The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 221: Rampant Uzumaki Naruto (Third Update!)

Yes, he just ran away!

In the original novel, Nine Tails does mischief everywhere in order to break free from the prison.

Whenever Uzumaki Naruto becomes angry, Nine Tails will take the opportunity to give Naruto some Chakra, driving him into madness and gradually making him lose his mind.

Now that so many players are dead, the whole forest is filled with a strong smell of blood, and several companions have been defeated by Li Qing, Uzumaki Naruto can be said to be extremely angry at this time!

In an instant, he saw the tailed beast's coat quickly surrounding him, like a flowing liquid, while two tails quietly rose up from behind him!

"Two tails!?"

Seeing Naruto entering a berserk state, Li Qing's face changed slightly.

The horror of the Nine Tails tailed beasts is that even Kage-level masters like Jiraiya cannot stop them. Once Naruto enters the Nine Tails state, most ninjas in the ninja world, let alone him, will probably be difficult to deal with.

Although Naruto has only grown two tails now, his combat power has increased several times, so he must be extremely vigilant and seal it quickly.

While he was thinking, a burst of scorching wind suddenly came to his ears, and he saw Uzumaki Naruto lying on the ground. In a moment, he appeared next to him and waved his fist.

No, to be precise, what he wielded was no longer a fist, but the sharp claws of the demon fox!

The claws looked extremely sharp under the Chakra coat, and at this time, Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were full of anger, and there was no possibility of stopping.

[Three Tomoe Sharingan] spun quickly, Li Qing captured Naruto's movements in an instant, and [Kusa Pheasant Sword] shot out instantly, turning into an icy cold light.


The sound of metal collision rang out, and under the dazzling golden light, both Li Qing and the rushing Uzumaki Naruto were instantly blown away, like two broken winds.

"What a powerful force!"

He was very aware of Naruto's own power. With this simple contact, he was shocked to find that Naruto's power increased several times in the berserk state.

Whoosh whoosh!

While he was thinking, Uzumaki Naruto, who was sent flying out, stomped on the ground and ejected again, heading straight towards Li Qing.

Uzumaki Naruto's speed in the rampaging state was simply too fast. Even his Sharingan could not keep up with his speed for a while.

"As expected of the protagonist in the original work!"

Li Qing was not too surprised. After all, as the protagonist of the Hokage ninja, Naruto's strength must be great. Facing Naruto's fast attack, Li Qing entered the [Hydration] state in an instant.

A huge MISS flew out, and Naruto's swift attack failed instantly.

The next moment, Naruto rushed over again, with a rapidly spinning Rasengan on his palm!

"You entered a state of rage, and you didn't even need to summon Shadow Clone?"

Li Qing smiled faintly, and while retreating, he quickly formed seals with his hands and said: Explode fireballs in a row!"

Nowadays, after Li Qing's upgrade, the original explosive fire ball Technique can be fired continuously. Not only is the power doubled, but the damage is also increased a lot.

I saw a fireball similar to a lightning bomb carrying the terrifying explosive power of flames and Lightning Style Chakra. It illuminated the entire sky like daylight almost instantly, as if laser lightning suddenly fell from the sky.

The huge explosive bombs turned into bursts of sharp sounds, rushed towards Naruto at a very fast speed, and then collided hard with the Rasengan!

The two terrifying energies collided suddenly, and there was a deafening bang. The white light carrying the hysterical and terrifying impact also engulfed the center in an instant.

At this moment, countless players were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. A few players were recording live broadcasts, but were instantly engulfed in white light. Players all over the world suddenly saw this horrific scene through the live broadcasts.

The ninja beasts that were dormant around were engulfed in white light before they could escape. Then, huge amounts of gold coins and equipment exploded out, covering the entire land!

0…Please give me flowers‥

Time seemed to have come to a standstill at this moment. The surviving players opened their mouths in shock when they saw the tragedy at the center of the explosion. They were surprised to be able to stuff an egg into their mouths.

The appearance of the white light also made them unable to judge for a while, who won the final victory?

As for Konoha's few strong men, they were also supported and moved away from the center of the explosion.

Naruto's sudden burst of power had to be said to surprise them, but what surprised them even more was the true strength of Uchiha Ao who had been playing with them for so long!

In front of Uchiha Ao, they knew that they could feel the suffocation dormant in Shinigami's abdomen, making it difficult to breathe!

The white light gradually disappeared.

The players gradually heard some collision sounds, and then their pupils shrank, filled with horror.

Following their surprised gazes, one could clearly see that Naruto had three tails growing out of his back at this time, and he was even faster than before. He was constantly fighting Li Qing at close quarters, and from time to time he would be heard. The harsh sound of metal clanging together.

"Three Tails?"

Li Qing once again avoided Three Tails Naruto's attack, took out a bottle of Chakra potion from his bag, and drank it.

Previously, he had fought with four sound ninjas, and with the addition of Konoha's few strong men, his Chakra was already seriously insufficient. However, with the infusion of Chakra potion, his missing Chakra was rapidly recovering.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Suddenly, the berserk Naruto formed a seal.

Almost instantly, Naruto's figure was filled from all directions. Every Naruto's body was wrapped in a tailed beast's coat, and his eyes were full of coldness.

"Have you finally taken it seriously?"

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch into a sneer.

Suddenly, a Naruto suddenly jumped from the sky and punched out fiercely. At the same time, other Narutos also rushed up, using their hands and feet!

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