The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 255: Time Barrier! (Fifth Update!)

"What should we do?" Konan frowned. If she hadn't been worried about being exposed, she would have killed these players long ago.

The contact just now has made Konan develop a strong dependence on Li Qing. If it were before, let alone asking, he would only have a cold face.

But Konan didn't notice the change in his attitude. In short, whether she admits it or not, in her heart, she has begun to rely on Li Qing.

"give it to me!"

Li Qing smiled coldly, [Mangekyō Sharingan] suddenly spun quickly, and a water-blue curtain was instantly formed around the [Color Bug Alliance] players, and the outside scenery could be seen through the curtain, but What can be seen is that people outside can never see this light blue curtain.

"Is it a barrier!?"

"I didn't expect that this kid could actually form a barrier?"

Several Cloud Shinobi Village ninjas saw the light blue curtain and wanted to escape, but found that there seemed to be a wall blocking their steps. This made them feel a little bad for a moment.

This is Li Qing's time barrier, which uses the power of time to create a dimensional space to achieve the effect of isolating everything. This enchantment is completely invisible from the outside, and people inside the enchantment will disappear from the real world as if out of thin air. Unless the caster of the time enchantment is defeated, there is no way to escape.

This is also another ability that Li Qing gained after both eyes turned into [Mangekyō Sharingan]. Under this time barrier, Cloud Shinobi Village cannot detect their aura at all.

"That man is a bit evil, give me aldehyde!"

The president of the [Sex Bug Alliance] sensed something and immediately commanded his younger brother.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Li Qing's face, and at the same time, there was the brittle Pheasant Sword.

I saw the Grass Pheasant Sword turning into a cold silver light in the air, and the next moment it formed a huge arc of light, carrying unstoppable explosive power. Before the players could scream, the sharp blade killed them The lives were harvested and turned into gold coins, equipment and scrolls all over the ground.

The battle was resolved in an instant. More than a hundred players of the [Sex Bug Alliance] died in an instant and turned into shiny objects.

The big fat man in the lead didn't even know how Li Qing took action. When he saw that all his companions died, he immediately sank to the bottom.

"Who are you?" The fat man's face was extremely pale, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, the size of a bean.

"Uchiha Qing." Li Qing whispered in his ear and was about to kill him, but the fat man suddenly widened his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and then fell to the ground, scared to death.

Moreover, this time Fatty's death is not a death in the game, but a real death...

"Uh... Is my name that scary?" Li Qing scratched her head speechlessly, "Damn it, this kid was actually scared to death..."

"Your name is much easier to use than Akatsuki." Konan chuckled and covered his mouth with a smile: "We have dealt with the battlefield, leave quickly. We have stayed here for too long.

"Yes!" Li Qing nodded heavily, and after briefly handling the body with Konan, [Mangekyō Sharingan] spun again and withdrew the [Time Barrier].

As soon as the two people came out of the barrier, they went straight to the center of Cloud Shinobi Village, and then they separately collected information about the second tail Jinchūriki. Of course, in order not to be recognized by others and to facilitate walking

They all used the art of disguise and changed their identities.

After trying hard to find no place, the two soon locked the whereabouts of the second-tailed Jinchūriki. They were out on a mission and would return to Cloud Shinobi Village tonight, along with several of her friends.


Thick fog.

Li Qing and Konan were hiding behind a huge stone, observing everything around them with keen eyes, quietly waiting for the figures below to appear.

Soon, the two tailed Jinchūriki, Wooden Golem and several companions, showed their figures.

"Is she her?" Konan lowered his voice and sent a message to Li Qing.

0…Please give me flowers…

All Akatsuki members have rings, and they can transmit sounds and signals to each other through the rings.

"Yes. Pay attention to what's going on around you here, and leave this second-tailed Jinchūriki to me!" After giving instructions to Konan, Li Qing activated the [Time Barrier], trapping the two Wooden Golem and several companions. Within the boundary.

"Sorry, I, Uchiha Ao, took your lives."

Just when several Cloud Shinobi ninjas frowned, a faint voice sounded, and Li Qing fell in front of everyone without warning.

The disguise technique disappeared and turned into Li Qing's original appearance. Xiao's cloak also fluttered slightly at this moment, revealing his identity.


"Uchiha Ao?"

The two of them, led by Wooden Golem, clasped their hands behind their backs and frowned. They always felt that they had heard this name somewhere, but when they thought about it carefully, they couldn't remember it.

"Sir Wooden Golem, Uchiha Ao is an S-class rebel ninja in Konoha Village and a player in the human world. He is quite powerful. It is said that he just defeated Kakashi and Chiyo a few days ago." A companion came up and said, "We be careful."

"Huh? Be careful? They are just members of the Akatsuki organization!" Wooden Golem said with disdain on his face, "To me who can perfectly use the power of tailed beasts, they are just scum.

As he spoke, Wooden Golem's body was immediately filled with a faint red light, forming a tailed beast's coat, allowing him to enter a half-tailed beast state!

In an instant, the huge pressure was like a mountaintop coming down, and Li Qing and Konan couldn't breathe.

This was the first time Li Qing encountered a ninja who could perfectly use the power of tailed beasts. For a moment, his eyes were a little solemn, but the next moment, his whole body was instantly filled with a faint Lightning Style Chakra, turning on the [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] !

As soon as the mode is turned on, the tyrannical suppressive power dissipates instantly!

"It's actually Fourth Kazekage-sama's [Lightning Style Chakra Mode]!? Who are you?"

"How could it be? This is impossible!"

Several Cloud Shinobi took a deep breath!

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