The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 249: Level 400, JōNin! (Fourth Update!)

Yes, that's right, the ability Li Qing is using now is exactly what he got after picking up the curse seal fragments, which allows him to use natural energy in a short period of time.

With the injection of natural energy, all his ninjutsu skills will increase.

At this moment, Li Qing clearly felt that his body had become much lighter. Not only had his attack speed and movement speed increased by 30%, but the Grass Pheasant Sword in his hand was as light as a feather.

His abilities have been comprehensively improved!

"What kind of ability is this? I didn't expect this kid to have a trump card that he didn't use!" Kakashi and Granny Chiyo in the distance widened their eyes in surprise. The scene in front of them was beyond their expectations.

"I don't know..." Kakashi felt that he could no longer see through his student.

However, the shock of the two people did not last long. They saw Li Qing coming over without any warning, and the strong wind blew in their faces like a knife of ice and snow, very fast.

Kakashi's face was full of solemnity, and he was shocked to find that his [Mangekyō Sharingan] could not keep up with Li Qing's attack speed. How fast is this kid!?

In shock, the Kusanagi Sword flashed an unstoppable ray of light and slashed towards Kakashi. The place where the blade passed fiercely rubbed the air, and made bursts of sharp howling sounds. At the same time, It also stirred up brilliant golden flowers, illuminating the dim sky like daylight.

Kakashi wanted to dodge, but found that his aura had been locked. It was extremely difficult to react, let alone dodge.

He had to admit that among all the students he had ever taught, Li Qing had the best talent!


The kunai thrust out and blocked the Kusanagi sword, and the sound of metal collision suddenly echoed. But immediately, Kakashi was blown away by the terrifying force, like a kite with its string broken.

A damage of more than 700,000 points was also unleashed, taking down a quarter of Kakashi's health!

With a bang, Kakashi's whole body crashed into the mountain wall, and even cut a huge hole, surrounded by gaps.

Chiyo frowned in the distance and wanted to see Kakashi's condition, but then a cold and faint voice came: "It's already this time. "Does Grandma Chiyo still care about others (afcg)?"

The voice was very cold, like ice, and it sent shivers down Chiyo's spine.

Chiyo can be regarded as a ninja who has experienced countless battles, but there are very few people who can give him such a feeling.

Under his control, Jinsong's ten people rushed forward quickly, and the two puppets closest to her even waved their long knives and spears.

However, all this is in vain for Li Qing who possesses [Mangekyō Sharingan].

The long knife and spear fell instantly, and Chiyo himself was violently knocked away. His health bar suddenly turned black, with only tens of thousands of blood left. He lay there dying and gasping for air.

Kakashi came to Chiyo's side with a Body Flicker Technique. Seeing that she was seriously injured, he couldn't help but frowned, his eyes full of anger.

"Do you know what you are doing? Uchiha Qing!" Kakashi asked, feeling regretful and incomprehensible about Li Qing's defection.

"I just want to become stronger, that's all." Li Qing smiled coldly. After comprehending the true meaning of killing, he had already seen everything clearly. The seemingly peaceful and warm Konoha Village was just a decayed place. It's just covered by the darkness. There is no justice or evil in this world, because the right to speak is in the hands of those with the most power.


Kakashi had a look of regret on his face, finally sighed, formed the Body Flicker Technique seal on his hands and left with Chiyo.

Li Qing did not stop the two of them. After all, he had a great use in keeping the two of them alive. If Kakashi died at this time, everything would be too boring.

"Congratulations, you have completed the achievement mission [The Famous Ninja Who Shocked the Ninja World], gained 200 million experience points, and obtained the S-level scroll: [Summoning: Ten People of Jinsong].

Although he didn't kill the two of them, he still gained a lot of experience and the Summoning scroll. Li Qing was promoted from level 396 to level 400 in an instant!

[World Channel] System Announcement: Akatsuki member [Uchiha Ao] has just broken through level 400, becoming the first player among players to break through level 400. He will receive the title of [Jōnin] for free, but given that he is [Konoha] Rebel Ninja], so his level will be displayed as [Konoha Rebel Ninja Jōnin]. When the player kills him, he will receive a larger experience value reward!

As soon as the announcement came out, countless players were amazed.

"Nah, Uchiha Ao god-tier is worthy of being Uchiha Ao god-tier. He was actually the first one to break through level 400.

"I remember that after level 400, it was Jōnin, right? The first Jōnin among players, so awesome...

"I'm so jealous of Uchiha Ao, god-tier, please god-tier, let me show off and let me fly!"

"Jōnin, is my life's goal..."

“As a player who has personally witnessed Uchiha Ao reaching god-tier level 400, I am very proud...

In just a few seconds, tens of thousands of comments flooded the entire channel, but apparently these people's exclamations were a little premature, because the next second, the story of Uchiha Ao flooded the screen again.

[World Channel] System Announcement: Akatsuki member [Uchiha Ao] defeated the enemy boss BOSS copy ninja [Kakashi] and the immortal flower of ninja [Chiyo Granny] in the large-scale confrontation mission of [Wind Shadow Recapture] , completed the last step of [Kazekage Recapture], successfully removed [Kazekage Gaara]’s tailed beast [One Tail Shukaku], Sunagakure’s morale dropped by 20 points, Konoha Village’s morale dropped by 20 points, Akatsuki The morale of the members increases by 20 points, and Akatsuki member [Deidara] will use the strongest stunt.......

"Fuck, Uchiha Ao is so god-tier?"

"Grass... Uchiha Ao god-tier is too fierce."

"Kakashi and Chiyo are so powerful, Uchiha Ao can also defeat god-tier, 66666..."

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