The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 237: Battle, Scorpion! (Fifth Update!)

"Hey, how many times have I tried, but I still can't fight."

Li Qing sighed to herself, with a depressed look on her face, and then walked slowly to the captain, tapping his head with her fingers: "Remember, next time I'll bring in someone who can beat me!"

When the captain thought of the horrific scene just now, he shivered with fear. How could he dare to confront the Shinigami-like guy in front of him? He tremblingly replied: "Okay, okay..."

"Okay, you all get out!"

Li Qing could even see the captain's pig head, so he dropped these words and walked back to Deidara and the others.

The captain and the remaining players suddenly felt as if they had been granted amnesty, and turned around and ran away, fearing that they would die here if they escaped too late.

"What you just used was Mist Shinobi Seven "140" Crowd's Explosive Sword Spray, right? I didn't expect to get such a weapon at such a young age." Deidara looked at Li Qing with some envy, the scene where Li Qing took action just now It was clearly remembered in their minds, and they immediately made a preliminary judgment on this boy's strength.

That is, this person is the best among Chūnin, and his actual combat power should be around Jōnin.

Of course, they didn't know that Li Qing had other ninjutsu skills, they just judged him based on his current abilities, otherwise he wouldn't be as simple as Jōnin.

Li Qing was too lazy to pick up the gold coins and equipment that exploded on the ground. He turned around and continued towards Sunagakure with Deidara and others.

At night, Deidara and Scorpion have arrived at the outskirts of Sunagakure. It is similar to what was shown in the original work. Scorpion used ninjutsu to control a Sand Shinobi ninja, obtained the map of Sunagakure and figured out everything about Sunagakure, while Deidara Wen Then he was ready to take action.

I saw Deidara take out a piece of clay from a package around his waist, and soon it turned into a huge flying bird, then sat on it and flew towards Sunagakure, who knew nothing about it.

As soon as Deidara left, only Li Qing and Xie were left guarding the entrance of Sunagakure Village.

"Xiao, why don't you go capture One Tail?" Li Qing deliberately said without saying anything.

"My movements are too slow and I can't keep up with the pace at all." Scorpion said with a smile, his body slightly stooped, coupled with that ugly mask, not to mention how ugly it is, but who would have thought that in this Scorpion-like Inside the machine is a young gentleman!?

"That's it. But I have a question here that I want to ask you." Li Qing smiled lightly.

"What?" Xie was stunned.

"That is, since you have made yourself a puppet, why don't you show your true face to others? And act with such a stooped body?" Li Qing smiled slightly.

Among the Akatsuki members, Xie's strength is considered to be above average, but Li Qing doesn't feel that he is no match for using his various abilities.


Hearing Li Qing's words, Xie Shun was shocked and his body couldn't help but tremble.

No one knows the secret of his body. How did this kid know it?!

"How did you know?!"

Xie's gloomy voice came, and his tone was full of coldness. From a distance, people could feel the bone-shattering cold, as if they were in an ice cellar.

"It doesn't matter how I know, you just need to know that you were killed by Sunagakure's ninjas." Li Qing sneered, and [Mangekyō Sharingan] suddenly stared at Scorpion

The ability of [Standstill of Time] was used instantly, and before the scorpion could react, the grass pheasant sword suddenly struck out, turning into an extremely sharp cold light, and stabbed fiercely into Fei Liuhu, who was protecting the scorpion.

Needless to say, if this sharp cold light hits the scorpion's chest, it will cause terrible damage!?

And in the three seconds when time stopped, Xie froze in place like a dead man, unable to move. He watched helplessly as the Grass Pheasant Sword pierced through his Fei Liuhu, and then pierced into his heart.

But a scorpion is a scorpion after all. As long as it doesn't stab his real heart, he can connect to the puppet and act again at any time.

Under the huge damage of 602324 points, with a bang, Fei Liuhu suddenly shattered, revealing the young man inside, and then the young man flew out like a kite with broken strings...

These more than 600,000 points of damage only dealt one-tenth of the damage on Scorpion's body.

With one move, Li Qing didn't hesitate at all. He instantly turned on the [Lightning Style Chakra Mode]. His body's attack speed and movement speed increased instantaneously. And the next moment, his Pheasant Sword stabbed him again. scorpion.

Due to the injury and the recovery time, Scorpio has basically recovered his thinking at this time.

When he saw that he was injured and Fei Liuhu, who was protecting him, disappeared, he knew that he had met a strong opponent. When time stood still, people couldn't feel pain. Scorpio only felt pain after time was restored, which made him very angry.

However, while he was angry, Xie was also wary of Li Qing's [Mangekyō Sharingan]. However, he remembered that it was because he saw Li Qing's Sharingan that he lost consciousness.

"Since you have angered me, let me show you my puppetry skills!"

Xie became furious, and he didn't know when Chakra lines appeared in his hands. The broken Fei Liuhu was instantly pulled to his side and blocked in front of him. 3.6 Li Qing's attack speed is very fast, but his defense speed is not slow either.

Only a bang was heard, Fei Liuhu split into two halves instantly under the sharp edge of the Grass Pheasant Sword, and the fragments flew randomly like snowflakes. Xie himself was instantly knocked away by gravity, and Li Qing When he was about to pursue him, he discovered that countless thousands of swords were shot into his chest, and they were also mixed with strong toxins.

“Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!”

It has to be said that flame is the nemesis of toxins. A strong Chakra gathered in the throat and spit it out instantly, swallowing Yu Ben.

The next moment, Li Qing formed a seal with her hands, transforming into five identical versions of herself and rushing towards the scorpion, which was exactly what she was fascinated by by multiple Shadow Clone!

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