The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 235: Sudden Incident! Collapsed Twin Worlds! (Third Update!)

"Hehehe, Uchiha Qing, I will take care of you! Yes!" Deidara nodded heavily.

"Just don't hold us back." Scorpion on the side smiled coldly, with disdain on his face. He didn't take Uchiha Ao's strength seriously at all. You must know that he can kill even the strongest Kazekage, Third Kazekage. Dead man.

"I won't. Haha."

Li Qing smiled faintly, and when he saw Deidara and Xie Body Flicker Technique disappear, he followed them.

At this time, a prompt came to my ears: "Mission: [Capture One Tail], mission difficulty: SSSSSS, mission level: level 500, mission reward: large amounts of experience, gold coin rewards, as well as rare equipment and scroll rewards.

Deidara and Scorpion are not moving very fast, and Rain Shinobi Village is still some distance away from Sunagakure.

In the afternoon, the three of them arrived at the border of Sand Country. They estimated that it would take another half day to reach Sunagakure.

"That's it. It really is a desert." Deidara complained, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "Brother Scorpion, how do you feel about finally going home to 727?"

"Feeling?" Xie looked at Deidara as if he were an idiot, "For me, Sunagakure is just a passing place..." At this moment, two figures suddenly passed through his mind. Then he added: "To be precise, it's a sad place."

"Brother Scorpion seldom speaks and cherishes his words like gold. He can say so much. It seems that he still remembers Sunagakure." Li Qing interjected.

"You..." Seeing through his thoughts, Xie glared at Li Qing fiercely and changed the subject after a moment: "Okay, don't waste time. We've captured One Tail, let's leave!"

"Hmm..." Deidara nodded slightly.

Just as everyone was preparing to continue marching, there was a sudden strong vibration on the ground, and a very powerful tornado instantly blew up in the desert.

Deidara and Xie, who had no idea what was going on, immediately covered their faces with their hands to prevent the wind and sand from blowing into their necks. Li Qing's face was also blown by the sudden wind and sand. It hurts, like countless swords are cutting me.

"What's going on!?" Deidara frowned.

At this time, a huge puppet appeared in front of Xie Xie, blocking the blowing sand.

Li Qing took advantage of the situation and hid behind the puppet, and was finally no longer bothered by the wind and sand. However, what he could feel was that the earthquake still existed, and the terrifying aftermath affected the surrounding areas.

At this moment, a prompt sounded in the ears of the three of them.

Yes, three people.

In the past, the prompt sound only spread to the player's ears, but now even NPCs such as Deidara and Scorpion have received it.

However, it was okay for the three of them not to listen to the sound. When they heard it, their eyes widened with surprise on their faces!

At the same time, players all over the world also heard this voice.

[System Announcement]: I regret to inform you that because our Hokage online game development team encountered an attack by an unknown force, the two worlds that had been overlapping had to be separated, and our team leader [Uchiha God] ] has also died. Now our development team will use up the last bit of strength to bring the online game world back into the dimensional world...

At this point in the system announcement, the tone suddenly paused for a few seconds, and then there were heart-stopping screams and panic, as if someone had been attacked by a mysterious force. Immediately afterwards, there was a beep beep sound... as if something was suddenly hung up.

After hearing the voice of (afbh), people all over the world fell into a heavy silence. The leaders of various countries suddenly stood up with shock on their faces, completely unaware of what was happening. What.

"God Uchiha? Is he dead?" Li Qing was even more surprised.

He has met God Uchiha, a super Kage-level ninja from the Hokage world. What happened to make such a powerful person die? And judging from the appearance of the Hokage online game development team, they must have died tragically. .…………

And he couldn't help but think of the previous announcement of the fusion of the two worlds, which seemed a bit rushed, coupled with the conversation between God Uchiha...

What is going on with all this?

Suddenly, he had a glimmer of understanding.

Just when the whole world was silent for a second, a gloomy and cold voice sounded: "Foolish humans...the end of the world is counting down. In this game between demons and humans, who can have the last laugh? Hahaha , let’s wait and see... Another word of warning, don’t try to fight against the devil, God Uchiha will be your consequence.”

Although the tone of the voice is very light, it is extremely cold. Anyone who listens to it will feel creepy and the chill will invade the whole body.

Some players with weak hearts were even frightened and fell to the ground and fainted.

Immediately afterwards, players all over the world widened their eyes.

They clearly felt the pull of a mysterious force, and then watched helplessly as they flew up, and then were drawn into a space-time tunnel filled with flowing light...

When they opened their eyes again, they found that they had returned to their respective hidden villages.

Yes, they are back, but unlike playing online games, this time they are real bodies, not virtual data! They can also use ninjutsu and nintaijutsu like before, and they have 100% strength!

"In the end what happened?"

"I do not know…...…"

"How did you come to Konoha Village?"

“It seems like we can’t go back because it’s our bodies that have come over...

"Doesn't that mean we will die if we hang up?"

The players looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Meanwhile, here.

Li Qing also found that his body had come to the Hokage online game world, and Deidara and Xie were beside him, but it seemed that they had had their memories of everything wiped away, and there was no trace of surprise or confusion on their expressions.

At this moment, the players who had just arrived in the world of Hokage heard a prompt in their ears!

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