The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 229: The Man The Whole World Wants To Kill!

But Li Qing soon felt relieved.

Obviously, after he became a member of Akatsuki, he became like the bosses he encountered in previous missions.

This feeling of becoming a BOSS makes him feel so comfortable. It's also great to be a villain occasionally.

While he was thinking, the grain and grass team below suddenly stared towards the zenith. Several ninjas of the perception department had obviously discovered something, they had closed their eyes, and then formed seals with their hands.

Seeing this scene, Li Qing's lips curved into a faint sneer, forming the Body Flicker Technique seal.

Almost without warning, he appeared behind several Sensing Cloud Shinobi Chūnin. Before they could react, the extremely sharp grass pheasant sword had turned into sharp light and "stabbed hard."

Li Qing's shot was so fast, it was like a ray of light. Before many Cloud Shinobi could react, he had killed several sensory ninjas.

These Cloud Shinobi Chūnin didn't even have more than 400,000 HP, and were killed in an instant.

By the time the other Cloud Shinobi Chūnin reacted, Li Qing had already eliminated several of his companions.

"A ninja is coming! Protect your food and grass!"

The leader of the Cloud Shinobi ninja immediately started giving orders, but unfortunately, as soon as he finished speaking, his throat was slashed by the Grass Pheasant Sword Wolf.


Blood sprayed out wildly, the blood mist was thick, and a strong fishy smell spread out.

The sounds of experience rewards came to my ears. After a few breaths, the Cloud Shinobi ninjas who were still alive and kicking just now were all turned into gold coins and equipment, and they could no longer die.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Li Qing smiled lightly and prepared to take back the Pheasant Sword.

From the time he took action to the end of the battle, only 30 seconds had passed.

In these 30 seconds, he killed a total of 30 Cloud Shinobi Chūnin and gained more than 2 million experience points.

"Congratulations, you completed the [Akatsuki Mission]: blocking the Cloud Shinobi team, gained 25 million experience points (five times the reward), obtained the B-level ninjutsu scroll [Water Style: Big Water Dragon Technique], and the C-level ninja Scroll of magic...~..."

Although there were many rewards, they were basically rubbish. Li Qing threw all these equipment to the auction house without thinking.

The players who had been waiting at the auction house were extremely excited when they saw the sudden appearance of B-level and [rare-level] equipment. They started bidding one after another, for fear that they would be snatched away if they started late.

After completing the mission, Li Qing also rose up a level, reaching level 379.

He was about to leave when several cold voices came from behind.

"Want to leave!?"

This is the voice of a player, and the words are mixed with deep anger.

Li Qing sneered and turned around, only to see more than a hundred figures falling from all directions. Each figure was dressed in Mist Shinobi ninja costumes, holding sharp kunai in their hands, and their levels were all around level 300. Obviously It's Mist Shinobi ninja.

The player who spoke, standing among so many Mist Shinobi ninjas, was only level 320, and the prefix of his name was [Super God Alliance] "It seems that he is a player of the Super God Alliance."

"What do you want from me?"

Li Qing asked knowingly.

"What do I want to do with you? My dear Uchiha green god-tier, you don't even know what I do with you? It's really funny... Our Super God Alliance has been defeated by you so many times, this After the two worlds overlapped, we applied to the headquarters for a large amount of money to hire Mist Shinobi ninjas, hoping to get revenge. I didn't expect that your coordinates would be updated so quickly, and we would soon know your location..."

The players were obviously very excited and a bit chatty.

...Can you tell me the key points?" Li Qing said speechlessly.

"The point is, you should die!" The player smiled coldly and pointed at Li Qing, "He's the guy, kill him! Laozi has a lot of money!"

Under heavy money, there must be a brave man.

After the overlap of the two worlds, many ninjas from hidden villages began to serve and hire players in the urban world. However, the price of hiring a Chūnin is often unaffordable for many people. Those who can hire more than a hundred people are either prominent nobles or Real estate tycoon.

"Rich people..."

Li Qing sighed, "Let me show you how powerful I, Uchiha, am."

As soon as the voice fell, he disappeared without a trace. When he reappeared, he was already in a place where Mist Shinobi ninjas gathered.

In the horrified eyes of the Mist Shinobi ninja, his Kusanagi sword instantly drew a sharp arc. The unstoppable sword energy enveloped the terrifying Chakra energy, cutting several Mist Shinobi ninjas in half in an instant and severely shocking them. It flew out and turned into gold coins and equipment.


The wealthy players who originally thought they could take revenge by hiring ninjas, saw this scene and their eyes almost dropped in shock, "Is this, is this the level of strength that players can achieve?"

Just as he was sighing, there was a loud bang, and Li Qing's explosive sword droplets instantly detonated countless detonating talismans. Under the terrifying explosive force, several ninjas were once again knocked away, turning them into countless ninjas. of gold coins and equipment.

Under Li Qing's attack, the Mist Shinobi Chūnin ninjas were like paper dolls that anyone could play with at will.

Death was just a thought for him.

Although the Mist Shinobi Chūnin tried their best to use ninjutsu or taijutsu, under the gaze of [Sharingan], these trivial skills had nowhere to hide, and they were as slow as a turtle crawling.

"Damn it, I'll fight you!"

More and more Mist Shinobi Chūnin died, and the local tycoon players were also angry at this moment.

God knows how much he spent to hire these Mist Shinobi ninjas!? To him, those corpses are nothing but money!

"Humph... Ming"

With one easy sword strike, Li Qing instantly killed the wealthy player and sent him back to Novice Village, while the Mist Shinobi Chūnin were all eliminated in a few seconds.

But the battle was far from over, because from the beginning to the end, there was a ninja wearing a root costume standing not far from him.

"You are strong, but you are no match for me. Danzo asked me to take your life, so you can kill yourself."

Suddenly, the root ninja spoke, his tone full of judgment.

Then, he slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of white eyes.

[Byakugan] that only members of the Hyuga family can open!.

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