The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 236: Large-Scale Confrontation Mission, Feng Ying Takes Back! (Fourth Update!)

[World Channel] System Announcement: According to reliable information, Akatsuki members [Deidara], [Scorpion] and [Uchiha Ao] appear at the border of Sand Country, please go and kill them! This mission is a large-scale confrontation mission. Performance Good players will get high points. Players will not die when they die, but will only drop items and gold coins.

Seeing this system announcement, players all over the world were confused. They had just heard that all members of the Hokage online game development team had died? Why did they issue a system announcement? What on earth is going on!?

Although they felt strange, they still decided to take the risk for the sake of points! Although every member of the Akatsuki organization is very powerful, no matter how powerful they are, they can't stop their numbers!

Thinking of this, the presidents of many alliance unions quickly convened the task, intending to gain huge benefits from this task. As for what just happened, they were forgotten.

Here, Li Qing, who is a member of the Akatsuki organization, cannot see the system announcements from the players. However, as the only player who joined the Akatsuki organization, he also received a system announcement. No, to be precise, it is a system task. .

[System Task]: Help [Deidara] and [Scorpion] capture One Tail Jinchūriki [Gaara].

In addition to this mission, there is another mission for him to choose, which is to assassinate [Deidara] and [Scorpion] without Payne knowing about it, and successfully bring back One Tail Jinchūriki [Gaara] . (Note: The player will not really die when he dies, but will drop gold coins and equipment.)

In front of him, a total of two system tasks appeared, and the difficulty of the tasks was different. The difficulty level of the first task was only SSSSS, while the difficulty of the second task was as high as SSSSSSS, which was much higher than the previous tasks. There are several more S-classes.

In fact, Li Qing has been secretly planning how to get rid of the Akatsuki organization without anyone noticing. After all, after the two worlds merge into one, the existence of the Akatsuki organization is a huge threat hanging over the heads of all mankind, and now the world After being separated, this scruple is naturally gone. This can be seen from the reminder that "you will not really die".

However, he didn't have the slightest fondness for these murderous monsters of Xiao, so he might as well take the opportunity to get rid of them, and maybe he could redeem a lot of points and gain more powerful abilities. And... the death of the god Uchiha is too strange, and the operation of this online game world is too strange. He must become stronger before he can have the capital to know the truth of the matter itself.

The God of Uchiha once mentioned that this online game world was created to fight against the end of the world, to fight against those terrifying creatures that can destroy the earth.

If he is not powerful, let alone a terrifying creature, even his friends and relatives will not be able to protect him.

Thinking of this, he chose the second task without any scruples.

The second mission has been selected: Help [Deidara] and [Scorpion] capture One Tail Jinchūriki, and secretly kill [Deidara] and [Scorpion]. Mission level: SSSSSSS level. Mission difficulty: Level 600. Mission reward: 8 million points , 100 million experience points reward, level +10 improvement book, [Mangekyō Sharingan] pupil power improvement scroll.

Seeing the item rewards, Li Qing took a breath and was a little excited. Whether it was the 100 million experience, the skill book with level +10, or the pupil power improvement scroll of [Mangekyō Sharingan], they were all very precious things. , which can greatly increase his strength!

"Sure enough, choosing a more difficult task is the wisest choice." Li Qing smiled coldly, and his cold eyes glanced at [Deidara] and [Scorpion] beside him with a hint of cold sincerity.

As for Gaara who will die if it is taken away, Li Qing doesn't have to worry. He just buys a resurrection device and can revive it in an instant.

While he was thinking, suddenly, the two of them stopped and glanced around with cold eyes.

As far as they could see, bursts of footsteps came, and they saw more than a thousand players surrounding them in an instant.

0...Please give me flowers...

Li Qing glanced around and saw players from the Super God Alliance, the Island Alliance, the South Asia Alliance, etc. Each of these thousands of players had bright equipment and flashing weapons [it seems that they are all elite players built by the alliance union with heavy investment!

"Are you Akatsuki members?"

The leader is a heavily armed fat man, who is also the highest level among the entire elite player force, level 350.

His speech was full of energy, sonorous, and had some magnetism. He seemed to be a very courageous guy, but it was a pity that his momentum was not even close to that of Li Qing.


"Huh, let them..." Deidara was about to take action, but was stopped by Xia's hand, and then Uchiha was surprised.

"Yeah! It's just time for us to see how strong Uchiha Ao is." Deidara nodded heavily, "After all, every one of our Akatsuki members can't be inferior!"

Hearing what Deidara and Xie meant, Li Qing's lips curved into a sneer, and the next moment, his whole body turned into a golden light and rushed into the player's elite troops.

"Nah! Uchiha Ao, don't think that you are invincible just because you joined the Akatsuki organization. We are all the elites among the players, and we are definitely not comparable to the rookies in the past..."

The leader's face was full of disdain, but the next moment his expression turned into astonishment.

Uchiha Ao appeared in the center of the army without any warning, and then swung out [Explosive Sword Spray], carrying a detonating talisman with terrifying explosive power. The moment he swung the Explosive Sword, he ignited the explosion and turned into a huge billowing weapon. The shock wave of damage rushed to all directions.

In just one moment, 80% of the players who had turned into gold coins and equipment were dead, and the remaining players were also injured and disabled.

"Uh, this..."

The captain looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

More than a thousand elite players, instantly killed! Loss?

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