The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 241: The True Intention Of Killing! (First Update!)

The fireball was not big, and it was extremely small compared to the huge Sunagakure.

However, this seemingly inconspicuous scorching fireball suddenly caused panic and panic among countless players!

Players who have personally experienced Li Qing's battle all recall the dark time dominated by the terrifying explosion ability of the Explosive Fireball Technique...

You know, this fireball Technique has killed tens of thousands of players in one fell swoop!

The players turned around and ran away, holding their heads and running away, hoping to escape the scope of the explosive fireball Technique, but unfortunately everything was in vain

Today's Li Qing is no longer the player he used to be. The Explosion Style and Fireball Technique in his hands have reached ten new times of "970" as his strength has improved!

The bursting fire illuminated the dim sky like daylight for a moment, and the next moment, the temperature rose sharply, making the place feel like a furnace. The temperature had risen by an unknown amount!

The buildings in Sunagakure, the horrified players, and the Sand Shinobi ninjas with fearful expressions on their faces... were all engulfed in white light for an instant and disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared, even Not a single scream was heard.

It took several seconds for the white light to completely disappear. As the white light disappeared, a huge hole was left in the center of Sunagakure village, as if a nuclear bomb had just been detonated here. There was still a touch of heat around the huge hole, slowly rising up, but not a single bit of the buildings within the range could be seen.

All that can be seen is this devastated hell on earth that was almost instantly flattened.

Countless sounds of rewards passed by his ears, and Li Qing secretly calculated that he actually got at least 50 million experience points from this blow.

A ray of light flashed out, and he actually broke through and reached level 397. He was only 3 levels away from becoming Jōnin at level 400!


Gaara in the distance saw this scene and was so angry that she couldn't help herself.

At this time, Gaara was already the Fifth Kazekage. After the Chūnin exam, he had been thinking about his future, and after his father's death, he firmly took the position of the Fifth Kazekage to protect the safety of these Sunagakure ninjas... .So seeing so many ninjas die, not to mention how angry he was.

.......I was so angry.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Akatsuki member [Uchiha Ao] destroyed a small half of Sunagakure with one [Explosion Style: Explosion Fireball Technique], killing 56773 players, 3352 Sand Shinobi Genin, 342 Sand Shinobi Chūnin, and Sand Shinobi in one fell swoop There are 12 Jōnin who have completed the title of [Murderer]. Anyone with lofty ideals is invited to go and kill him! If he is successfully killed, he will be rewarded with multiple times of experience points, 100 reputation, and an [artifact] equipment.

As soon as the announcement came out, players all over the world were shocked!

"Nima, a fire ball Technique destroyed most of Sunagakure and killed so many Chūnin Genin?!"

"Uchiha Ao god-tier, you have become stronger..."

"Oh my god, is this something a player can do?"

"I'm afraid only Uchiha Ao god-tier can do such a thing..."

"Those who witnessed it stated that they were engulfed in white light without even seeing the face of Uchiha Ao god-tier... and then were sent back to Novice Village."

"When can I be like Uchiha Ao god-tier... Hey, I'm afraid there is no hope in this life."

Players discussed and left messages one after another.

Li Qing ignored these comments, but cast his lazy eyes on Deidara, and asked impatiently: "Hey, aren't you done yet?"

"Tch, this is a One Tail beast, come and try it!?" Deidara's face was unconvinced. The terror of Li Qing's explosive fireball Technique just now really scared him, and its power was even more powerful than his. "Besides, as an artist, in my opinion, your ninjutsu just now has no sense of art. Art is explosion, and explosion is art. You know it! Yeah!"

Speaking of which, Deidara was busy dealing with Gaara again. He didn't have much time to spend time with Gaara...

Following Li Qing's attack just now, those annoying players and ninjas no longer gathered around, and even hid far away. Only some courageous Sand Shinobi and players rushed over, but it can be seen that their His eyes were also full of fear.

Li Qing was bored anyway, so he attacked Sand Shinobi and all the players, killing them all. He had no reason to refuse the points and experience points that were given to him in vain.

In fact, before the Uchiha God incident broke out, he still had some goodwill in his heart and would not kill innocent people indiscriminately. However, the Uchiha God incident gave him a stimulus, that is, if he is kind, then he may not be kind enough. The power of fighting against unknown forces...

Therefore, for him, as long as he can upgrade as soon as possible and increase his strength as soon as possible, that's all. It has nothing to do with morality, kindness, or justice. It's just like he killed Scorpion and then killed the players. In other words, now his understanding of the world has reached a new level. His thoughts have broken through the shackles of morality and reached a state where thoughts are accessible. In other words, everything he does is driven by his own original motivation. 1.2 No restrictions, no restrictions!

While he was thinking like this, he didn't notice that another system message was sent out.

[World Channel] System Announcement: After killing hundreds of thousands of players, the player [Uchiha Ao] finally understood the forbearance of [killing], and his strength and all attributes increased by +10%!

"Nima, what is the true meaning of tolerance?"

"I was wiped, what happened?!"

"Uchiha god-tier is already strong enough, and he's getting stronger again..."

"Do you want people to live..."

"Do you have the willpower to kill?"

Feeling the power rolling inside his body, Li Qing realized something again, and his [Three Tomoe Sharingan] turned into [Mangekyō Sharingan] at this moment!

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