The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 206: Exchange Mangekyō Sharingan! (Third Update!)

"Uchiha Qing, you really make me look forward to it more and more!"

Orochimaru smiled coldly and couldn't deny it, turned around and took Summoning Beast Ten Thousand Snakes away, planning to leave.

"Want to run?"

"Orochimaru, today is your death day!"

Seeing that Orochimaru was about to leave, Jiraiya and Tsunade quickly turned into lights and rushed up, trying to stop Orochimaru from leaving. You must know that if Orochimaru exists, the threat to Konoha Village will be one day longer. If such a character wants him to leave in vain, God knows what will happen.


Orochimaru pouted disdainfully, if he wanted to leave, Jiraiya and Tsunade couldn't keep him.

Seeing that the seal formed by his hands was about to be completed, a smiling face suddenly appeared in front of him, it was Li Qing holding 【Grass Pheasant Sword】.


I don't know why, seeing Li Qing, Orochimaru's pupils shrank, revealing traces of blood streaks, and the next moment, [Grass Pheasant Sword] turned into lightning and slashed fiercely from Orochimaru's forehead.


Obviously, Orochimaru's defensive power is much higher than that of Yakushi Kabuto, but he still hits the heaven-defying damage of more than 300,000 points.

"So fast!"

"so fast!"

Jiraiya and Tsunade only felt that a figure appeared in front of them in a blink of an eye, so fast that even they Kage-level masters couldn't react for a while.

When they reacted,【Grass Pheasant Sword】has already split Orochimaru's body!

"do you died?"

The two were stunned for a moment, then shook their heads. With Orochimaru's cunning, how could it be so easy to eliminate?

While they were thinking, a small snake appeared on the ground and sneaked into the cave, and it was never seen again.


One second after the little snake left, the Grass Pheasant Sword slashed down fiercely, but it missed the little snake and let him run away successfully.

"Damn it!"

Li Qing was a bit regretful that he couldn't kill Orochimaru. If he could kill Orochimaru here with the power of Konoha Sannin, maybe he could get some top-quality equipment, or S-level Forbidden Technique scrolls, which are very useful possible.

But it was clear that Orochimaru was too cunning and his plan fell through.

But just after Orochimaru left, a system prompt came from his ear: "Congratulations, you have successfully repelled Orochimaru, making the Jiraiya camp finally win, and the system will reward you with 1 million points! Other players will also get different points according to the number of enemies killed.”

"Auto picking...

"Congratulations, under the effect of [five times reward], you have obtained 5 million points.

"You got ** points of experience!"

"You got HP potion*15.

"You got MP potion*15.

"You got [Rare Level] [War God Armor]."

"You got [Rare Level] [Super God Belt]."

The vast number of rewards instantly maxed out the entire message interface, and the dazzling array of equipment filled his inventory in an instant, and the golden light on his body was also bursting out, and his level was constantly rising, rising...

In just a few breaths, his level has risen from 340 to 355, a full 15 levels, and all attributes have been improved again!

Li Qing simply checked the inventory, and found that after killing so many players and the lord-level boss Yakushi Kabuto this time, he got a total of 21 pieces of [rare level] equipment, 25 pieces of [advanced] equipment, C 20 grade ninjutsu scrolls, 16 B grade ninjutsu scrolls (bdag) scrolls, 1 A grade ninjutsu scroll, and the rest are some supplies, such as a large amount of blood recovery HP30, a large amount of MP potion 28, basically It's all junk equipment.

"Nimma, Laozi killed Yakushi Kabuto, and didn't get a good piece of equipment or scroll?"

Li Qing was a little depressed, and finally found a few more A-level ninjutsu scrolls in the corner of the inventory, still three.

A-level ninjutsu scroll [Healing Jutsu], A-level ninjutsu scroll [Yinjutsu], A-level ninjutsu scroll [Inner Body Healing], the front is two more auxiliary ninjutsu, and the latter one [Inner Body Healing] 】, which is a scroll that is partial to recovery.

After thinking about it briefly, Li Qing saved the first two A-level ninjutsu scrolls for Cheng Mengmeng to use, and clicked on the [Physical Healing] scroll to use directly.

"You have learned [Internal Healing]. When your body is attacked, it will automatically consume Chakra to heal. Since your body is still flowing with the blood of the Uzumaki family, your current blood recovery is 4% and consumes 1% per second. Chakra per second."

Seeing the 4% blood recovery data, Li Qing couldn't help being overjoyed. Doesn't this mean that as long as he doesn't die all of a sudden, then he can rely on the amazing speed of blood recovery, recover full blood within 25 seconds, and fight again. It has to be said that the attribute is heaven-defying.

Uzumaki's bloodline also had the effect of returning blood before, but it was only 2%. This 4% is no longer comparable to the former, which means another layer of insurance for his life.

After finishing everything, Li Qing glanced at the points in the inventory, and found that there were 500 points just obtained. Coincidentally, a [Points Exchange Merchant] just popped up in the distant system

A large number of players gathered there, exchanging points. From time to time, golden lights could be seen emerging from the players' bodies, successfully leveling up.

Obviously, many things can be exchanged through exchange merchants.

"What can five million points be exchanged for?"

Li Qing is looking forward to it!

He couldn't wait to talk to the points merchant, and soon, a bullet box appeared, and every item was clearly listed, a dazzling array of items, including equipment, ninjutsu, blood succession limit, and experience, with a complete range.

Li Qing was not interested in ninjutsu, so he didn't stay for long, but quickly turned to the page of [Blood Succession Boundary] to see if he could upgrade his Sharingan.

【Mangekyō Sharingan (one)】: Five million points, need【Three Tomoe Sharingan】, different owners have different abilities. When the player gets 【Mangekyō Sharingan】, they will activate 100% of the attributes of their Sharingan, and randomly possess the ability of special attributes such as time, space, illusion, five elements, yin and yang!.

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