The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 242: Uchiha’S Green Right Eye’S Ability! (Second Update!)

Yes, his [Three Tomoe Sharingan] turned into [Mangekyō Sharingan] at the moment he realized the [true meaning of killing]!

Although the condition for opening [Mangekyō Sharingan] in the original work is to kill the person closest to you, or witness the death of the person closest to you, in fact, if you want to evolve to [Mangekyō Sharingan], there is another way, and that is to realize The true meaning of tolerance.

The will of fire is the embodiment of the true meaning of nin, which is why those Konoha heroes suddenly burst out with unprecedented power after being beaten by the enemy.

In addition to the power brought by the body, the power of the ninja also has the power brought by the spirit. After realizing the "true meaning of nin", it is like the tightly imprisoned spiritual soul, suddenly opening the valve of release, and then As if it was released, it suddenly gained more powerful power.

And the current Li Qing obtained [Mangekyō Sharingan] because of this power!

"So, what exactly is the ability of this eye!?" Li Qing frowned, a little curious. After [Mangekyō Sharingan] is turned on, both eyes have different powers. The power of his 05 left eye is to stop time. So, what is the ability of the right eye!? He is very curious.

At the same time, what he is even more looking forward to is that he can use the terrifying power of [Susanoo]?

But obviously now is not the time to think about this matter, because Deidara has successfully eliminated Gaara and tied it to the bird.

Looking at the pained and extremely embarrassed Gaara, Li Qing smiled faintly. After taking away the tailed beast, Gaara would become stronger. In fact, this was also a good thing for him.

"Brother Uchiha Ao, let's go! The mission has been completed, eh!"

Deidara was a little proud, but it had to be said that it took a lot of effort to defeat this kid. Hahaha...."

Li Qing nodded slightly and stopped talking. A Body Flicker Technique appeared behind Deidara and followed him away quickly.

The Sand Shinobi ninjas below were shocked when they saw this scene. Some officers ordered the Sand Shinobi ninjas to shoot the arrows. Each arrow was tied with a detonating charm, which could cause a very large amount of damage.

In an instant, countless detonating talisman arrows rushed forward at a very fast speed.

Deidara frowned and was about to dodge, but Li Qing smiled: "Brother Deidara, don't worry, let me try it!"


Seeing that the detonating talisman arrows were about to explode, Li Qing saw the [Mangekyō Sharingan] in Li Qing's left eye flash suddenly. Those detonating talisman arrows seemed to have encountered some bottleneck.

It actually hung in the air, motionless. Countless detonating arrows were just hanging in the air. The sparks that were about to hit the twister also stopped strangely, as if someone suddenly pressed the stop button. key.

The sound of heavy breathing came one after another.

All the Sand Shinobi looked at the scene in front of them in horror. They froze on the spot and took a breath of cold air. Their eyes were not only dull but also dull.

One can even describe them as dumb as a chicken at this time.

Deidara on the side also had a face full of surprise and shock. She couldn't even figure out what kind of secret technique Uchiha Ao had used to stop so many detonating arrows!

But obviously, his shock was only the beginning.

Li Qing's right eye [Mangekyō Sharingan] suddenly rotated, and the countless detonating arrows that flew towards him strangely reappeared on every detonating talisman ballista.


The sudden change made all the Sand Shinobi ninjas swallow a mouthful of saliva. Even the surviving players were dumbfounded.


This sluggishness lasted until the explosion sounded, and they recovered from the shock... Countless explosions came, and Sunagakure was instantly submerged in the terrifying flames. I have to say that the power of those detonating arrows was terrifying and explosive... In an instant, Sunagakure became devastated, with broken bricks and rotten tiles everywhere.

This city of hope for ninjas even turned into a hell on earth in an instant.

The planner of this incident had already arrived at the outskirts of Sunagakure and was preparing to leave quickly.

Sure enough, at the entrance of Sunagakure, they saw the corpse of Scorpion.

"Brother Scorpion...he, he's dead? This is the first time I've seen his true face!" Deidara frowned.

"It seems that there are strong players nearby, let's get out of here quickly!" Li Qing reminded at the side that he had done something to Scorpion's body, which Deidara would never be able to tell with his intelligence.

"Well, I also spent a lot in the battle with Gaara. Let's go!" Deidara was too nervous to notice any doubts. He nodded heavily and left with Li Qing.

The ability used by Li Qing's right eye just now in 727 is [time reversal], which can make things go back to a few seconds ago according to his own ideas, but it consumes more pupil power. Of course, with his current strength, he can also It can only turn back time for 10 seconds. If your pupils are stronger, you can turn back time for longer!

Of course, this technique can be used not only on enemies but also on electricity markets.

As soon as the two left, a mission prompt reached the ears of many players in Konoha and Sand Shinobi.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Akatsuki members [Deidara] and [Uchiha Ao] have successfully captured Sunagakure’s Fifth Kazekage [Gaara]. [Konoha Village], which has received help, is sending Konoha Jōnin to join the battle. Sunagakure’s Jōnin are also The pursuit plan will be implemented, players are requested to rush to the battlefield quickly!

Sunagakure players, when they heard the mission prompt and looked at the devastated Sunagakure, most of them clicked to give up, while only a few chose to accept the mission.

Damn it, Uchiha Ao is so strong and he still goes after him!? Did he take the wrong medicine?!

As for the players in Konoha Village here, they have basically accepted the mission, because there is a big BOSS joining the battle!

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