a genius ninja, and even thought of destruction for a moment. After all, once a genius grows up, it will be extremely unfavorable to Cloud Shinobi Village. God knows, how many ninjas in their Cloud Shinobi Village died A subordinate of Konoha's genius ninja?

But soon, he held back the thoughts in his heart.

"Lord Raikage, look!"

Just as Raikage was about to strike again, an injured subordinate suddenly pointed to the street in the distance.


Raikage looked out with a face full of doubts, and sure enough, he saw that familiar figure, it wasn't Tsunade, who was it? And beside Tsunade [ten delicate and lovely women in bathrobe-like clothes were holding a Meaty little pig.

It seems that she is Shizune.

In an instant, Raikage felt that he had wrongly blamed Li Qing, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, and he was about to explain, but Li Qing smiled and joked: "If Mr. Raikage feels embarrassed, why don't you give me some more of your cloud?" Shinobi's secret technique is ready. If I expected correctly, it is because you invaded the secret technique of other villages that you met Xuanyuan people? Hunting ninja Xuanyuan people."

Being directly exposed by others, the expressions of Raikage and several of his subordinates all changed for a while.

"How do you know?" the subordinate asked immediately.

"As a ninja, the ability to collect intelligence is a basic requirement. Is it difficult to figure this out?" Li asked with a smile.

His subordinates were silent, and Raikage on the side looked at Li Qing in surprise, and he felt a kind of emotion in his heart why such a talent was not born in Cloud Shinobi Village!

At this moment, Raikage walked out of the casino with his men, came to Tsunade, and said respectfully: "You are Master Tsunade from Konoha Village, right? I want you to treat my men

"Treatment? Hehe, I haven't treated people for many years, so I won't accompany you!"

Exquisite nose, sexy lips, every part exudes a woman's mature atmosphere. Facing a peerless master like Raikage, Tsunade, one of Konoha Sannin, dared to refuse directly. Abandoning these words, Tsunade carried a bag full of gold coins, ignored everyone, and walked into the casino arrogantly.

"Damn it!"

Fourth Raikage cursed secretly and rushed into the casino, ready to take Tsunade away with violence.

"Master Fourth Raikage, you have to think carefully, if you really want to save your men." Tsunade smiled coldly, then ignored Raikage, but turned his attention to a few gamblers, "Shizune !"

"Hey, Master Tsunade, do you really want to gamble? You, you have never won, this is the money we just borrowed!" Shizune's face was full of reluctance, "And Raikage big A... "

Tsunade ignored the movie, opened the box by himself, and slapped the table heavily: "What are you still doing? Deal the cards!"

"Ah, deal, deal!"

The gamblers had already been scared to death by the Fourth Raikage, and they were fighting fiercely. How could they have the mind to play cards? After being stunned for a long time, they started to initiate cards...

"Master Raikage, don't..." Seeing the look of the movie, the subordinates on the side seemed to have guessed something, and hurriedly shouted, "You are Fourth Raikage!"

Seeing that the dignified Cloud Shinobi Village Fourth Raikage wanted to bow down to Tsunade for his subordinates, a laugh suddenly broke out: "Hey hey, Mr. Tsunade, I heard that you like gambling the most. How boring is this dice gambling? A few people are spinning around a dice, how boring, don’t you think?”

The owner of the voice helped Fourth Raikage up while speaking.

"Oh, little guy, do you have something fun?" Tsunade became interested all of a sudden, and patted a box of money: "I have plenty of money.

Li Qing thought that you, Tsunade, must have cheated money from there again, right? But he didn't show it on his face.

"My game is called Huaxia... Mahjong!" Li Qing smiled faintly, and took out a box of Mahjong from his waist.

This box of mahjong was something he was going to bring to the game to pass the time, but he didn't expect it to come in handy at this time.

"Mahjong? Huaxia Mahjong?" Tsunade and others have never seen such a thing, including the well-informed gamblers present, and they have never seen such a novel thing.

Fourth Raikage's gaze on the side was a bit complicated at 3.9 points, not because of mahjong, but because he didn't expect this kid to help him.

"As for how to play, I'll teach you guys a little bit, um...Come to play, Mr. Tsunade?" Li Qing picked up a mahjong and shook it.

Tsunade has long been interested in those card-like things with strange shapes and patterns: "Play, of course!"

"Then you promise me one condition." Li Qing changed the subject.

Tsunade's focus was on mahjong, and he said impatiently: "Isn't it just to save Raikage's subordinates? It's easy, Shizune, go!"

"Ah, Master Tsunade, can I, I, I do?"

Shizune was stunned for a moment, his face full of surprise, while Raikage and others were overjoyed when they heard this!.

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