The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 214: An Incident Where A Female Anime Character Was Molested? (First Update!)

Li Qing rushed over immediately with a Body Flicker Technique.

Sure enough, in a corner he saw several players with dirty faces trapping a little loli with lewd smiles on their faces.

The trapped little Loli was holding her head and crying in pain, her crying was heartbreaking.

"Hehehe, it's great that the characters in this Hokage world have become a reality. Where can I find such a cute little lolita in the real world? You think so?"

"Yes, these underage little lolita are my best targets!"

"I really want to have a special feast with this little loli right away."

"Hehe, me too!"

Several wretched players looked at Hyuga Hanabi with unscrupulous eyes, only to see Hanabi's face full of fear and fear.

At this time, the leading player took off his clothes and seemed to be preparing for a "hand-to-hand battle", while other players also began to take off their clothes.

There is no need to think about what is going to happen here, it is self-evident.

Suddenly, a voice slowly sounded: "You guys really embarrass us humans. You even bullied the little girl from the anime. Do you have any shame?"

The voice was very light and full of teasing.

Hearing this, several wretched players immediately cast cold glances at Li Qing, with expressions on their faces like "It's a good thing you're pregnant."


The leading player didn't think much and winked at his companion. However, as soon as he finished speaking, several plops were heard, and he was surprised to find that his companions had turned into corpses and exploded into gold coins and equipment.


The leading player's face changed instantly, becoming as pale as paper.

The strength of his companion is still clear. He actually didn't even see clearly how the bad boy in front of him took action. His companion was killed on the spot. This only shows that the strength between him and the boy in front of him is like an insurmountable gap!

Just as he was stunned, the Pheasant Sword easily penetrated his chest. Amid the blood mist, the poor player fell heavily to the ground with unwilling eyes, unable to die any longer.

"So, so strong... You, you, I seem to have seen you somewhere before"!

Hyuga Hanabi looked at the fallen players around him and was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Go back to your home, your father is still waiting for you!" Li Qing smiled, and the system prompts kept ringing in his ears.

Hyuga Hanabi's favorability towards you has increased!

Hyuga Hanabi's favorability towards you has increased!

"This is for you!" Hyuga Hanabi hesitated for a moment, took out a fragment from his bag and handed it to Li Qing: "Father said that as a ninja, you must repay your kindness. I have nothing to repay you, but this Just give it to you!”

Li Qing was stunned, took a look at the fragment, and then took a breath!

[Hyuga Bloodline (Fragment)].

He didn't expect that he could get such a rare thing by acting bravely and saving a beautiful girl for a moment?

"Brother Uchiha Qing, thank you!" Hyuga Hanabi suddenly stood up on his tiptoes, kissed Li Qing hard on the forehead, and then ran away as if running away.

Looking at the little loli Hyuga Hanabi running away, Li Qing couldn't help but laugh a little, and quickly clicked on [Hyuga Bloodline (Fragment)] to use it.

Soon, he felt that his [Sharingan] had improved a lot in perspective and farsightedness, and his blood volume recovery speed also increased from 4% to 6%. Becomes indistinguishable.

While he was thinking, he saw a large number of players approaching in the distance. Each one was aggressive and full of anger. The leading player was the player he had just killed.

"Hey boy, I've invited all the brothers from our [Brother Gang] alliance here. If you don't apologize for what happened just now, don't blame us for being rude!" The leading player shouted with pride on his face. The brothers talked and lit up a cigarette leisurely.

"Apologise? Why am I apologizing?" Li Qing smiled disdainfully. At this time, the players of [Brother Gang] had surrounded him, and everyone took out an ax in their hands.

"If you don't apologize, just hang it here! Anyone who offends us [Brother Gang] will not end well!" the leading player shouted, waving the ax in his hand.

"A bunch of weak scum. Go, Grass Pheasant Sword!"

Li Qing chuckled and closed her eyes. What he hates the most is this group of social dregs who spend their days teasing women and looking for trouble everywhere. The pheasant sword flew out of its scabbard with a clang. When it was retracted, more than a hundred players all died tragically. In a moment, only Killed the player named Xiao.

"You..." The clamoring player's face became even paler, and the trace of pride that appeared on his face just now disappeared.

"What am I? Look at my name clearly and then decide whether to provoke me or not!" Li Qing was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The player subconsciously moved his gaze downwards. When he saw Li Qing's name clearly, he took a deep breath!

"You, you are Uchiha Ao god-tier?" You can hear the shock and regret in the player's tone.

He was so impulsive just now that he didn't even pay attention to what his opponent called and just rushed his brothers to take action. But he didn't expect...


Li Qing punched out and directly knocked the poor player away, smashing several walls (good Zhao) before he stopped in embarrassment, and then died, unable to die. Die again.

"Bah bang bang!"

Suddenly, excited applause came from the surroundings. Several female ninjas who had been teased by [Brothers Gang] looked at Li Qing with admiration. You must know that the players of [Brothers Gang] teased them a lot these days. Some sisters were even almost raped.

Uchiha Ao god-tier's move is very satisfying! It helps them get rid of this bad breath!

Li Qing smiled helplessly and ignored the admiring looks he received. Instead, he applied the [Body Flicker Technique] seal and disappeared instantly.

When he appeared again, he was already in a big tree outside Konoha Village.

At this time, four figures happened to be flying over and landed not far away.

"The four Yinyin people, I have been waiting for you for a long time!".

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