The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 202: Orochimaru Exploded! (Fourth Update!)

"Uchiha Qing, I had high hopes for you, but I didn't expect you to be a big talker, which really disappointed me.

Orochimaru obviously didn't believe it.

God knows how much research he has done and how many days and nights he has been busy in deciphering the Forbidden Technique [Impure World Reincarnation] Technique left by Second Hokage over the years? How many corpse specimens were used to convert [Reanimation Jutsu] Perfect cast........

This kid is fine, he just said that I can be resurrected. Even if I think about it with my toes, I feel that it is impossible!

Yakushi Kabuto on the side also sneered: "For the study of ninjutsu, no one can compare with Master Orochimaru. To resurrect a dead person, you need to awaken his soul..."

Before Yakushi Kabuto could finish speaking, Li Qing interrupted: "There's a lot of ramblings, do you want to bet? If you don't bet, you're afraid!"

Upon hearing this, both Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto laughed angrily.

"Just bet, you can't win anyway." Orochimaru licked his lips with his foul-smelling tongue, and the disgusting liquid splashed everywhere, "Then, let's start!"

"Don't you even ask me what I want~?" Li Qing chuckled.

"You can't do it at all. Why ask?" Yakushi Kabuto suppressed a smile-.

Shizune was about to grab Li Qing and not embarrass him, but Tsunade smiled and shook his head.

"Master Tsunade, you!" Shizune was puzzled.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that this kid can do it..." Tsunade smiled lightly, but a fog appeared in front of his eyes.

Since her relatives died, she left Konoha Village, dancing with gambling all day long...God knows, how much she misses them, especially her brother's words "I will definitely become Hokage" Like a needle, it pierced her chest fiercely, causing a piercing pain.

It was the first time for Shizune to see Tsunade like this, and for a while, she was also a little puzzled, could there be something attractive about this kid?

"Double, that's enough." Orochimaru stuck out his tongue: "I believe everyone is tired after talking nonsense for so long. Uchiha Qing, let us all be a witness here. If you can really be resurrected, you can tell I want any item."

"Just wait for Master Orochimaru's words!"

Li Qing chuckled, not talking nonsense, and immediately went to the plug-in mall and spent 100 million gold coins to buy a resurrection hang.

[Resurrection Link]: You can resurrect characters that are related to the target at will, but characters under special conditions cannot be resurrected, and can only be used once. CD: 30 days. Value: **Gold Coins,

After buying the resurrection hanger, Li Qing glanced at how to use the hanger in her heart, smiled, walked up to Tsunade, and whispered something in her ear.

Tsunade nodded heavily when he heard the words, then slowly closed his eyes, and a figure began to appear in his mind.

Seeing that Tsunade closed his eyes, in order to show that it was not easy for him, he lit a bonfire, pretended to dance, and kept chanting about gods and ghosts.

"Well, can he really?"

Several people watched Li Qing jumping there, looking confident, and doubted their own thoughts for a moment.

"No, it's impossible..." Yakushi Kabuto's laughter became colder. He has followed Orochimaru for so many years. What ninjutsu has he not seen? Although it is the first time he has seen such a wonderful ninjutsu , but his cognition told him that this is simply impossible.

Orochimaru also thought it was impossible at first, but seeing that Li Qing didn't look like a lie, he also doubted his own knowledge system for a while.

Could it be that there is really a ninjutsu in this world that surpasses [Reanimation Jutsu] and can revive people? But... such ninjutsu should consume a huge amount of Chakra, right? This is a small Chūnin Can it be done?

Amidst the doubts and curious eyes of several people, Li Qing's dance that had been dancing suddenly stopped!

Everyone's breathing stopped in an instant, and they were a little suffocated!

Then Li Qing pretended to recite a long paragraph of lines, and then made a seal with both hands, and shouted: "Resurrection!"

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

‥…seeking flowers 0

Accompanied by the falling of the word "live", a child in green clothes appeared in a puff of mist, and then walked out.

Seeing the child, Tsunade's face changed suddenly, and his voice became extremely trembling!

"Rope, Nawaki!?" Tsunade was taken aback for a moment, then jumped over excitedly, hugging Nawaki tightly in his arms, but Nawaki, who was picked up by his sister, was full of doubts: "Sister, sister? I , Where am I?" His memories of the previous second still remain in the moment when he was killed by the detonating talisman...

"I didn't expect the resurrection hanging to be so easy to use..."

Seeing Nawaki resurrected like this, Li Qing couldn't help showing a smug smile.

Originally, he was also worried that cheating cheats, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.


Here, Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto were surprised when they saw Nawaki, and their faces instantly turned purple.

Orochimaru feels that his cognition of ninjutsu has been challenged unprecedentedly. After all, judging from the ninjutsu information he has mastered, it is impossible to resurrect a dead person.

"This, how is this possible?" Shizune's tone became trembling. As a medical ninja, she knew too well how difficult it is to revive a person.


It seems that the effect of the resurrection hanging is not over yet, as Nawaki appeared first, followed by the other four ninjas slowly walking out of the mist, all wearing the clothes of the Second Ninja World War II, and they looked younger, it seems are resurrected together.

"Okay, this is the effect of five times the critical strike, right? Unexpectedly, the resurrection can also be five times..." Li Qing looked at the four irrelevant people, and was a little speechless, but he didn't care about these, he His eyes fell on Orochimaru, and then he smiled, "Orochimaru, it's time to fulfill your promise. I believe that you, one of Konoha Sannin, will not go back on your word, right?"

Yakushi Kabuto was about to take out Kunai's hand from his waist.

"What do you want?" Orochimaru reached out to stop Yakushi Kabuto's movement, and instead asked with interest.

Orochimaru has a little bit of interest in the kid in front of him, of course, it's not the power of the container!.

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