The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 200: Orochimaru Strikes? Kick It Away! (Second Update!)

2% Chakra consumption per second, that is to say, after he turns on [Lightning Style Chakra Mode], it lasts up to 50 seconds, but if he takes drugs, he can still last for a long time, of course, the premise is Enemies give him time to dope.

After healed his subordinates, Fourth Raikage glanced at them gratefully, and quickly left with his subordinates.

Not long after Raikage left, two figures slowly appeared on the street with his back feet. The leading man had a sinister look on his face, and his tongue was as long as a snake's tongue. From a distance, he looked like a snake. This person was none other than Orochimaru.

Following behind Orochimaru is a bespectacled looking very quiet ninja named Yakushi Kabuto.

Behind the two, there are more than a dozen players with curse marks on their necks. These players also received the task of [Looking for Tsunade], but their task content is slightly different.

With their appearance, the whole street instantly became silent and deserted, and the players ran away subconsciously.

"Is this the place?"

Suddenly, Orochimaru stopped, and looked at a casino with cold eyes. Through the window of the casino, he could clearly see Tsunade playing mahjong leisurely there

"Master Orochimaru, it's really hard to find a place, and I finally found Master Tsunade!" Yakushi Kabuto pushed his glasses, a little excited.

In the last Konoha collapse battle, Orochimaru was injured by Namikaze Minato, which cannot be healed. These days Orochimaru has been looking for Tsunade, hoping that Tsunade can help him heal his hands

At this time, the gamblers seemed to have sensed something suddenly, they left the mahjong and turned around and ran away. Even the boss of the gambling house didn't even want the facade, and hurried upstairs to hide. They had already heard the rumors of Orochimaru, a murderous monster!


Putting down the cards in his hand, Tsunade stood up slowly and walked out of the casino.

The little pig beside him was already trembling with fear from Orochimaru's breath, his face was full of horror, while Shizune hugged it tightly.

"Long time no see. Seeing you reminds me of the time when we fought together." Orochimaru stuck out his tongue, splashing viscous liquid everywhere, "It's a pity...

"What did you come to see me for?" came the cold voice, for Orochimaru, Tsunade didn't have any favorability.

It was only then that Orochimaru noticed Li Qing beside Tsunade. Although Li Qing changed his name, he could tell at a glance that this kid was Uchiha Itachi's younger brother, Uchiha Qing!

"Uchiha Qing, we meet again!" Orochimaru couldn't help licking his tongue, "Last time I suffered a dark loss under your hands, I didn't expect to meet so soon."

Yakushi Kabuto looked at Li Qing in surprise, hurt Orochimaru!? This kid can actually hurt Orochimaru? This...


Suddenly, Orochimaru changed the subject, stretched his neck suddenly, and flew towards Li Qing quickly, it seemed that he wanted to plant the curse seal on Li Qing. He is really looking forward to Li Qing's delicious body!

Seeing that his neck was about to bite Li Qing's body, Li Qing's whole body was suddenly filled with intense thunder and lightning.

"Lightning Style Chakra Mode!? Fourth Raikage's stunt? How could you have it!?" Orochimaru was surprised, so surprised, with a face full of disbelief.

Li Qing didn't answer his answer, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

With a 300% movement speed increase, he can be as fast as his thoughts are, and he can be as fast as the lightning is!

You must know that the reason why the Fourth Raikage can stand proudly in the entire ninja world is because of the Lightning Style Chakra Mode, which is a ninjutsu that can activate the body.

Although this speed is not as good as the Body Flicker Technique, it can be used at any time.

Orochimaru's head hit the air in an instant, and Li Qing had already appeared behind him, and the [Decapitating Sword] slashed down fiercely, the speed was so fast that it was hard to catch.

This is 300% attack speed!

Li Qing's attack speed was already fast enough before, with this 300% blessing, the speed can no longer be described as fast!


It was too fast, it was too fast, Orochimaru couldn't react at all, when he turned his head, the 【Decapitation Sword】has already slashed down hard, knocking Orochimaru into the air.


Deal more than 300,000 points of damage in one blow!


Orochimaru's body was like a kite flying upside down, and it barely stopped after smashing several walls, and Orochimaru, whose body was embedded in the wall, looked in a panic at this moment, disheartened, The whole body is white and gray.

Orochimaru has been in the ninja world for so many years, and there have only been two times when he was embarrassed, one time was the Konoha collapse plan, and the other time was the time in front of him!

".々I didn't expect to see you in a few days, Uchiha Qing, you have become so powerful. The speed of improvement is amazing!" Orochimaru slowly climbed up from the ruins, with a chill in his eyes, "Compared to Uchiha Sasuke, I don't know how many times your strength is stronger than him... If I can choose you as my reincarnation container, that would be great!


[Three Tomoe Sharingan] Spinning rapidly, Li Qing noticed that Orochimaru had a full 50 million blood volume, and the damage he dealt with more than 300,000, compared to the base of more than 50 million, was just a cup (Zhao Qian Zhao) What's even more frightening is that the lost 300,000 HP is still recovering at a rate of 20,000 per second. After a few seconds, more than 100,000 HP has been recovered!

"So strong blood recovery ability..."

Li Qing took a deep breath. But he just had to think about it carefully, Orochimaru has been studying the Reincarnation Forbidden Technique, how can he not be strong in restoring blood volume?

Although he took advantage of his advantages in movement and attack speed, he had no choice but to face Orochimaru with such blood.

Kisame Kisame has 10 million HP, and Orochimaru has 50 million HP. It is really not easy to kill each of these strong ninjas!

"Come on, Uchiha Ao!"

While he was thinking, several Yinyin players following Orochimaru had already entered the second state, killing Li Qing ferociously and violently!

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