The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 239: Kill Scorpion, 10 Million Points Reward! (Second Update!)

Two of his magic weapons were taken away from him. At this time, Scorpion was so heartbroken that he felt like he wanted to cry without tears.

These [Third Generation Style] and [Puppet] are his signature skills, the best skills in the box. Facing a melee ninja like Li Qing, he never even had a chance to show off.

"Anyone who underestimates anyone will pay a heavy price."

Li Qing chuckled, and the Cao Pheasant sword pierced Xie Xie's heart in shock.

The key parts, coupled with the five times the critical hit carried by the plug-in, instantly allowed Li Qing to deal 1202434 points, more than 1.2 million points of terrifying damage.

At this moment, Scorpion's blood volume was emptied and turned into black blood. Scorpion himself spit out a mouthful of blood and slowly closed his eyes in unwillingness and anger. The next moment, Scorpion's body was like an oil well blowing out, spraying out countless gold coins, equipment and scrolls for several seconds [I can't die anymore.

And Li Qing also heard numerous reminders in his ears.

"Congratulations, you killed Scorpion, a member of the Akatsuki, and received a huge reward!"

"You got 50 million experience points. Under the [five times reward], you got a total of 25,000 experience points!"

"You break through! You reached level 392!"

"You got the S-level Summoning Scroll [Puppet: Hundreds]!"

"You got the S-rank Summoning Scroll [Third Kazekage]!"

"You got the S-level ninjutsu scroll: [Level 100 Training!]"

"You got [Puppet Technique]."

"You got it..…………"

The vast number of rewards was almost overwhelming Li Qing's ears, and he also used the picking function without hesitation.

A few seconds later, when the sound of rewards ringing in his ears stopped, Li Qing simply took stock of the rewards he had received.

After this battle, he got a total of 25.67 million gold coins, 10 A-level ninjutsu scrolls, 5 B-level ninjutsu scrolls, 1 S-level ninjutsu scroll, 25 [rare level] equipment, and 3 Summoning scrolls. , one special item [Puppet Technique], and the others are materials used for supplies and other items.

I have to say that Li Qing’s gains this time are very huge. With so many rewards, it was not in vain for him to take the risk.

At this moment, an announcement message appeared.

[World Channel] System Announcement: A mysterious figure successfully killed Akatsuki member [Scorpion] and received a huge reward. He received a total of 3 S-level Summoning scrolls and the extremely rare job transfer book [Puppet Technique]. , 10 million points reward, please congratulate him!!

As soon as this announcement came out, the whole world was shocked.

"Fuck! Three S-level scrolls all at once, are you going to survive?"

"Look clearly, they are all S-level ninjutsu scrolls. I am very curious, what kind of terrifying sight will these scrolls look like once they are opened?"

"[Puppet Technique]...Isn't this the item needed to change profession as a puppet master? I really want to become a puppet master and control countless puppets!"

"Nah! You idiots, what's really valuable is the 10 million-plus points reward? It seems that the 500,000-point reward can be exchanged for a B-level ninjutsu scroll. Looking back, I know that these 1,000-plus points ..."

"Nima, I can't live at all."

"Can't live +1"

"Can't live +2"

Ignoring the players' comments, Li Qing simply checked the attributes of the S-level scroll.

[Puppet: Hundreds]: More than a hundred puppets can be summoned instantly to assist players in combat. Each puppet has the strength of Chūnin. As the number of puppets decreases, the combat ability of the puppets will increase. This puppet can attack automatically without player control at all, but it does consume the player's Chakra every second. This is a consumable item and can only be used once.

[Third Kazekage]: You can summon Sunagakure's strongest Kazekage in history [Third Kazekage] to fight. [Third Kazekage] has about 60% of its own strength and can use some of the ninjutsu of [Third Kazekage]. This is a consumable item and can only be used once.

[Level 100 Training]: Allows players to have the ability of a top puppet master within 4 seconds, and control more than a hundred puppets to fight at the same time. This is a consumable and can only be used once.

Looking at the attributes of the three S scrolls, Li Qing smiled coldly. Although it can only be used once, it can already be used as his trump card.

If these scrolls are used in battle, they will definitely have good results.

At this time, he also took a look at his inventory and found that there were 10 million extra points, but there didn't seem to be any point exchangers nearby.

He carefully cleaned up the battlefield without leaving any traces of the battle, and then quietly waited for Deidara's return, but... Deidara's return seemed to be a little late. According to the original work The time in Song Dynasty should have ended.

A little impatient, he formed a seal of Body Flicker Technique and appeared on the edge of Sunagakure. The next scene made Li Qing's eyes widen.

Players derived from Wu Yangyang from one side to the other are working together to use various ninjutsu skills to bombard Deidara in the air from below. Several Sand Shinobi Jōnin, with the help of Gaara Sand, are flying with Deidara (Zhao Haozhao). ) was fighting, while Gaara was covered in sand to protect herself.

Clearly, Deidara is in deep trouble.

"`When did Sunagakure become so strong!?" Li Qing couldn't help but feel a little depressed. For Deidara, those flies below can be eliminated with a bomb, right?

In the distance, Deidara, who was fighting hard, saw Li Qing, and a touch of relief flashed across his solemn expression: "Uchiha Qing, why are you still standing there? Come and help me!"

Hearing the words Uchiha Qing, the Sand Shinobi players below all felt a huge mental pressure, suffocating like a stone pressing on their chests! This is not that Li Qing is releasing the pressure, but it is engraved in their bones. fear.

In which confrontation between several hidden villages, Uchiha Ao didn't kill them until they were pissed off and abandoned their armor!?

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