The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 207: Open Eyes, Li Qing's Sharingan's Special Ability! (Fourth Update!)

Seeing that [Mangekyō Sharingan] could only upgrade one eye, Li Qing couldn't help feeling a little depressed, but he was quite happy to be able to upgrade.

In the original book, whether it is Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Madara, etc., they will have their own special abilities after opening the [Mangekyō Sharingan], and this ability is different from the user's own good field. relation.

For example, Uchiha Itachi is good at illusion and flame attack, so he has the abilities of Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu respectively. Uchiha Shisui is good at illusion, so he has the "Distinguished Heavenly Gods" of mental attack Ultimate, which are related to the user's good field, but in When using Mangekyō Sharingan, the user's pupil power will be consumed continuously, making him blind step by step, unless the brother's Sharingan is transplanted and evolved into 【Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan】.

"So, what exactly is my ability?"

Thinking of this, Li Qing became even more curious, and immediately spent 5 million points to buy [Mangekyō Sharingan (one)].

Soon, a system message rang in his ears: "Congratulations, your left eye has successfully broken through and turned into [Mangekyō Sharingan], with a special [Time] ability that can control time.

"Control time?" Li Qing was taken aback when she heard this, and then she was overjoyed.

In the original book, after Uchiha Madara possessed [Rinnegan], the ten tailed beasts were injured by Uchiha Madara before they even reacted. He always suspected that [Rinnegan] gave Uchiha Madara the ability to manipulate time and freeze time, and The shadows that Sasuke and Naruto saw are the traces left by manipulating and freezing time.

So he has always thought that the Hokage world has the ability to [manipulate time], but he never thought that he would actually activate it!

[Time Freeze]: This is the exclusive [Mangekyō Sharingan] ability of the player [Uchiha Qing], which allows the player to put all creatures within a certain range into a static state of time and cannot move, and the user can roam freely in the time and space where time is still attack. Time freezing duration: 3 seconds, range of freezing: 50 yards, will consume 3 points of pupil power

40% Stamina and 40% Chakra.

It has to be said that the attribute is very pervert, but the consumption of ninjutsu is also extremely high. It actually consumes a full 40% of the Chakra amount and 40% of the physical strength, which means that he can use this technique twice in a row at most, and then he will be weak Incomparably, the whole body can no longer move. You must know that when the physical strength is only 20%, it means that the human body has entered a severe dehydration state, and if it is less than 10%, it will be on the verge of death.

The consumption of [Time Freeze] can be seen as Madara.

While Li Qing was thinking, the news of his successful upgrade of [Sharingan] also spread throughout the world channel.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Player [Uchiha Qing] spent 5 million points break through [Three Tomoe Sharingan], successfully owned a [Mangekyō Sharingan], and possessed the ability to control time, please make persistent efforts of other players!

"【Mangekyō Sharingan】? What the hell is that!?"

"It looks amazing just by hearing the name..."

"I think it should be a very powerful pupil technique? I remember that Uchiha Itachi seems to have opened 【Mangekyō Sharingan】!"

"Fuck! Uchiha blue god-tier is indeed Uchiha blue god-tier!"

"Gang Mama asked me why I was kneeling and talking!"

After the announcement, there was a series of surprises and discussions.

Li Qing, who has long been accustomed to this, silently dismissed the dialog box of [Points Redemption Merchant.

Many players wanted to run over to see what Li Qing's eyes look like, and how Mangekyō Sharingan is different from normal eyes, but they were quickly scared away by his fierce eyes.

As the players redeemed their respective points, the large-scale confrontation mission finally came to an end, and the players scattered on the portal and sent back. Soon Li Qing was the only one left in Baanchu Street.

"That... Tsunade... cough cough." Maybe it's because I haven't seen Tsunade for a long time, Jiraiya's heart beat a little faster for a while, her face was a little red, and she stood there stuttering for a long time, unable to speak Here comes the word.

Li Qing smiled and quickly helped Jiraiya untie the siege: "Master Tsunade, we want you to come back to Konoha Village with us and help us heal Mr. Kakashi. He was hit by Uchiha Itachi's Tsukuyomi Technique and has not recovered yet. come over.

...asking for flowers...

"Yes, yes! Uchiha Ao is right!"

As soon as Li Qing opened his mouth, Jiraiya immediately echoed, "What I was going to say, was preempted by this kid!" Although he said this, his face was full of gratitude.

"Hmph, don't I know about Jiraiya's flamboyant guts? Come on, I haven't returned to Konoha for a long time anyway, so I'll go back with you!" Tsunade looked at Jiraiya speechlessly. Don't look at Jiraiya's lust, but she has never dared to look directly at her feelings. Now that Jiraiya is single, how can she not see why?

It's a pity that Jiraiya is not the person she likes, and she has nothing in common with her. Thinking of this, she feels a little bit lost.

"Ah, it's really great that you want to come back to Konoha with us!"

Jiraiya immediately jumped up excitedly like a child. Li Qing looked at Jiraiya speechlessly, and quickly gestured to him not to be so stupid. Jiraiya seemed to have not seen it, and was still jumping excitedly.

"..." Li Qing turned around with a look of disgust, with an expression of shame on her companion.

And Tsunade was also speechless, saying to Jiraiya that you haven't grown up after so many years... The favorability in his heart has dropped a little bit.



The most mysterious place in the world.

Silently put [Uchiha Qing] information on the table again, a mysterious middle-aged man slowly stood up.

"Go get ready, the last time was the data synchronization between online game characters and players, this time, it is the synchronization between the online game world and the real world!"

"There's got to be a day like this, isn't it?"

After giving instructions to the assistant, the mysterious middle-aged man finally slowly revealed his eyes.

It turned out to be——

Mangekyō Sharingan Few!.

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