The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 204: Large Confrontation Mission, Sannin Gather! (First Update!)

The content of the task is very simple: let the player choose the faction to help.

1: Help Orochimaru heal his hands and defeat Tsunade and Jiraiya!

2: Help Tsunade and Jiraiya fight off Orochimaru and fight off the incoming enemy Orochimaru!

All the players couldn't help being stunned when they received this task!

After being stunned for a moment, they finally realized that there was another confrontation mission!

At the same time, players from the five hidden villages of the five great countries also received the same task, and almost instantly, they stepped onto the portals opened by their respective hidden villages and swarmed to sit!

[World Channel]: System Announcement: Konoha Sannin [Orochimaru], [Tsunade], [Jiraiya] gathered in [Banchu Street], and there will be a Kage-level battle. Please choose the camp you want to help and help Sannin Win the final battle, and the winning party will win a large amount of experience rewards!

Faced with the unexpected task, basically many players subconsciously chose to help Orochimaru. After all, this one is the planner of Konoha’s collapse plan, and he must have extraordinary strength. In addition, Nima, who is Tsunade? Who is Jiraiya? Basically, many players have never heard of 13 players.

Soon, the players who chose to help the Orochimaru camp successfully received the mission, sat on the portal, and rushed here quickly.

On the other side, many players also chose to stand on the side of Tsunade and Jiraiya, and also boarded the portal and rushed over.

In just a few minutes, the originally peaceful Bamboo Street was immediately filled with players rushing in. The players were like locusts passing through the border, and the places they passed turned into rotten bricks and broken tiles!

The next moment, the players saw the huge Summoning beast summoned by Sannin, and they couldn't help being frightened and gasped!

With the middle battlefield as the boundary, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade are the leaders of this mission. The players of the two camps are quickly divided into two parts. Looking from a distance, there is a large area of ​​darkness, which gives people an extremely shocking feeling!

The next moment, with the shots of Orochimaru and Tsunade and others, all players moved at this moment!

A great battle broke out just like that, just like the gang siege battle in the previous life, but the number of people was hundreds of times and thousands of times larger! For the first time, the number of people on both sides was evenly matched.

Player against player.

Orochimaru on Tsunade, Jiraiya.

Yakushi Kabuto takes on Uzumaki Naruto.

"Get rid of Uchiha Qing first!" In the crowd, several [Pirates of the Caribbean Alliance] players from the Orochimaru camp almost killed the players from the Jiraiya camp instantly as they passed by, rushing over at an extremely fast speed.

"Pirates of the Caribbean?" Li Qing frowned, and the Grass Pheasant Sword spontaneously flew around him. Before the Pirates of the Caribbean charged, it appeared behind their captain in an instant, killing them with one blow!

His speed was so fast that the other companions didn't even realize it. When they did, the captain was dead!

Shocked, the Grass Pheasant Sword made another move. Every flicker of cold light could take away the life of a player and shatter it into gold coins and equipment all over the floor.

The so-called elite players of the Pirates of the Caribbean Alliance, Super God Alliance, Island Alliance and other alliances who thought they were invincible couldn't even withstand one of his moves. In just a few rounds, they all died under Li Qing's Grass Pheasant Sword .

Facing the players who were still swarming in, he spouted a mouthful of Great Fireball Technique.

Under the raging flames, the flames covering the sky and the sun killed countless players in an instant, causing super high damage, turning a large number of players into gold coins and equipment, and the dead could not die anymore.

The death toll of players is rising rapidly, and Uchiha Qing's name has been ranked at the top of the killing list from beginning to end, and his position is unshakable!

In a short while, his number of kills reached an astonishing 30,000, and more than 30,000 players died in his hands, and the number is still increasing rapidly!

Players from all over the world, facing Li Qing's almost invincible crushing posture, can only tremble with fear, and then die in panic!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] killed 35,632 players in the large-scale confrontation mission [Sannin Gathering], and the morale of the players in the Jiraiya camp increased. Please go ahead and kill them!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] killed 37,632 players in the large-scale confrontation task [Sannin Gathering], and the morale of the players in the Jiraiya camp increased. Please go ahead and kill them!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] killed 38,632 players in the large-scale confrontation task [Sannin Gathering], and the morale of the players in the Jiraiya camp increased. Please go ahead and kill them!

There are three system announcements, showing that the number of players in the Orochimaru camp has dropped sharply.

And as the morale of the Jiraiya camp rises, [System Announcement] is issued again.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Due to the morale increase of the Jiraiya camp, Uzumaki Naruto has learned 【Rasengan】! Tsunade has opened 767 【Hundred Healings Mark】! Orochimaru wants to escape!

As soon as they saw this announcement, players from the Orochimaru camp almost threw their online game helmets angrily, wanting to cry without tears!

If they knew that Uchiha Qing was in the Jiraiya camp, damn, who would choose the Orochimaru camp? The players in the Orochimaru camp simply stopped fighting, gave up the mission, and left quickly.

The players in the Jiraiya camp here are all excited and proud of their wise choices.

At this time, accompanied by a loud sound, Uzumaki Naruto suddenly practiced Rasengan with Shadow Clone in an extremely unfavorable state where one hand was pierced by Yakushi Kabuto's Kunai, and then threw Rasengan fiercely To Yakushi Kabuto's chest.

An attack of more than 200,000 was launched in an instant, fully killing nearly one-sixth of Yakushi Kabuto's blood volume, and Yakushi Kabuto flying upside down left a long slippery mark on the ground.

Then Yakushi Kabuto stood up slowly, and the lost blood recovered extremely quickly: "My cells can regenerate quickly, and your Rasengan is not my opponent, Uzumaki Naruto, take your life!"

Just at this moment, Li Qing's voice suddenly sounded: "Yakushi Kabuto, I've been upset to see you for a long time! Give me a trick!".

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