The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 243: Bringing Back One Tail (Third Update!)

In Konoha Village, Hokage Prefecture.

The Fourth Kazekage Namikaze Minato, who had just received the information sent from Sunagakure, put the information on the ground with a heavy heart, glanced into the distance with a somewhat unkind look, and landed on Danzo with a sinister smile on his face.

Minato was extremely angry for this guy who was dictating Hokage just because he was a high-level official in Konoha. If it weren't for the sake of senior Danzo, he would have taken action long ago. Of course, he also knew that Danzo The mobile troops behind them have always been doing things for Konoha, but their methods are a bit too cold.

"Sunagakure was attacked last night, and the Fifth Kazekage Gaara was directly kidnapped. The ones who did it were three members of Akatsuki, one was the rebel ninja of Sand Shinobi, and the rebel ninja Deidara of Rock Shinobi. In addition, , and our rebellious nin Uchiha Ao of Konoha Village. I think you know what this means, right? Dear Minato-sama, Hokage-sama."

When Danzole asked the question at the end, he deliberately emphasized the word "Hokage" very strongly. It was obvious that he cared very much about the position of Hokage.

"I will take care of this matter. Don't worry about it, Danzo-sama." Namikaze Minato smiled coldly, and the ten Flying Thunder God Techniques disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the empty Hokage seats, a cold smile appeared on Danzo's lips.

Danzo has never had any good feelings for Minato. If it weren't for him, he would have helped Orochimaru ascend to the position of Hokage. Now he still maintains close contact with Orochimaru's machine in order to regain the position of Hokage.

"The position of Hokage needs to be replaced." Danzo chuckled, and the Body Flicker Technique disappeared without a trace.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Akatsuki members [Deidara] and [Uchiha Ao] have appeared at the border of the Land of Wind [142,533], please go and kill them! The morale of Konoha and Sand Shinobi players is now 50 points. Konoha Village will send Konoha's [Class 7] and [Class Guy] to participate in the battle, led by the clone ninja [Kakashi] and Konoha Village's blue beast [Might Guy], while Sunagakure's side will send Sand Shinobi Advisor (Chiyo) Mother-in-law joins the battle!

Listening to the reminder sound in her ear, Li Qing couldn't help but twitch a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

Just when the two were about to leave Sunagakure, similar to the original work, Gaara's younger brother Kankuro chased after him.

"You two, leave me Gaara々`!" A cold voice sounded, and Kankuro was seen manipulating several puppets to catch up.

"It's you, Kankuro! Old friend." Li Qing turned around slightly, and [Mangekyō Sharingan] landed on Kankuro.

Although it was just eye contact, Kankuro clearly felt an unbearable suffocation at this moment, and he pressed it hard on his chest. "My breathing became very fast."

"So, so strong... No wonder I can kill so many Sand Shinobi ninjas. I didn't expect to be so strong..."

Kankuro was surprised, but out of concern for Gaara's life, he didn't care much. He saw a few fine Chakra threads appearing in his hands, and then several strange and ferocious-looking puppets appeared in his hands. In his hands are crows and black ants.

"Don't you recognize me anymore? Kankuro?"

Li Qing smiled slightly.

Deidara looked at Li Qing with interest, her eyes sparkling with curiosity: "You two actually know each other!?"

"Of course." Li Qing smiled lightly.

Hearing Li Qing's words, Kankuro's eyes widened for a moment, and he suddenly remembered something: "You, you are Uchiha Qing? Are you the Konoha rebel ninja with Naruto Sasuke? I didn't expect you to become so strong. "

"Ah, yes, I don't want to kill you, so you'd better leave! Don't force me to take action!" Li Qing smiled and shook his head, he was too lazy to take action against a trash fish.

When Kankuro heard this, he saw the embarrassed Gaara beside him, and his eyes suddenly burst out with determination. Then he controlled the crows and black ants. Unfortunately, before he could take action, Li Qing had already quietly Appeared behind him without any warning.

Kankuro, who has now become a Chūnin, is naturally sensitive to danger. In an instant, he felt his breath being locked and a bean-sized amount of sweat fell on his forehead without knowing it.

This was not caused by fear, but because his body reacted naturally after feeling the strong man's aura, just like a man who was so frightened that he peed his pants immediately after fighting on the battlefield.

The Kusanagi sword appeared in front of Kankuro's neck without any warning. The unstoppable edge could kill him if it came even an inch closer.

Kankuro felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

"If you don't want to do it, let me do it!" Deidara in the distance was a little impatient.

Li Qing chuckled, and with a pop, the Kusanagi sword slipped through the aorta in Kankuro's neck, instantly taking away Kankuro's life. There was only a thud: "Kankuro is lying in ELE."

"I gave you the opportunity just now, but you didn't cherish it."

After leaving these words coldly, Li Qing and Deidara continued to move forward.

Li Qing doesn't care too much about Kankuro's life and death. Although he occasionally liked this character (good) in his previous life, that's all in the past.

As soon as Kankuro left, hundreds of thousands of Konoha players arrived under the leadership of Kakashi and others.

A few hours later, Li Qing and Deidara came to a huge cave, where several phantoms of Akatsuki members were waiting for them. This is Pain Rinnegan's ability, which can transport people hundreds of kilometers and several miles away. Members thousands of kilometers away are connected together through a spell to achieve the purpose of absorbing the tailed beast, but absorbing the tailed beast is not that easy

It usually takes several days.

As soon as they arrived there, several phantoms who were waiting impatiently couldn't help complaining.

"Why are you here so late?" Hidan was the first to speak, "Could it be that you deserted?!"

Soon, the Akatsuki members noticed that the old Akatsuki member Xie was missing!

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