The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 213: What? You Didn't Use Your Full Strength? (Fifth Update!)

Hearing Li Qing's words, Kakashi's face changed slightly.

"What? You didn't use your full strength!?" Kakashi looked at Li Qing and his tone became a little stammering.

In his opinion, Li Qing was able to tie with him, at least he used his full strength. Otherwise, how could Chūnin possibly compete with him, Jōnin, based on his strength alone?

You must know that in the entire Konoha Village, his Kakashi's strength is also at the forefront.

Uchiha, the young boy, even said that he didn't use all his strength. He didn't believe it.

When Sasuke and Naruto on the side heard this, they were so shocked that they almost dropped their jaws. Damn, you performed so well without using all your strength. If you showed your true strength, wouldn't you scare people to death? Fortunately for them, I don’t know how to swear, otherwise I would definitely scold like this.

"Yeah. Yes."

Li Qing nodded slightly, and then his whole body was surrounded by a faint thunder attribute Chakra. Lightning and thunder light kept flashing. From a distance, it looked like a flickering son of thunder and lightning.

"This, this is the Fourth Raikage-sama's Lightning Style Chakra Mode? No, how, how is it possible?!" Kakashi was surprised to see Li Qing's body emitting lightning, and his mouth was so big that he could even fit it in. An egg.

That’s right. I believe that anyone who sees his student who was no match for him a few weeks ago not only possesses the Kusanagi Sword but also learns advanced ninjutsu such as [Lightning Style Chakra Mode], will call him How can you believe it and not be surprised?

As a teacher, for the first time, he felt a dignified experience from his students.

Kakashi has always been called a genius ninja, and was also given the name "Copy Ninja Kakashi". God knows how many ninjas were frightened and ran away just by hearing his name. He is also the core figure in the village. .......

Now seeing Uchiha Ao, Kakashi suddenly felt like "there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world". Kakashi is a genius, but Uchiha Ao is even more talented than him!

"Yes, it is the [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] that Fourth Raikage knows. Mr. Kakashi, if I turn on this mode to fight you, what are your chances of winning?" Li Qing knew that Kakashi still had many ninjutsu that he had not used. Moreover, Kakashi's strength in combat lies in his mental intelligence, but he does not feel that he, who possesses the artifact [Kusako Sword] and has activated [Lightning Style Chakra Mode], is no match for Kakashi.

Moreover, even if Mr. Kakashi uses Kamui, he can completely avoid it with his own speed and is better than Kakashi in physical skills.

"Ahem, cough, let's skip this topic for now." Kakashi did not answer directly, coughed a few times with a guilty conscience, and then pretended to say: "Naruto, Sasuke, I believe you have also seen how powerful Uchiha Qing is. As my Student, Uchiha Qing's achievement is inseparable from his teacher's careful teaching...Well, as a teacher, I am very proud of him, very proud!"

Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke both rolled their eyes at Kakashi, with expressions like "You obviously didn't teach me, but you insist on putting gold on your face."

"Also, Naruto Sasuke, you just used Thunderbird and Rasengan on your companions. This is simply not allowed. Your companions are brothers of life and death who fight side by side. How can you attack them casually?"

Kakashi admonished seriously.

Hearing this, Naruto nodded obediently and explained that he would never dare to do it again. Sasuke, on the other hand, had a look of disdain and indifference.

When little Sakura saw Sasuke like this, she didn't know what was going on, and felt something bad in her heart.

As the only person who witnessed Orochimaru planting a curse seal on Sasuke, she had a vague feeling that Sasuke would leave Konoha Village and look for Orochimaru!

"That's it for today. Go away!"

Kakashi's eyes fell on Sasuke, and he sighed and shook his head.

As the words fell, Naruto, Sasuke and others disappeared in an instant, and Uchiha Ao also left with a smile. If it goes as expected, the four Otogakure who took Sasuke away will appear soon, right?

At this moment, a figure followed.

Li Qing turned around and saw that it was Haruno Sakura, and Haruno Sakura had tears in her eyes.

"Are you here for Sasuke?" Li Qing frowned. He was familiar with the original work and could see through the little girl's thoughts at a glance: "Want me to give some advice to Sasuke?"

"Ah, I know this is a little offensive, but if it's not like this..." Haruno Sakura hesitated for a long time and stammered for a long time before she came up with a few words, "Besides, I am in the Forest of Death..." …”

"I know what you are going to say, but it's best to advise you not to stop Sasuke." Li Qing shook his head, "Besides, why would you like someone who doesn't like you? Naruto likes you so much, don't you think so? Won’t you come out?”

When reading the original novel, Li Qing always complained about the unfairness of Naruto. Even though Naruto had sacrificed so many times for little Sakura, little Sakura still regarded him as a friend.

Even if little Sakura confessed to Naruto in the end, it was because little Sakura was completely disappointed with Sasuke and wanted to use Naruto to forget Sasuke. And many times, it was little Sakura who made trouble that put Naruto's life in danger several times. The key is Yes, it won’t change yet!

For such a girl, although she was really stubborn, he didn't like it and didn't want Naruto to be killed by this silly woman.

"I can see it, but Naruto..." Li Qing interrupted little Sakura before she could finish her words, "Actually, to me, you are not worthy of Naruto."

"W-what did you say?" Little Sakura opened her mouth in surprise, completely unexpected that Li Qing would say such a thing.

"Stay away from Naruto from now on!" After saying these words, Li Qing turned around and left, leaving little Sakura alone in a daze.

Li Qing didn't take more than two steps when she suddenly stopped.

He heard a cry for help, and the voice seemed to be Hanabi's.

Hyuga Hanabi!.

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