The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 199: Li Qing's First S-Rank Ninjutsu!

"Master Tsunade, is your subordinate really okay?"

Although Tsunade has let go, Raikage still asks a little uneasy, after all, he has not heard of Shizune's reputation.

Don't look at Lord Raikage's grumpy temper and simple mind, but he is indeed very loyal to his subordinates!

"Don't doubt Shizune's strength. After I got out of Konoha Village, she has mastered my true skills, and... I can no longer use medical ninjutsu." Tsunade said later, his tone was a little bit Disappointed.

"Okay!" Raikage sighed, anyway, this is the best result, and then he glanced at Li Qing gratefully: "Little brother, thank you so much, if you didn't convince Master Tsunade, I am afraid......"

"Hehe, this is what I should do." Of course, Li Qing would not say that it was because of the task.

Shizune did not speak, and went to prepare for the medical operation, and Li Qing also fulfilled his promise, leading Tsunade to play a round of mahjong with several gamblers.

Compared with Pai Gow and dice, I have to say that Mahjong has more ways to play and is more addictive. With Tsunade's luck, she lost all her money at 13 in a short while, and she owed Li Please a lot.

"Again, come again!"

Tsunade raised her nose and hummed a small face unconvinced.

"Master Tsunade, you have already lost a lot of money, and now you still owe me a few hundred taels, are you sure you want to continue playing?" Li Qing asked back, at this time his side was full of winning money, Like Koyama, several other gamblers, like Tsunade, also lost everything.

"Stop talking nonsense, keep going!" Tsunade was addicted to gambling, and patted the table impatiently.

"Want to continue? Yes, but you have to go back to Konoha Village with me..." Li Qing said as he threw out a Dongfeng in his hand.

"Huh? Dongfeng? I, I'm confused?" Tsunade took Dongfeng, jumped up excitedly, and happily embraced the money on the table.

Seeing that Tsunade's luck has suddenly become so good, Li Qing's eyes darkened, knowing that Orochimaru is coming. In the original book, Tsunade was lucky enough to burst before Orochimaru arrived!

While he was thinking, Shizune on the side already nodded: OK. "The Chakra worm was taken out of the bodies of the two men.

Seeing the Chakra worm, Raikage frowned: "Is this the secret technique of Xuanyuan people?"

"Yes, these Chakra worms can suddenly become larger due to the increase in Chakra when the caster uses Chakra, and thus swell their bodies. When they cast spells, the air will be full of these worms. It can be dangerous if you accidentally inhale it."

While explaining, Shizune took off his medical clothes.

"It turned out to be Xuanyuan people, guys who specialize in hunting ninjas." Tsunade chuckled, touched the cards and looked at them, and was immediately overjoyed: "Oh, sorry, I touched them again

"Did Tsunade-sama eat something? Suddenly luck became so good!"

"Congratulations, Master Tsunade..."

"Master Tsunade has never won, what a ghost today..."

Several gamblers were full of depression.

And at this moment, Li Qing heard a system prompt: "Congratulations, you have completed the [Raikage's Help] mission, mission difficulty: SSSSSSS, mission level: 500, mission reward: Fourth Raikage's Good impression, S-level ninjutsu [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] scroll, 20 million experience points! Since you have enabled the [five times reward] plug-in, this time you have obtained a total of S-level ninjutsu scrolls [Lightning Style Chakra Mode]*1 And a reward of 100 million experience points!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Qing's body was bursting with golden light, and the full experience points directly made him feel as if he was on a rocket and flew up!

Let his level rise from more than 320 to more than 340! A full increase of more than 20 levels!


Immediately promoted to level 20, Li Qing felt indescribably refreshed.

And at this time, a system announcement came out, causing a sensation in the whole world!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] completed the task of [Movie's Help], and won the S-level ninjutsu scroll reward and 100 million experience value reward, let us congratulate him!

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole world shook.

S-rank ninjutsu scroll!

100 million experience rewards!

Nima, S-rank ninjutsu scroll... 100 million experience rewards!"

"My God, it is said that an S-level ninjutsu scroll can already be exchanged for dozens of villas. 100 million experience rewards Young Wife Che. I will fight monsters and upgrade the market without eating or drinking!"

"This is the gap, is this the gap? This game is really unplayable, ah, fall!"

"I want to jump off a building, don't stop me!"

"I'm curious about Uchiha Qing god-tier, how many levels is it now, it should be almost level 400, can I take the Jōnin exam?"

"I happened to be at the scene just now, it seems that Uchi 170 Boqing god-tier was exchanged for mahjong..."

"Mahjong? Huaxia Mahjong?"

Countless players are both envious and jealous of Uchiha Qing.

Naturally, Li Qing didn't know that this system announcement once caused the production of Huaxia Mahjong to surge, and even instantly revived several mahjong halls that were about to close down!

【Lightning Style Chakra Mode】?

Li Qing, who has long been accustomed to the envy and jealousy of the players, has already clicked on the S-rank scroll.


You learned 【Lightning Style Chakra Mode】.

【Lightning Style Chakra Mode】: Known as "Lightning Style Chakra Mode". By concentrating Lightning Style Chakra on the whole body, the whole body is covered with Chakra and lightning, the body can be activated and the lightning body can be used, and the defense ability will be greatly improved. With more Lightning Style Chakra, defense and speed will also increase. Ninjutsu can be used with Lightning Style body protection to form "ninjutsu". In the current mode, it can increase the attack speed by 300%, the movement speed by 300%, and the defense power by 300%! It consumes 2% of Chakra points per second.

Seeing this pervert-like attacking movement speed, Li Qing was overjoyed instantly! He said in his heart that it is indeed an S-level ninjutsu, but it is a pity that the amount of Chakra consumed is too much!.

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