"I didn't expect that a noble family in Konoha would become the minions of Danzo's old dog.

Seeing the appearance of Hyuga's tribe, Li Qing couldn't help but sneer, with disdain on his face.

"Even the famous gamer god Uchiha Ao god-tier can betray all mankind and join the Akatsuki organization. Why can't I join the root organization? Besides, Danzo-sama treats me well.

The Hyuga tribesman smiled coldly, with a rolling chill in his eyes, as cold as the extremely cold places in the north.

Even his voice was full of cold feeling.

Li Qing smiled faintly, raised the Pheasant Sword in front of him with a clang, and said in a neither salty nor bland tone: "Please don't compare me to you lackeys!

"The original words are given to you!"

The Hyuga clan shouted, and took the lead in launching an attack, hitting Eight Trigrams Palms, which was the Hyuga clan's unique ninjutsu skill.

It's a pity that although the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan are both famous families, the Hyuga clan is only above average in strength at best.

With a disdainful smile, all the movements of the Hyuga clan members were clearly captured by Li Qing in 617 [Sharingan]. The speed was as slow as a turtle crawling. The grass pheasant sword suddenly struck out, and the sharp sword light was directly directed towards them. Eight Trigrams Palms of the Hyuga people.

I saw two waves of terrifying energy explode instantly, and the tyrannical shock wave spread in all directions, carrying hysterical power, and almost flattened the surrounding area in an instant.

"Is this the power of the Hyuga clan?"

This was the first time Li Qing fought against a member of the Hyuga clan. From this initial contact, he could feel the power of this Hyuga clan member.

It's a pity that the opponent is far from powerful enough to threaten his life.

Surprised, Li Qing's explosive knife spray and long knife needle were shot out in an instant. One detonated the detonating talisman, and the other flew out of the steel wire.

Anyone faced with such interlocking attacks would basically fall into a disadvantageous situation in an instant, but this was not the case for the Hyuga tribesman with Byakugan. He observed Li Qing's movements at a glance, and quickly shook his palms. , the whole body released extremely terrifying Chuck (afdd) energy.

"Revolving Heaven!"

The signature skill of the Hyuga clan is reflected in his palms. The terrifying energy spins crazily like an Uzumaki storm, forming a huge semicircular top, which instantly kills the droplets and droplets of the slashed explosive knife. The long knife and stitches flew out.

Under the 360-degree gaze of the Byakugan, members of the Hyuga clan are immune to any attack.

However, just when the Hyuga people snorted, thinking that Li Qing was nothing more than this, they suddenly widened their eyes in surprise!

The blasting knife droplets and Changfei stitches that were blown away turned into bursting foam in an instant, and the real double swords broke out from the ground, launching the most incredible attack.

The Byakugan is very powerful, with no blind spots in 360 degrees, but in fact, the Byakugan also has a blind spot that is often overlooked, and that is the feet.

In the original work, Uzumaki Naruto defeated the previous genius Hyuga Neji when he launched an attack from beneath the ground. Although the Byakugan also has a clairvoyant function and can see the situation underground, you have to have time to check it.


The face of the Hyuga clan member changed instantly. He wanted to jump up to avoid the attack of the two swords, but found that Li Qing had quietly appeared in front of him at this time, swinging the Grass Pheasant Sword!

Everything happened too fast. Whether the Hyuga people were avoiding the attack below or Li Qing's attack, they would all be in an extremely unfavorable situation. Gritting their teeth, the Hyuga people were ready to exude the terrifying Chakra again and play the absolute defensive Revolving Heaven. But he found that his legs were tightly entangled and he couldn't walk.

His face changed slightly, and the Hyuga tribe member was about to break away, but at this time Li Qing sneered and shook his hand fiercely.


The Hyuga clan member stumbled and fell to the ground, lying on the ground with his hands, his face covered with dust, and he looked as embarrassed as he could.

As a root ninja, when had he ever been so embarrassed?

"In my opinion, your Hyuga clan is nothing more than this."

The sound of ridicule sounded faintly, and the blade of the grass pheasant sword cut through...

Although the Hyuga clansman prepared to fight with Eight Trigrams Palms, he was still severely pierced through the chest by the grass pheasant sword.

After several moves that caused more than 400,000 damage in a few moves, the Hyuga clan members closed their eyes sadly with extremely unwilling eyes, unable to die any longer.

Soon, the Hyuga clan members exploded into huge amounts of gold coins and equipment, which were so bright that they could blind people's eyes.

After a simple inventory, this time Li Qing got a total of 20 million experience points, 2 million gold coins, 14 pieces of [rare level] equipment, 4 B-level ninjutsu scrolls, and the rest were just junk equipment.

Throwing away the rubbish equipment, Li Qing gave the dead root member a cold look, then smiled coldly, made a Body Flicker Technique seal and disappeared without a trace.

Returning to Rain Shinobi Village, many Akatsuki members have left the village to perform tasks, leaving only Payne Konan and others.

After handing in the mission, Payne rewarded Li Qing with another 50 million experience points, helping him reach level 385. At this time, Uchiha Itachi, who was also a rebel, rushed back from the mission.

When he learned that his precious brother Uchiha Aoya had also joined the Akatsuki organization, his own expression was nothing short of wonderful.

In a certain room in Rain Shinobi Village, Itachi secretly installed soundproofing equipment.

Li Qing sat in Weasel's room and looked around.

"Uchiha Ao, why did you join the Akatsuki organization?" Uchiha Itachi's eyes were filled with strong anger at this time.

"Brother Itachi, then I want to ask you, why did you join Xiao?" Li Qing asked in a confrontational manner.

"You!" Uchiha Itachi suddenly felt like he had been seen through, and he gagged for a moment. After a moment, he said with a guilty conscience: "Because I killed my father and became a rebel ninja, and the Akatsuki organization offered a lot of money, so I’m coming.”


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