The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 205: Yakushi Kabuto Who Has No Ability To Fight Back!

Hearing Uchiha Qing's voice, Yakushi Kabuto sneered subconsciously: "Hehe, do you want to die here with Uzumaki Naruto?"

With strength comparable to Kakashi's, he doesn't look down on Uchiha Ao and Uzumaki Naruto, two brats.

But soon, Yakushi Kabuto restrained the sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flashed a look of astonishment!

He felt a terrifying gust of wind hit him fiercely! It made him feel an extremely strong threat to his life.

"What? So fast!?"

When Yakushi Kabuto found Li Qing's figure, 【Grass Pheasant Sword】had turned into a ray of cold light and killed him. The strong and suffocating pressure instantly pressed against Yakushi Kabuto's chest like a huge stone, making him He had difficulty breathing and was suffocating.

For such an instant, Yakushi Kabuto instantly felt the threat of death!

There was an instant seriousness on his face.

"Chakra Scalpel!"

As expected of Yakushi Kabuto, even in such an unfavorable state, he could instantly gather Chakra in the palm of his hand, forming a sharp scalpel, and with the sharpness of the scalpel, he slashed out fiercely.

Immediately there was a bang, and his Chakra Scalpel unexpectedly blocked the sharpness of the Grass Pheasant Sword.

While Yakushi Kabuto secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was shocked to find that the attacking Li Qing had turned into a bubble, apparently only a Shadow Clone.

This made his face change slightly, and he turned his head subconsciously.

But the real Li Qing had already chopped out the 【Grass Pheasant Sword】, and the unstoppable cold light shrouded Yakushi Kabuto, causing unimaginable damage almost instantly.


A total of more than 400,000 points of damage instantly wiped out one-third of Yakushi Kabuto's blood volume, and Yakushi Kabuto, who was hit by the grass pheasant sword, retreated quickly to avoid further damage.

"Healing Jutsu"~!"

As soon as he landed, Yakushi Kabuto hurriedly used Healing Jutsu, and then a green number appeared above his head: "+201141!"

The lost blood volume recovered nearly half in an instant.

Seeing this Yakushi Kabuto who can increase blood for himself, Li Qing couldn't help thinking that when he was fighting a boss in his previous life, the most annoying thing was to meet such a guy who could increase his blood with a high explosive rate, and it was almost the rhythm of group destruction.

This Yakushi Kabuto has more than 200,000 HP as soon as he recovers. If it is replaced by him, it can be killed, but if it is replaced by other players, let alone a team of 100 people, it is just a rune.

The team is not against Yakushi Kabuto either?

"I have to say that your Grass Pheasant Sword is very strong...but..."

Yakushi Kabuto sneered, ready to seal his hands again, and used [Yin Heals Injury] to gather Chakra all over his body to guard against Li Qing's next attack.

But before he finished the [Jie Yin], Li Qing's face was already close to him, the sharp blade of the [Grass Pheasant Sword] was filled with scorching flames, and his whole body was like a flickering thunder. [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] is turned on.

Uchiha Flow: Sword Leap Flame!

Another hit!


The sharp Grass Pheasant Sword pierced Yakushi Kabuto's chest. The moment Li Qing stood up, Yakushi Kabuto was ruthlessly knocked away, and his blood volume dropped a lot!

A skid mark appeared, and Yakushi Kabuto's body slammed into several walls before barely stopping. Despite regenerative cells at hand, Yakushi Kabuto wants to recover

Still need a lot of time.

"Okay, so strong... Is this a power that Chūnin can burst out of?"

Yakushi Kabuto frowned, wiped his lips with difficulty, and then slowly stood up from the ground, ready to use it again (as a fairy art.


Before he recovered his blood volume again, Yakushi Kabuto was shocked to find that there were several steel wires wrapped around his body, which were very secretive, and at the end of the steel wires was Li Qing who was rushing towards him.

"This is it?" Yakushi Kabuto was shocked, and a strong shock rose in his heart! Soon he realized that he was attacked by the suture steel wire of one of the seven members of Mist Shinobi [long knife: sewing needle]! Obviously, the moment he was shot out just now, the steel wire stitched by the long knife had already entangled his body silently.


"Grass Pheasant Sword: Blade of the Sky!"

What Yakushi Kabuto guessed was right, the moment he flew out, Li Qing flew out together with the steel wire of [Long Knife Sewing Stitches].

It's a pity that when Yakushi Kabuto reacted, it was too late!

As he shook the [Long Knife Stitch], those steel wires that appeared silently instantly trapped Yakushi Kabuto's body firmly and tied it there, and the next moment, the Kusanagi sword turned into light and flew away out, piercing Yakushi Kabuto's chest again!

In the state of [Sewing], Yakushi Kabuto's body could not move at all, and could only be ravaged by Li Qing's Grass Pheasant Sword at will.


In an instant, more than 800,000 points of damage were dealt out like this, Yakushi Kabuto was directly pierced through his body and died, and exploded into gold coins and equipment all over the ground, and a vast amount of item rewards paved the entire ground, shining brightly dazzling.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Qing] successfully killed [Orochimaru]'s right-hand man [Yakushi Kabuto], from (Nuohao Hao) to the start of the large-scale confrontation mission, he has killed 52,321 enemies. To kill the BOSS, players from the Orochimaru camp should kill him quickly!

Seeing the announcement, many players from the Orochimaru camp couldn't help curling their lips, hum, kill Uchiha Qing? Doesn't that mean courting death?

They are not fools!

With the death of Yakushi Kabuto, the eyes of Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were fighting in the distance, all showed a look of shock, especially Orochimaru's eyes were full of complex expressions such as amazement!

".々This, how is it possible..."

Orochimaru knows the strength of Yakushi Kabuto, this kid has the strength of Jōnin, and he has no problem dealing with most Konoha Jōnin.

With Uchiha Qing's strength as a Chūnin, it is impossible to do it....

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