The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 203: I Want Your Grass Pheasant Sword! (Fifth Update!)

"For your trash, I only want one thing." Li Qing smiled faintly, "That is the artifact, the Grass Pheasant Sword!"

"Grass Pheasant Sword! Are you looking for death?"

Hearing this, Yakushi Kabuto was furious. This Kusanagi sword is a treasure that Orochimaru has worked so hard to get. This kid wants the Kusanagi sword, and it is clear that he wants to insult Orochimaru! He took out Kunai and was about to take it, but was caught Orochimaru held out his hand to stop it.

"Hehehe, I didn't expect there to be such a smart guy." Unexpectedly, Orochimaru was not angry at all, but had a strong smile on his face, "I, Orochimaru, am willing to admit defeat, and I will give you the Kusanagi Sword! "

Hearing this, Yakushi Kabuto panicked and was about to stop Orochimaru, but he threw the Kusanagi sword in front of Li "200" Qing like trash.


As expected of an artifact, the Grass Pheasant Sword, it landed obliquely on the ground when it fell lightly, only to raise waves of smoke and dust.

Under the sunlight, the grass pheasant sword refracts the soul-stirring cold light, giving people an extremely sharp feeling.

"Is this the Grass Pheasant Sword?"

Li Qing originally thought that Orochimaru would get angry, and then a fight would break out, but he didn't expect it to be so straightforward. He held the [Grass Pheasant Sword] in his hand, and only felt a faint cold feeling coming from the palm of his hand , the entire sword seems to have no weight, and it can be slashed at will. But when he clenched the hilt of the sword, he felt another feeling, as if he was holding a world in his hand.

In the original book, even if the ape demon is slightly scratched by the grass pheasant sword, it will be injured. It is conceivable how sharp this weapon is.

At this time, Li Qing subconsciously checked the attributes of [Grass Pheasant Sword].

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] just made a bet with [Orochimaru] and won an artifact [Grass Pheasant Sword]. Congratulations to him!

As soon as the announcement came out, many players subconsciously clicked on the attributes of [Grass Pheasant Sword].

It doesn't matter if they don't look at it, they all gasped when they saw it!

【Grass Pheasant Sword】: Together with 【Eight-foot Mirror】 and 【Eight-foot Qiong Quyu】, it becomes one of the three god-tier tools, and it also symbolizes the sovereignty of the country. When the emperor ascended the throne, if there were no these three things Will not get permission, and the alias of the Grass Pheasant Sword is also called [Tian Congyun Sword], the blade is extremely sharp, and the blade is unstoppable.

Attack power: 2500 + user's level * 15, attack speed +50%, movement speed +50%, and comes with [active skills]: Grass Pheasant Sword: Sora Tairen: You can freely manipulate the Grass Pheasant Sword, let the grass The pheasant sword flies in the sky, kills powerful enemies, and causes 200% multi-stage damage to enemies.

"Nimma, that's a lot of damage!"

"I'm sorry, if I have this weapon, let alone an elite-level boss, even a lord-level one will be like cutting melons and vegetables!"

"If I remember correctly, the Uchiha blue god-tier already has three artifacts, right? Nima, now there is another one!"

"It's true that people are more angry than people. In addition, I'm curious how he made the bet, and he even got a magic weapon!"

"Maybe it's because of the anger that brushed up the favorability? I don't know..."

It has to be said that compared to [Decapitating Broadsword] and [Explosive Knife Spray], the attribute of [Grass Pheasant Sword] can be described as pervert, and the heaven-defying part is that the attack power is based on the level of the user Let's go, the higher his level, the stronger the damage of the Grass Pheasant Sword, not to mention the ability to use the active skills attached to [Grass Pheasant Sword: Sora no Taiken].

If [Grass Pheasant Sword] cooperates with [Decapitating Broadsword], [Explosive Sword Spray] and other artifacts to perform a four-stage slash all at once, the damage must be quite high.

Thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help being a little excited.

"You didn't get rejected by Grass Pheasant Sword?"

In the distance, seeing Yakushi Kabuto freely using the Kusanagi sword, he couldn't help frowning.

It's not that he didn't try to use the Grass Pheasant Sword, but the strong repulsion made him give up the idea. He didn't expect that Uchiha Qing would pick it up without repulsion.

Orochimaru on the side was also full of surprise, but then showed a faint smile...

"Looks like Grass Pheasant Sword has a new owner!"

Only then did Tsunade let go of his embrace, and protected Nawaki behind him, with a solemn look on his face: "Orochimaru, you also saw that Nawaki was resurrected, so your terms are no longer attractive to me. If you don't want to die here, I advise you to leave now."

Nawaki looked at the people around him suspiciously.

"Aren't you afraid of blood?" Yakushi Kabuto frowned, and a cold light flashed in Orochimaru's eyes.

"Nawaki's resurrection has cured my hemophobia. So if you don't want to force me to do it, you should leave as soon as possible. Seeing that we have been fighting together for so many years, I, Tsunade, will let you go!" Tsunade said sharply.

"It seems that violence is the only option." Orochimaru sneered, licking his lips with his scarlet tongue.

"Hehe, there is actually a battle here!" Another teasing voice came, and Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto rushed over and stood beside Tsunade.

"Konoha Sannin, we just got together like this. But I didn't expect it to be this way." Jiraiya's tone was full of blandness, which seemed to be hiding something, "Tsunade, I've heard about you, if you really want to help Orochimaru, then I will not hesitate to attack you 3.2. are still on this side in the end. Also, Uchiha Qing, your performance makes me, a teacher, very pleased."

"Unexpectedly, Jiraiya, your apprentice is actually a genius like Uchiha Qing. Aren't you afraid that the pearl will be dusted?" Orochimaru licked his lips again, and mocked, "In this case, we have to fight to win!" A mist rose from under his feet, and a giant snake appeared instantly. It was his Summoning Beast Ten Thousand Snakes!



As soon as the snakes came out, Tsunade and Jiraiya also summoned their own Summoning beasts!

At this moment, the players in the surrounding area all received a reminder of a mission!.

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