The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 220: One Against A Million! (Second Update!)

While they were in shock, a figure appeared behind them without warning. Almost instantly, Chōji's huge figure was violently knocked away.

Li Qing didn't strike hard, so he just used the hilt of the knife to attack. Otherwise, just this one blow would have killed Chōji suddenly.

"So fast!"

Li Qing's speed was so fast that the five Konoha heroes couldn't catch him.

"They are all hiding from my sight, Uchiha Ao's speed is too fast." Seeing this, Shikamaru quickly issued an order, "Inuzuka Kiba, you and your dog use scent to determine Uchiha Ao's location.

"No, his speed is too fast and the smell is too diffuse." Inuzuka Kiba shook his head, but the puppy under him shivered in fear because Li Qing's breath was too strong.

"Naruto, it seems that only your Shadow Clone can take action!" Shikamaru glanced around with solemn eyes, and finally took a deep breath and said.

"Okay!" Naruto nodded heavily and clenched his fists.

When he left Konoha Village just now, he promised 807 that little Sakura would bring Sasuke back.

Although he knew very well that little Sakura's crush was Sasuke, he couldn't bear to see little Sakura's disappointed expression when Sasuke left.

Who told him to like being small?!

While Naruto was thinking wildly, suddenly Neji said: "Here he comes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Kusanagi Sword turned into cold light and rushed towards Neji and others. The speed was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it.

Neji was about to use Revolving Heaven again to rebound physical attacks, but suddenly found that two fine steel wires appeared under his arms. He didn't know when they appeared.

Just when he was about to release the Chakra all over his body, the steel wire suddenly contracted and wrapped his arms tightly, making him unable to move.

"What? How is it possible?"

With the sudden change, not only Neji's expression changed, but the expressions of other Xiaoqiang also changed slightly.

"When I was using the long knife to sew the needle, I had already hidden the steel wire (afab) in the flames. Just when Neji was avoiding the steel wire, the steel wire of the long knife to sew the needle had locked him." Li Please explain patiently.

He is more focused on games now, and has never thought about killing the top five Konoha heroes.

"That's okay..." Neji was tied up all over and tried to break free from the sutures of the steel wires, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free.

"My steel wire is not so easy to break free." Li Qing chuckled, and his eyes fell on the other people. Without Neji's Revolving Heaven [the others were quite difficult to solve.

After a few rounds passed, except for Uzumaki Naruto who was still standing relying on his Shadow Clone and cleverness, the other weaklings had lost their ability to fight and were tightly bound by stitches and steel wires.

At this moment, Wuyangyang's players rushed into the jungle and quickly stopped the obstacle "Uchiha Ao".

"Sorry, this road is blocked. I will protect Sasuke." Li Qing glanced at him with disdain and said lightly, "If you are unwilling, you can come and try.

Such an arrogant tone made countless players frown in an instant, and a cold look passed through their eyes.

If the person who appeared in front of them was another player, they might have rushed forward, but... what appeared in front of them was the god-tier Zhibo adventurer who was ranked first in the standings!

"I want to die as soon as possible. I'm in a hurry." Li Qing shook her head and closed her eyes.

The players looked at each other and saw that there was only one Li Qing. One of the players raised his arms and shouted: "No matter how powerful Li Qing is, he is no match for our millions of players. We can grind him to death even if we grind him. Brothers, we can all grind him to death." Come on!"

Out of fear of the name Uchiha Qing, no player dared to move for a while, but as more and more players rushed forward, the number of players who wanted to defeat Li Qing to complete the task increased rapidly!

[World Channel] System Announcement: In the [Sasuke Recapture] event, the player Uchiha Qingzheng and millions of Konoha Village players started a decisive battle in Konoha Village (123,134). Who can win in the end? Will Sasuke succeed? Be brought back, let's wait and see!

Those players who were still busy doing tasks in Konoha Village only noticed that a task had appeared, and hurried over to the coordinates, turning into a rapid flow of people.

The number of people is increasing, and the players standing opposite Li Qing are getting stronger and stronger. Facing so many players, he does not have a trace of fear in his heart, just like an eternal lake, unable to make any waves.

Suddenly, countless fireball spells were cast in an instant. The huge Great Fireball that concentrated the Chakra energy of countless players illuminated the dim sky like daylight in an instant.

The next moment, Li Qing's whole body suddenly turned into a ray of cold light, and he jumped up and down among the players.

Every time his Pheasant Sword flashes a gleam of light, the players will be instantly exploded into gold coins and equipment, and will be instantly sent back to the Novice Village.

He is too fast, and he has a heaven-defying blood successor like Sharingan, so the players' attacks can't cause any damage to him at all.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Ao] has defeated all the players and has killed 1344 players! Anyone with lofty ideals, please put an end to him!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Ao] has defeated all the players and has killed 15,346 players! Anyone with lofty ideals please put an end to him!

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Ao] has defeated all the players and has killed 33,144 players! Anyone with lofty ideals please put an end to him!

The system announcement can also be seen by other players in the Hidden Village, and when they saw such terrifying enemy kill data, they all took a breath and were shocked.

Is this something players can do?

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Seeing more and more Konoha players hanging up and going home, Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were red and full of anger.

He, bewitched by Nine Tails, is about to go berserk!

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