The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 240: Thousands Of Players Are Scared To Death! (Third Update!)

Li Qing smiled, and went over with a Body Flicker Technique, which appeared on top of Deidara's huge bird, overlooking everything in Sunagakure.

When the players below saw Uchiha Ao, they immediately became agitated and crowded. Some of the faces were filled with fear, some with surprise, and some with unwillingness. Some players even turned around and left, preparing to leave this place of right and wrong.

Almost all of them knew about Uchiha Ao's reputation, and the horrific record of killing tens of thousands of players in that moment was still lingering in their minds, and they couldn't get rid of it for a long time.

"I'll leave these annoying Sand Shinobi Jōnin to you, and leave Gaara to me to deal with. Also, where's Brother Scorpion?" Deidara asked.

Deidara still has a little value and can help him capture the One Tail beast Gaara, so Li Qing has no plans to kill it yet.

"He was waiting for us at the door and urged me to come over and have a look, so I came over!"

I have to say that Li Qing's acting skills are good, and Deidara is a carefree person and did not notice the suspiciousness. He nodded heavily: "Okay, just do as I say!"

An undetectable chill flashed across the corner of Li Qing's eyes, and he nodded heavily. 033

Immediately, his [Mangekyō Sharingan] swept towards several Chūnin around him, and the icy coldness made several Sand Shinobi NPCs feel extremely cold in an instant, and even felt a chill on their spines for a moment.

Li Qing noticed that there was a light layer of sand around the bodies of several Chūnin, which was obviously protected by Gaara, and further away, several Jōnin had already rushed over quickly. The three leading ninjas were surrounded by Several machine puppets made the sound of mechanical vibrations.

Since he agreed to Deidara to kill these Sand Shinobi, Li Qing naturally did not hesitate. With a clang, the grass pheasant sword slashed through an unstoppable edge. The bright silver sword light instantly illuminated the dim sky like daylight, and descended. In an instant, this sword light slammed into the two Sand Shinobi ninjas who were rushing towards them.

Even two Sand Shinobi Chūnin could not react at such a fast attack speed. They were instantly pierced through the chest, inflicting two more than 400,000 points of damage, and then turned into (afad ) The puffy blood mist dissipated, and the strong smell of blood was nauseating.

Seeing their companions being killed instantly, the faces of the other Sand Shinobi changed slightly and their eyes widened. They didn't expect that their companions were so vulnerable in front of this kid.

The players below opened their mouths in surprise and stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

Four hundred thousand damage!?

This... what a terrifying number is this?

You must know that when they usually fight monsters, they only cause tens of thousands of points of damage. Good guy, this time it is dozens of times!

Of course, what they didn't expect was that the two Chūnin only had more than 400,000 HP.

Those players who thought they would win with numbers felt unprecedented frustration at this moment, as if Uchiha Qing had truly become a god!

But it was obvious at the next moment that Li Qing's performance just now was just an appetizer. He instantly appeared behind the two Sand Shinobi Jōnin. Before Sand Shinobi Jōnin could react, the terrifying explosive force produced by the droplets from the exploding knife It swallowed them up in an instant. In an instant, the Sand Shinobi Jōnin who were in the flames burst out into unprecedented screams.

Two attacks worth more than 600,000 yuan were fired!

Two Sand Shinobi Jōnin were killed instantly!

"Wind Style, wind blowing cut!"

"Wind Style: Wind Split Fire!"

"Water Style:Water Dragon!"

In the distance, several Sand Shinobi Jōnin seals have been completed. The strong Chakra gathered and turned into a terrifying ninjutsu, sweeping towards Li Qing, carrying a terrifying power that was as devastating as hysteria.

Seeing that the ninjutsu was about to devour Li Qing, Li Qing suddenly disappeared!

Yes, it just disappeared.

The players who were watching the battle below and thought they could breathe a sigh of relief at this moment all took a deep breath and made a loud sound of inhalation. Then, their eyes became even more horrified.

In their violently contracted pupils, one could clearly see that Li Qing appeared without warning behind the three Sand Shinobi Jōnin who were performing ninjutsu, and then the whole person turned into a gust of wind, and the unstoppable sword energy was like a life harvester. Death Scythe...

Uchiha-ryu: Blazing Wind Sword!

In an instant, several Sand Shinobi Jōnin were blown away. When the terrifying number of more than half a million came out, the Sand Shinobi Jōnin fell directly to the ground and turned into a puff of blood, gold coins and equipment. They couldn't die. Die again.

"So, so strong!"

In the distance, several puppet masters who were about to pounce on Li Qing saw this scene and were so frightened that they stood there trembling and unable to move.

If they can say dirty words, they will definitely be able to curse: Damn, a player is so powerful now? How can we NPCs play?!

Just when they were surprised, Li Qing, who had turned on [Lightning Style Chakra Mode], appeared behind them without warning and gave a cold sneer.

Li Qing's movements are too fast, and with [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] turned on, the speed has reached Ultimate. Several puppet masters who are not good at melee combat are like fish meat in front of him, and they can be kneaded at will. .

The sword light reappeared, and the puppet masters and their puppets were cut in half, and they could no longer die.

After solving all this, Li Qing looked at the cold [Mangekyō Sharingan] at the frightened Sand Shinobi players in Sunagakure: "Next, it's you!"

Just hearing Li Qing's words, Sand Shinobi players were so frightened that their feet became weak, and even their breathing felt abnormal...

And the next moment, a huge explosive bomb crashed down!

Explosion Style: Explosion Fireball Technique!.

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