The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 210: The Gm Who Owns Mangekyō Sharingan! (Second Update!)

"Who are you anyway?"

Li Qing squinted her eyes, her heart full of vigilance.

At the moment, he could clearly feel an inexplicable pressure squeezing his chest, making it difficult to breathe and suffocating him.

He had never felt this feeling from anyone else, not even Kage-level Orochimaru.

For some reason, he felt that the man in front of him was ten times and a hundred times stronger than Orochimaru, at least a ninja of Uchiha Madara level...

But what makes him even more curious is that he is the only player of the Uchiha tribe in the online game world. This person is obviously an existing Uchiha tribesman. Could it be that the Hokage world really existed in this world? Otherwise, there is no way to connect to all this. ...The key is that this Uchiha tribesman actually claims to be a GM-like existence, the developer of the Hokage online game.

What does he want to do when he comes?

Instinctively, Li Qing reached for the Pheasant Sword from her waist, ready to fight at any time.

God knows what the man in front of him is going to do, he must plan ahead!

"It seems that I have just told you that I am the producer and GM of the Hokage online game." Uchiha God's faint tone sounded again, full of traces of the vicissitudes of eternity, as if this man had experienced too many horrible things. , "You can call me God Uchiha. After all, you and I are also members of the Uchiha clan."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he frowned involuntarily: "Yi Ping accepts it."

But then he thought that he was also a time traveler, coming from hundreds of years ago, so what could possibly happen in this world?

"I believe you have noticed that the last zombie outbreak has set off the beginning of the end of the world." God Uchiha said this, his eyes flashed with a chill, "And I believe you also obtained some confidential information from the Chinese military. , but the information they got is not complete... let's get straight to the point. I came here today to see if the chosen one I selected is satisfactory and if it is enough for me to put out enough money. courage"". "

"The Chosen One?" Li Qing frowned.

"Yes, in fact, before the online game world overlaps with the real world, the purpose of this online game is to select the strongest chosen ones from countless players to save the earth that is about to suffer countless disasters." God Uchiha Having said this, [Mangekyō Sharingan] spun rapidly.

"So, what happens after the online game world and the real world overlap?" After seeing the zombies that time, Li Qing had some awareness in his heart. He was not surprised when he heard Uchiha God's words.

"After the coincidence, the earth will open a new chapter." God Uchiha said and looked into the distance, "In fact, in a few hundred years, the Hokage world will suffer extremely serious damage, and your current earth will be destroyed at the same time. world, so in order to avoid this, I brought all the information from the Hokage world here again, preparing to train the humans in this world into ninjas to avoid the end of the world. And the important task of guiding the world naturally fell on the chosen one on the person."

Hearing this, Li Qing was a little dizzy for a moment. After all, what Uchiha God said was too transcendental and a bit beyond cognition.

"You will understand soon. I just hope that after you become the chosen one, you can stand side by side with humans all over the world." God Uchiha took a deep breath, "At the same time

I find that there seems to be another power in you that can change everything in the Hokage online game... I also want to see what it is. "

Uchiha god is talking about his plug-in, right?

In fact, Li Qing was also extremely surprised by the existence of the plug-in and hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

"With my perception, I can't see through another power in your body. It seems to be a power more powerful than me." God Uchiha shook his head as he spoke, then raised his hand and glanced at the time, "Time It's getting late, it's time for me to go! I believe you, Uchiha Aoki, are a very special chosen one, because I see different qualities in you.

After saying that, Uchiha transformed into Uzumaki and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at his leaving back, Li Qing frowned subconsciously.

He always felt that there was something hidden in God Uchiha, but if he looked carefully, he couldn't catch it at all.

Of course, Li Qing, who has experienced too many things, will not classify him as a "good person" just because of a few words from God Uchiha.

"There are more mysteries and it is more difficult to sort out."

Li Qing smiled bitterly, squinting his eyes and looking at the soldiers looking for him everywhere below, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. I guess there is no need to go to the Chinese military.

At this moment, an exciting voice came to the ears of players all over the world!

[World Channel] System announcement: All Hokage online game players, an [Online Game Helmet] will be automatically generated in your hands. This not only represents your player identity, but also means that your data and the online game world have been synchronized. When your [Online Game Helmet] is intact, you can resurrect in a new area when you die. When your [Online Game Helmet] is destroyed and then killed by someone, you will lose your life, so [Online Game Helmet] is very important, please Keep it carefully.

Next, we will carry out data synchronization work between the two worlds, and will also start the first (Li Zhao) chapter mission after the overlap of the two worlds - [Orochimaru and Sasuke]! Players can get through the mission Experience and items to become more powerful!

The announcement is delivered to the players' ears, and the text will appear in front of their eyes so that the players can see it clearly.

This is the first time that players have seen something that is an online game in the real world, and they can't help but feel a little excited.

At this time, Li Qing also had a key-sized mini helmet on his hand, with the characters "Uchiha Ao" engraved on it. When he put on this mini helmet, a health bar and blood volume were automatically displayed on his head. Under his feet, his name, level, and alliance were displayed.

Li Qing glanced far away, tried to use her thoughts, and found that she could open other people's attribute bar and see other people's status. Everything could be done with just her thoughts!

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