The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 250: The Mission Is Over, Points Are Settled! ? (Fifth Update!)

As Kakashi and Chiyoichi left, those players who chose mission [1] and mission [2] immediately felt their doom. At this time, they had surrounded Cheng Mengmeng and others in a corner, and they were about to They could be defeated, but when they thought of Uchiha Qing's terror, these players who had won the victory immediately dropped their weapons and ran away, fearing that if they escaped at one o'clock in the evening, they would be left behind by Li Qing. here.

Cheng Mengmeng, Lin Jiachen and others who thought they were going to be sent back to Novice Village took the time to see the news on the channel, and couldn't help but grinned excitedly.

The reason for their laughter is very simple, that is, they are the final winners of this large-scale confrontation mission! They will receive a very high point reward!

In fact, the reason for helping Li Qing is because they are both Chinese compatriots and do not want their compatriots to be bullied by players from other countries. In addition, it is for Lin Jiachen's sake.

Unexpectedly, this legendary god-tier, who often created miracles, once again led them to victory in the mission, making them the final winners.

Although it was very hard for them to fight one against ten just now, and they thought about regretting it, they were all glad that they persisted until the end!

At this time, a system prompt came to their ears: "Congratulations, you have won the large-scale confrontation mission [Wind Shadow Recapture] and became the only winner. Each of you received a 1 million point reward! These 1 million points can be used to redeem various items."

Li Qing also heard a voice in his ears, but the points he earned were a terrifying 10 million. Adding in the 8 million points he just gained from killing [Deidara], he now has a total of 18 million. of points.

"Uchiha Ao, thank you here!"

At this time, the Akatsuki members also completed their tasks and thanked Li Qing. Then the light and shadow turned into rays of light and disappeared without a trace, leaving only the dead [Gaara] lying on the ground. .

The Akatsuki members don't care about the life or death of the Kazekage-sama, as long as they can take away the tailed beast.

As soon as the Akatsuki members left, Li Qing smiled coldly, formed a Shadow Clone and transformed into a Sand Shinobi ninja, and took Gaara out [straight to the Sunagakure].

Gaara was such a key figure, and he didn't want him to die so early. As for Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto who were still trapped in the illusion in the distance, Li Qing also threw them to the players unceremoniously and asked them to take them away. Going back, Naruto was not given any chance to go berserk the whole time.

Just at this time, the battle between Deidara and Might Guy and others also took a strange turn. Deidara relied on the natural advantage of the sky over the ground to defeat Might Guy, Xiao Li and others without any trace of temper. Tiantian, the only one who could fight in the air, was not Deidara's opponent. , so the results can be imagined. In the end, Deidara successfully won, and Might Guy and others had to leave sadly.

Might Guy didn't think about opening the Seventh Gate to fight the enemy, but the enemy was in the air. Once he hit the air, several companions would be in danger, so Might Guy did not use the Eight Inner Gates Technique.

"I didn't expect you to actually defeat Kakashi's gang. That old guy Xie is dead now. Let's form a team from now on! Well, it will definitely be a very pleasant journey, yes!"

Deidara smiled slightly, appeared next to Li Qing, and shook his golden ponytail, which he thought was very handsome: "As an artist, explosions are art. I just gave people like Might Guy a lot of art, eh!"

"How much clay do you have left?" Li Qing asked suddenly, a cold light flashing across his eyes.

"Clay?" Deidara, who was very nervous, had not felt the danger yet. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously touched the package: "It seems there is no more. I accidentally threw too much when I was fighting with several Konoha Shinobi." Point. Well, that’s it.”

"So that's what it is..."

Li Qing's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the grass pheasant sword carrying the thunder attribute Chakra suddenly penetrated Deidara's chest fiercely.

0...Please give me flowers...

His speed was too fast, and he moved without any warning. Deidara had no idea that anyone would attack him. In his shocked eyes, the grass pheasant sword filled with thunder attribute Chakra penetrated through it. His body went in white and came out red, and the next moment, countless steel wires instantly trapped his body tightly, making him unable to move.


Deidara was completely unprepared for Li Qing. Until now, he has not figured out what is going on.

"I killed Scorpion. My purpose of sneaking into Akatsuki was to kill all of you Akatsuki members one by one and then improve my strength and level. Therefore, you must die." Li Qing gave a cold smile. After realizing the true meaning of killing, he no longer had any distinction of justice in his heart. As long as he could increase his strength, he was willing to give it a try.


Xie had killed so many people and deserved to die, and so did Deidara. Of course, Li Qing himself was also a murderer.

"I didn't expect that you actually killed Scorpion..." Deidara looked at the wounds on his body in shock. He wanted to use the power of clay, but found that the thunder and lightning that filled his body cut off all connections between him and the clay. Even if he wanted to There is nothing you can do about using the ability to self-destruct.

"I, how do you know my weakness?" Deidara's face changed drastically. He was not afraid of anything but thunder and lightning.


The cold light flashed, and the Kusanagi Sword flashed across a ray of cold light, shattering Deidara's body into fragments flying in the sky. The fluffy blood mist spread, and the fishy smell that enveloped the entire place was nauseating.

[World Channel] System Announcement: The mysterious person successfully killed [Rock Shinobi Rebel Deidara] and received 100 million experience points, [S]-level ninjutsu scroll [C4], and 8 million points as rewards from the system!

The huge number of rewards made those who were still immersed in the Uchiha green god-tier who had just broken through level 400 relax from the shock, and then their hearts began to beat violently! Especially the 100 million experience points and 8 million points. In an instant, it shocked millions of people all over the world!

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