The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 238: The Frustrated Scorpion! (First Update!)


Facing the five Uchiha Qings who suddenly appeared, Xie Xing instinctively took a step back, and his eyes flashed with solemnity. During the time he spent with Li Qing, he had always overestimated Li Qing's strength, but he didn't expect it. , this Li Qing is already so powerful.

The bright silver Chakra thread appeared in his hand instantly, and a moment later, a Summoning scroll with "Third Kazekage" written on it appeared in his hand, "You can also see my peerless art before you die, Uchiha Ao, you too This journey was not in vain………….”

Before he could use the Summoning Technique, Xie's face changed slightly and turned pale instantly!

Because his hands were tightly entangled by several steel wires at some point, and even his Chakra wire was entangled by the steel wires that suddenly appeared, making him unable to move.

"What, what is this?" Xie's face changed slightly. He had never encountered such a situation before, so embarrassed!


While he was wondering, suddenly, two steel wires pulled hard, and Scorpion fell to the ground with a plop, sending up bursts of smoke and dust. He was knocked to pieces in an instant, and Pervert's blood volume dropped a little, and he suffered more than 300,000 points of damage.

Along the 05 Chakra line, you can clearly see one of the steel wires connected to the weapon in Li Qing's hand not far away: [Long Knife and Sewing Needle].

Yes, it’s a long knife and a needle.

When he just fought with Scorpion, Li Qing was thinking about how to interrupt Scorpion's ninjutsu, and Scorpion is a puppet master who uses Chakra thread. It is difficult to distinguish steel thread mixed with Chakra thread, and long knife and needle will Can achieve very good results.

Sure enough, Xie fell into Li Qing's trick, and just when he was about to summon the Third Kazekage, he was interrupted by Li Qing.

"I'm sorry, all your actions are subject to my prediction!"

A cold voice sounded slowly, like a taunt, but also like a judgment. The next moment, Li Qing's Pheasant Sword had turned into a strong wind, and slashed down Xiang Xie head-on. The sharp light carried With unstoppable sharpness, no one can stop it.

Uchiha-ryu: Blazing Wind Sword!

At this time, Scorpion has been entangled in the steel wire. Let alone summoning the Third Kazekage, it is very difficult to use the body's organs. You must know that the steel wire is wrapped around the joints of his various mechanisms.

A heavy blow!


In an instant, more than 600,000 points of terrifying damage were dealt out, once again reducing Scorpion's health. Scorpion himself flew out fiercely, hitting the wall with a bang, and countless mechanisms shook. It shattered and splashed out.

Just when Li Qing was about to manipulate the steel wire to control Scorpion's movements again, he saw a small box with the heart of "Scorpion" on it suddenly jumped out and attached itself to one of the puppets.

This dead, out-of-control puppet instantly had a new ecology.

"Uchiha Ao, die!"

At this time, Scorpio is angry, very angry.

I think he is the genius puppet master of Sunagakure. Even the people in Akatsuki have never seen the true face of Xia. Who would not see him with respect and awe on his face? I never thought that it was him like this who first fell into the trap of Uchiha Qing's control was once again entangled with steel wires, making him unable to move...

When has he ever been in such a mess like today!?

This simply touches the most proud part of Scorpion's heart!


Li Qing, who didn't wait for Xie to summon the Third Kazekage and gave him no chance at all, had already appeared behind Xie without any warning, relying on his super advantages in close range and speed.

It has to be said that after losing Fei Liuhu, Xie's shortcomings as a puppet master were completely exposed, that is, he was particularly afraid of ninjas in close combat. Even if he transformed himself into a puppet, it was still difficult to change him. Shortcomings.

"So fast!"

Xie's face changed drastically. He didn't expect Li Qing to be so fast, and he also saw that the ninjutsu performed by Li Qing was probably the Fourth Raikage's exclusive stunt [Lightning Style Chakra Mode]. In this mode, his attack I don’t know how many times the speed has increased.

While he was surprised, the Pheasant Sword had already been thrust out, and the sharp blade carried scorching firelight, causing the temperature to rise a lot in an instant. At the same time, it also illuminated the dim sky like daylight, reflecting the Xie's pale face appeared.

Uchiha-ryu: Sword leaps into flames!

Scorpion's face changed drastically!

Li Qing's attack speed was too fast, completely overwhelming him and giving him no chance to show off his ability and strength. This made him very frustrated.

Scorpion can be considered a ninja who has fought countless times. Which time has he not crushed someone? But he didn't expect that he would be crushed and beaten like this by a little-known junior.

Anger and shame!

It's a pity that no matter how angry and upset Xie is, he has nothing to do in the face of Li Qing's personal attack.

Suddenly, he took out a water scroll from his waist and was about to open it to fight off Li Qing, but was knocked out again by Li Qing's Grass Pheasant Sword, causing more than 600,000 points of damage. Then, [Explosive Sword Spray ], [Long Knife and Needle] The two Ninja Swords blasted out 390's multi-slash damage, and Li Qing followed up with another "Explosion Style: Explosion Fireball Technique"

A full four-stage slashing damage was dealt directly to Scorpion, but Scorpion had nothing to do.




Li Qing's blood volume of 2 million was knocked down in this way, while Xie's blood volume was knocked out by more than half, leaving only more than one million blood volume.

The scorpion flew out again, and the water scroll used for defense also flew out.

"You kid..."

Xie gritted his teeth and took out the scroll from his waist, preparing to summon a puppet to join the battle and use his ultimate skill [Red Secret Technique: Hundred Machines Exercise]. Unfortunately, just as he took out the scroll, the edge of the Grass Pheasant Sword struck again.

Scorpion, who had no seals and summoned a puppet, was blown away again, and the scroll in his hand was taken by Li Qing.

"Is this the scroll that can summon more than a hundred puppets? Interesting..."

Li Qing shook the scroll in his hand, while Scorpion's face in the distance was ashen, and he was about to take out the Summoning scroll of [Third Kazekage], but was snatched away by Li Qing with one hand!

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