The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 245: The Crazy Killing Of Boss Li Qing! (Fifth Update!)

"Uchiha Ao, why?!"

Little Sakura's face was full of doubts, and Uzumaki Naruto on the side hurriedly stopped Granny Chiyo with the same expression.

As for Li Qing's teacher, Kakashi didn't speak, but just looked at him with a pair of regretful eyes.

"No reason, just do it!"

After choosing the path of the true meaning of killing, Li Qing had already sought to understand his thoughts. For these former companions, they were just passers-by in his life~ nothing more.


"Brother Qing, why?"

"Qing, you!"

Hearing Li Qing's cold answer, Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura who were fighting side by side with Li Qing all showed incomprehensible eyes.

Just when Uzumaki Naruto was about to use Mouth Release, talking about how lonely he was as Nine Tails Jinchūriki, and how to defeat himself, and wanted to have the power of his companions to influence Li Qing, Li Qing had already sneered and appeared without warning. Behind little Sakura, [Mangekyō Sharingan] suddenly spun. Little Sakura never expected that Li Qing would suddenly take action, and without any warning, he fell into an illusion in an instant, and fell to the ground with a plop.

Uzumaki Naruto, who was concerned about the safety of little Sakura, was about to form a seal with his hands. Li Qing, who had already seen through his actions, used another illusion to imprison Uzumaki Naruto in the small realm.

For these protagonists in the original work, he had to save them and kill them later, so that their maximum value could be brought out...


Suddenly, a bolt of lightning illuminated the dim sky like daylight, and struck Li Qing fiercely, but the latter saw through the movement and easily avoided it.

The Chidori hit the air and smashed into the wall, causing the entire cave to shake violently again, and countless huge stones fell down.

"Huh? You actually dodged my Chidori? What a speed!"

Kakashi withdrew his right hand.

As a teacher, he has long been used to seeing these things, so he strikes without mercy. However, through this brief contact, he was shocked and surprised by the huge improvement in Li Qing's strength.

You must know that the last time he competed with Li Qing, Li Qing could not avoid his Chidori, but now, he can easily avoid it.

How long has it been since then!?

"Your speed is too slow, Teacher Kakashi." Li Qing smiled faintly, and his whole body burst into lightning [the Lightning Style Chakra Mode worker obtained from the Fourth Raikage.

Seeing the lightning blooming on Li Qing's body, Kakashi frowned: "Is it the ninjutsu created by Fourth Raikage, Lightning Style Chakra Mode? No wonder Chidori can dodge it! But... Why do you still call me teacher?"

I won’t bark anymore.

Li Qing smiled, and then winked at Deidara, who nodded heavily to show that he understood, and flew out instantly.

"Kakashi, leave this Akatsuki member to our Guy class!" Might Guy's eyes flashed with hot fire: "Li, it's time to bloom our youth.

"We will definitely bloom like the summer sunshine!" Xiao Li also had hot eyes and blazing flames.

Tiantian and Neji on the side looked at the two of them as if they were idiots, and reminded them in a low voice: "Hey, stop showing off, they are going to run away!" After hearing this, the two of them immediately chased after them, only to watch Tiantian. and Neji both have black lines on their heads.

As the battlefield left, the Konoha players who arrived all received a mission.

[Rescue Gaara]: Akatsuki members [Deidara] and [Uchiha Ao] are separated into two battlefields. Please quickly choose the person you want to help.

【1】: Help【Might Guy】: Deidara has escaped, I want to help Might Guy kill this guy! Please make your own decision, the system will automatically decide!

【2】: Help【Kakashi】, Uchiha Ao still stays where he is. As a messenger of justice, we want him to accept justice! Please make your own decision, the system will automatically decide!

After the two options, there is a gray option, which requires a good relationship with Uchiha Ao of at least 50 points.

0…please give me flowers…0

[3]: Help [Uchiha Ao], I can understand Uchiha Ao's god-tier mood, he must be very lonely, for us, there is no justice or evil, I want to help him! Please make your own decision, the system will Automatic judgment!

Seeing these options, those players who had little contact with Uchiha Ao did not hesitate to choose [1] or [2]. However, those Konoha players whose favorability reached 50 were a little entangled and hesitated. Should you choose [3]? After all, Uchiha god-tier has created miracles many times, but this time Konoha's lineup is too strong.


"Hahaha, it's time. Whoever chooses [3] is a fool. No matter how powerful Uchiha Ao's god-tier is, can he defeat the clone ninja Kakashi? Can he defeat Granny Chiyo, Sand Shinobi's advisor?"

"I have the personal information of Kakashi and Granny Chiyo here. They are both extremely powerful ninjas!"

"Perhaps I will stand firmly on the side of Uchiha Ao god-tier in other tasks, but this time, I choose [1] and [2]. After all, justice defeats evil!"

Almost all players chose [1] and [2], but no one chose [3].

At this moment, a dozen people suddenly chose [3] and appeared next to Li Qing. The one on the left was a cute and fair-skinned beauty, Cheng Mengmeng, and the one on the right was It’s Lin Jiachen, the president of the [Chinese Alliance]!

"Although I don't know why god-tier you would seek refuge with Xiao, the two of us are determined to follow you." Lin Jiachen smiled faintly, "Of course, there are also our compatriots in China!"

As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of upright officers fell behind Li Qing and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

Seeing these compatriots with yellow skin and black hair, Li Qing's blood boiled for a moment, and he clenched his fists: "Since you all choose to follow me, then I will never let you be left out! I will never let you be left out. Failure and!".

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