The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 209: In Front Of Ninjas, Humans Are Scum (First Update!)

After a few simple exchanges with Feng Hua Xiaoxue and Sha Mei, Li Qing made a [Body Flicker Technique] seal and disappeared without a trace.

When he appeared again, it was already at the entrance of the villa area. The guards guarding the surrounding area were completely unaware of it, and then they saw an additional person not far away.

"Mr. Uchiha Qing, you..." The officer at the door was a little surprised.

"Lead the way." Li Qing said calmly without any nonsense.

Upon hearing this, the officer's face immediately showed a hint of joy and excitement.

You must know that their commander has mentioned Uchiha Ao's god-tier name countless times. If Uchiha Ao doesn't go, the headquarters will send someone to invite him.

"Please come with me!" The officer made a gesture of invitation, and the guards guarding both sides of the street also lined up in two lines at this moment, respectfully making way.

"Salute!" the officers said in unison, and then raised their right hands in unison!

Being able to enjoy this posture, this 13-year experience is not in vain, right? Li Qing smiled slightly and was about to leave. Suddenly, his [Mangekyō Sharingan] spun violently, and the three officers not far away took out their weapons. The moment the gun was fired, a Body Flicker Technique flashed past without warning.

The Pheasant Sword was shot out in an instant. The three officers still maintained stiff smiles on their faces, and fell to the ground with a plop. They could no longer die. It can be clearly seen that they were holding unlit weapons in their hands. Mini explosives, and immediately, the faces of the three officers changed and turned into several black men.

"Ah! This?"

"Good, so dangerous..."

"When did you sneak in?"

Everything happened too fast, and when the officers reacted, they found that the battle was over. When seeing those black people, even a fool could guess that someone was probably using the [Body Replacement Technique] to get into the crowd, trying to ignite explosives and take Li Qing away, but unfortunately... ... Li Qing discovered them immediately and prevented their plot from succeeding.

"Are these special forces from South Asia? Look at the calluses on their hands. They must be special forces who have been trained for at least five years!" The officer stepped forward and inspected the three of them. "I will report this matter to the military. Mr. Uchiha Qing is the wealth of our country, and these people must not be allowed to get involved."

"The battle is not over." As soon as the officer finished speaking, Li Qing's voice slowly came to mind, and he gradually cast his deep eyes on the five figures approaching in the distance.

The leader was very familiar to Li Qing. He was Tianba, the captain of the [Super Seminary Alliance]. The other companions seemed to be members of the [Super Seminary Alliance] as well.

Several people are holding several laser swords in their hands. It is the technology of the new era that uses the powerful vibration force of electromagnetism to generate a particularly hard material, which is carefully crafted.

"Who are you!?"

The officer frowned and was about to give the order to shoot, but Li Qing waved his hand: "They are all wearing special body armor. Ordinary bullets cannot penetrate them. Moreover, they are all wearing special body armor."

In the world of online games, their levels are very high, and their enhanced data are also very pervert. They are not something you can easily deal with. "

Hearing this, the officer frowned and lowered his hand that was ready to shoot.

"Uchiha Ao, I finally found you. We lost to you in the online game world, but in this real world we may not... Each of us uses the world's most cutting-edge technological equipment. ………”

Before he could finish speaking, a gust of wind swept past, and the five people subconsciously covered their faces.

When the strong wind stopped and Tianba and others opened their eyes again, only two of the five elite players were left. The other three were split in half by Li Qing's sword and turned into a puff of blood mist.

"How is this possible?" Tianba's face was full of disbelief.

His companion was wearing a miniature steel armor that could not be cut even by a laser. Did this person cut it in half in an instant?

"As I said, in front of God, everything produced by humans is just fragile paper." Li Qing shook the Kusanagi sword in his hand, "And ninjas are powerful humans who are moving towards God. "

He is familiar with the original work. A Ōtsutsuki Kaguya can activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi Technique, allowing people all over the world to enter an infinite illusion. A single Tsukuyomi can have the terrifying power to destroy several cities. This is not comparable to the current technology of mankind. of. Even the nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs produced by humans are just an S-level ninjutsu of ninjas.

Moreover, this pheasant sword is one of the three ancient god-tier weapons. How can it not be able to cut through small steel plates?


Tianba was speechless now.

He originally thought that relying on human technology and the five of them, he could easily take away Uchiha Qing's life, but now it seems that he has thought too much.

Under Uchiha Ao's miraculous power, these people are like fish on the cutting board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Go back!"

720 Li Qing smiled coldly, and with a pop, the companions beside Tianba were also killed, turning into a puff of blood mist, "I will spare your life today, and let those arrogant guys know , the price of irritating me.”

"As the king of the game, I, Tianba, have never admired anyone, but today, I have learned something. However, I regard your forgiveness as an insult." After that, Tianba picked up the laser gun and stabbed it into his chest. In unwillingness, he died completely and ended his gaming career.

"Just deal with it here."

Li Qing stood with her hands behind her back, turned around and spoke to a few officers who were still stunned, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

When Li Qing reappeared, he was behind a middle-aged man wearing a cloak of the Uchiha clan, and this middle-aged man had the same eyes as him, Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Unexpectedly, you still discovered me." A somewhat vicissitudes of voice slowly sounded, "It seems that you already know very well that I am the producer of the online game Hokage, and I exist like a GM."

Uchiha God, unknown player, level ????, box.

Li Qing had noticed him just now when he was taking action, so when he had solved everything, he teleported over!

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