The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 246: Defeat Kakashi And Chiyo! (First Update!)

"Hmph, you Akatsuki members are the representatives of evil, and you still talk shamelessly about winning, and justice will eventually defeat evil!" the president of a guild in the distance mocked.

Several other players heard this and nodded in agreement.

Li Qing chuckled: "You really think that Konoha Village is a good bird. There is no justice or evil in this world. It is just a compliment from the winner who has the right to speak."


Several players were at a loss for words and didn't know how to refute.

"Kakashi, I'm going to do it! Let's see how far you, the copying ninja, have reached!" Li Qing dropped these words, and his whole body turned into a beam of lightning and appeared behind Kakashi in an instant.

His speed "610" was so fast that when his Kusanagi sword struck down, no one else could see his movements clearly. Even Kakashi was only alert to the slightest hint of danger.

Weak players can't even keep up with Li Qing.

But after all, he is the elite Jōnin of Konoha Village and has extremely rich combat experience. At the moment of crisis, the Kusanagi Sword has already slashed at his shoulder. Then there was only a clang, and he saw the pain carrying a touch of Lightning Style Chakra. Wu, blocked the attack of the Pheasant Sword, and the two weapons collided like that, making a deafening sound, and the dazzling golden light illuminated the dim sky in an instant.

With a simple touch, Kakashi's other hand hissed, and the Lightning Style Chakra quickly condensed into a thundering Chidori.

As soon as the plover appeared, it illuminated the dark sky again.

The next moment, Chidori was already covering Li Qing's chest.

I have to say that Kakashi's reaction speed is really fast, he was able to use Chidori at the moment when the weapons collided.

However, Kakashi had a back-up move, but Li Qing may not have none. The [Mangekyō Sharingan] in his right eye suddenly rotated, and the Chidori in Kakashi's hand disappeared instantly. The condensed Lightning Style Chakra disappeared without a trace like a cannonball at the pass. The next moment, an extra mouthful of [Explosive Knife Spray] appeared in Li Qing's hand, and the detonating talisman on the broad blade detonated instantly.


The unimaginable terrifying explosive power was like a sudden explosion of a bomb. Centered on the place where the two men fought, a man-eating white light was formed and spread rapidly to the surroundings.

Kakashi was still immersed in the surprise that Chidori disappeared inexplicably. When he saw the white light, he immediately formed seals with his hands and used the [Thunder Clone] Technique. On the other side, Li Qing relied on his extremely fast attack speed to pass through the explosion of white light. , appeared in front of Kakashi.

"What happened just now!? What happened to my Chidori!?" Kakashi asked in shock. At the same time, he flicked his hands and threw several kunai out in the shape of a pin, very fast.

Soon, he noticed that Li Qing's eyes had all turned into [Mangekyō Sharingan]. In the scarlet eye sockets, the strange magatama took on a strange appearance and rotated violently.

"Ah, Mangekyō Sharingan!"

Kakashi was shocked.

Not only him, but Granny Chiyo, Uzumaki Naruto, and the players in the distance all took a breath.

These people have often heard about the terror of [Mangekyō Sharingan], which is a hundred times more powerful eyes than [Three Tomoe Sharingan].

"It seems that the ninjutsu that can make my Chidori disappear is coming from your eyes." Kakashi is not a reckless person. From the simple exchange just now, he analyzed a few points, that is, Uchiha Ao's eyes are likely to Like his eyes, he has the power to move space. In addition, his attack speed is extremely fast and he has four different weapons.

While he was thinking, several steel wires suddenly wrapped around Kakashi without any warning.

Seeing the steel wire, Kakashi's heart sank: "When!?"

【Explosion Style: Explosion fireball combo!】

The moment the steel wire supporting the [Long Knife and Needle] controlled the opponent, the strong Chakra suddenly gathered in the throat, and the next moment, a mouthful of extremely hot flames spurted out, carrying the thunder attribute with terrifying explosive power. Chakra was also injected into the flames at this moment, forming a fire ball with extremely terrifying explosive power...

The power of this explosive fire ball along the steel wire is much more powerful, and even forms an increasingly larger scorching explosive ball wherever it passes.

The next moment, these explosive fireballs fell on Kakashi's body, causing a series of explosions.



Boom boom boom boom!

Amidst countless deafening explosions, the cave shook violently again and again, and Kakashi and Granny Chiyo were violently blown out, and an astonishing number exploded out.


The damage of nearly 700,000 points caused countless people to take a breath of cold air.

However, Kakashi and Grandma Chiyo had too much health. Even the damage of more than 700,000 only reduced one-fifth of their health.

"Nah, one move is 700,000...does the most among us have 200,000 HP!?"

"Fuck, even if the blood cow is here, it can't bear it. That boy Uchiha Qing can move in seconds..."

"Even if you equip a set of artifact equipment, you can reduce the damage from more than 700,000 to 200,000 at most!? It still can't be stopped..."

"Can I say I regret it a little!?"

"Me, me too..."

The Konoha 5.8 players who chose [2] looked surprised at this moment, and at the same time, many of them felt regretful.

"I originally thought that no matter how strong Uchiha Ao is, he may not be the opponent of Kakashi and Granny Chiyo, but now it seems that we are still too stupid and naive. Uchiha's god-tier level is still relatively low, but his actual combat ability has been Above these guys. In my opinion, Uchiha Ao god-tier will have a high winning rate."

One player analyzed rationally.

"Nima, why are you pretending? This is not the time for analysis, right?! The two bosses are dead, and our mission has failed. Why are you still making sarcastic remarks here!"

Only then did the players react and immediately rushed in in a group. .

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