The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 228: Danzo’S Move (Fifth Update!)

Just as everyone was preparing for the meeting, an old and cold voice suddenly echoed.

"You must be having a headache because of Uchiha Ao, right? Hehehe..."

The sound appeared without warning, as if it suddenly appeared. The officers present felt something instantly and all looked towards the source of the sound.

It doesn't matter if they don't look at it, but when they look at it, they all take a breath of cold air.

Because the visitor wears Konoha Shinobi's forehead protector on their forehead, showing their identity.

Konoha Shinobi!

Yes, it is Konoha Shinobi, especially the leader. Although he looks a bit old, he gives people an unfathomable feeling.

If there were Konoha ninjas present at this time, their eyes would be wide open in surprise, because the visitors are Konoha high-ranking Danzo and his subordinates!

Swish, brush, brush!

05 In an instant, the black gun muzzles were all pointed at the several Konoha Shinobi who suddenly appeared. Looking at this posture, I am afraid that if these people make further movements, they will shoot at any time!

"Is this how you treat guests in America?"

Facing the heavily armed soldiers around him, Danzo did not show any fear in his eyes. Instead, he cast his teasing gaze on the leading officer and spoke slowly.


The leading officer was about to explain something when he saw Danzo suddenly forming seals with his hands and releasing a wind blast, making a "dong-dong-dong" sound. Under the horrific damage, all the heavily armed soldiers around him were blown away. , hit the four walls hard.

Seeing this scene, not only the soldiers were shocked, but even the well-informed officers had faces full of horror!

A strong gust of wind can blow away all the heavily armed soldiers. Is this the power of a true ninja?

A deep sound of inhalation came from the base, and everyone was extremely surprised and shocked.

"Many players in the United States have gained power from the Hokage online game, but in fact, the power gained is only one percent. It is simply impossible to fight against the strong men in the Hokage world. But if you want to Eradicating the Chinese player Uchiha Qing is even more extravagant."

Seeing that he had taken control of the whole place, Danzo used his usual tough method, which was to shock and then persuade, "I believe you have also seen the strength of our roots. I hope you can help me, Danzo, ascend to the position of Hokage. Don't say anything then." What is Uchiha Ao, Uchiha Purple, Uchiha Orange, I, Danzo, also immediately wiped them out with a single order. Oh, no... the word help is not used well, you humans in this world seem to like to use the word transaction very much. "

"Regiment, Danzo?" The leading officer was stunned.

He got some information about Hokage, but he didn't know that Daye actually had the title "Danzo".

"It's a long story. How about we talk in detail?" Danzo was silent for a moment and waved his hand.

"That's perfect!" The officer hesitated for a moment and nodded heavily.

In fact, for them, they really needed the help of strong men like Danzo, but... they didn't dare to take action rashly before they understood the strong man's temper, but they didn't expect that someone would come to him on their own initiative. , this couldn’t be better.

At the same time, other countries were also shocked by Uchiha Ao becoming a rebel ninja.

The island nation immediately announced to its citizen players a bounty of several million yuan for killing the traitorous "Uchiha Ao" ninja, which made countless island nation players cheer.

The multinational mercenary forces lurking in the South Asian countries immediately drove to the location where Li Qing appeared. In order to succeed, they also hired many Jōnin from the surrounding area at their own expense this time.

Countless agents from the Eagle Kingdom secretly attacked and sent out a special team to kill Uchiha Ao and seize four artifacts. In order to ensure the success rate of the mission, the former Prime Minister even spent half a year's savings and hired many ninjas who had mastered the secret art of Blood Succession.

As for Li Qing’s hometown, Huaxia, it is the only country that still supports Li Qing during this shock.

At the order of the Chinese leader, countless special forces secretly rushed to the battlefield with the mission: to protect the safety of the player Uchiha.

The special forces were extremely excited to receive such a mission. This was not because they were excited for the action, but because they were happy to be in contact with the god-tier player Uchiha Qing. God knows, how many girls in China are known as Uchiha Qing. god-tier is an idol.

Of course, at this time, China's secret base also received a letter from the Konoha Hokage Mansion, personally reviewed by Namikaze Minato... and this letter was quickly delivered to the hands of China's senior officials.

The whole world was completely moved because of one person's actions!

130 Li Qing, who knew nothing about this, was wearing black clothes with auspicious cloud patterns on his body, and stood quietly on a mountain peak, looking down.

After successfully joining Akatsuki, Li Qing received a commission from an employer in a certain country, which was to eliminate the food team in Cloud Shinobi Village here.

Li Qing originally refused to accept such a task, but when he saw the high experience reward, he gritted his teeth and accepted it.

Suddenly, the sound of Chakra flowing was heard in the distance. Immediately, Li Qing saw that in a pass not far away, there were more than a dozen Cloud Shinobi Chūnin escorting a large amount of food and grass, moving slowly at a very fast speed. slow.

"Looks like it's them."

Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly. Although the task was boring enough, he decided to do it for the sake of more experience points.

Just when he was about to take action, a system message suddenly came.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The rebel ninja [Uchiha Ao] suddenly appears, located at the Yunlei Mountains (134,345), players are invited to go and kill him!

Seeing the system announcement, Li Qing was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

what happened?

Why was he notified by the system before he took action?

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