The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 227: News That Shocked The Whole World (Fourth Update!)

Leaving Kirigakure easily, Li Qing appeared in front of the Akatsuki members and threw Terumi Hu's head in front of them.

"I didn't expect you to be so quick." Hoshigaki Kisame smiled coldly, showing his fish-like teeth, "I didn't expect those guys in Kirigakure to be so lax in their defenses. It's time to write to that little girl Terumi Mei. There is a letter.

"So, Uchiha Ao has passed our Akatsuki test, right?" Scorpio on the side, hunched over, said in a very cold tone, "Captain Payne, please quickly change my companion, this Deidara is completely The muttering is annoying to death."

"Hey! You stinky scorpion, I haven't complained to you yet, and now you're complaining to me! Do you want to taste my "940" C4? Well!" Deidara's face was full of displeasure.

Jumped up.

"Scorpion, are you changing companions? How could you do this? Didn't you see that I don't have a companion yet?" Kakuzu was the one who spoke, "But it's their fault that they are too impatient... I will die after a few tortures."

"Kakuzu, that's enough. Hidan, your partner, is on the way. It is said that this guy is immortal and will never let you kill him. Hehehe..." A clown-like voice rang, and A Fei, who was smiling at the side, laughed.

I’m afraid no one can imagine what kind of terrifying character Ah Fei is under that mask, right?!

"Everyone, please stop." As Payne spoke, everyone in the Akatsuki obediently kept silent.

They have all personally experienced the power of Payne and know how terrifying this guy is, so no one dares to provoke him easily.

"Uchiha Ao, you can complete the task so quickly. To be honest, I am very surprised. With your current strength as Chūnin, it will take a lot of effort to defeat him, and you are surrounded by Kirigakure's guards. Your ability to successfully complete the mission has proven your strength, so you are welcome to join our Xiao organization."

"The purpose of our Akatsuki is very simple, that is to take over the tasks entrusted by all countries, big and small, so that each country will gradually become dependent on our Akatsuki organization, and then force each country to reduce investment in the hidden village, thereby achieving the purpose of weakening the hidden village. This is plan one, and plan two..."

Before Payne could finish speaking, many Akatsuki members were already waving their hands and closing their eyes a little sleepily.

They didn't know how many times they had heard this tone.

"Now that the real world and the online game world are perfectly integrated, we ninjas can also go to the real continent where players are to survive, so I think it is necessary to change my plan, that is, to accept tasks from every corner of the world... …."

Payne looked at the sky in the distance ambitiously, and the icy Rinnegan passed by an icy cold light.

Hearing Payne's words, Li Qing instinctively felt something was wrong.

If Akatsuki is employed by various forces, then... I believe that a world war will soon occur. Fortunately, he chose to join Akatsuki, so that he can get the latest news as soon as possible, thus secretly helping mankind. Otherwise, it is really hard for him to imagine what Payne will do after the two worlds overlap!

I must become stronger!

Thinking of this, Li Qing secretly clenched her fists.

"You can act alone for now. Now everyone has their own partners." Payne thought briefly and nodded to Li Qing: "In the future, our Xiao organization will also attract more players to join. Strive to become the largest and most powerful organization in the world!"

Listening to Payne's ambition, Li Qing was extremely wary, but she didn't show it at all on her face.

At this time, a system announcement was issued on the [World Channel].

After the two worlds overlapped, system announcements only appeared in people's ears.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The player [Uchiha Ao] became a Konoha Village rebel ninja, successfully joined the Akatsuki organization, and became a member of the Akatsuki. Now the Kage from the five major countries have issued a kill order for him. Whoever can kill him Kill the traitorous ninja [Uchiha Ao] and you can get 200 million gold coins and a lot of experience rewards!

As soon as the announcement came out, the whole world was shocked...

Many players subconsciously wiped their eyes to make sure they saw it correctly.

Countless players jumped up in surprise after confirming the answer in their hearts.

"Nani? Konoha player Uchiha Ao actually became a rebel nin? What happened?"

"I'm sorry, Uchiha Ao god-tier, didn't you have a good time staying in Konoha Village? Why do you want to be a rebel ninja?"

"Now that the two worlds have just overlapped, I heard such shocking news, Uchiha Ao god-tier, what's going on... Who can tell me!"

"Every member of the Akatsuki organization is very powerful. For Uchiha Ao god-tier to become an Akatsuki member, he must have passed a very difficult test, right?"

"Hey, Uchiha Ao god-tier has become a member of the Akatsuki organization, so I'm afraid he won't be able to lead us through the mission... Wuwuwu..."

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, although you have become a rebel ninja, we still love you!"

Countless players left comments after the announcement, some were surprised, some were grateful, and some were gloating. At this moment, more than 20 million comments were sent, almost overwhelming the online gaming equipment brought to the players. , the network is also blocked at this moment.

Of course, the Hokage0.7 forum also became popular at the same time. Within a few minutes, Uchiha Ao's topic posts dominated the screen. All players were secretly guessing what Uchiha Ao's god-tier was doing. What.

Of course, Li Qing could not have imagined that just one announcement would instantly make him a hot topic around the world, and he would remain at the top for several days, even crushing the second place's data dozens of times.


The most mysterious military base.

Several generals who had just received the system message were full of doubts and immediately ordered to convene a high-level meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is very simple, that is, to analyze the motivations and purposes of Uchiha Ao's actions, and their impact on the situation in the United States!

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