The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 256: Fierce Battle With The Second Tail! (First Update!)

Li Qing did not give them any reaction speed. As soon as [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] was turned on, he instantly appeared in front of the two Wooden Golem. The speed was amazing.

"So fast!"

At this time, everyone was far from recovering from the surprise of [Lightning Style Chakra Mode] when they saw Li Qing launching an attack on them. After all, it was Wooden Golem who had entered the half-tailed beast state. Her reaction speed was extremely fast. With the power of the tailed beast, her perception of everything was also rapidly improving.

I saw her whole body burst into scorching flames. The flames flickered light blue, and looked very enchanting and dazzling from a distance. Then I saw her long tail flicking fiercely, like a long whip. After hearing Li Qing, there were bursts of sharp howling sounds in the air, which was very harsh. "150"

Needless to say, the whip that is stained with the power of the tailed beast contains exactly what kind of terrifying power it contains!

[Mangekyō Sharingan] rotated rapidly, Li Qing captured all the movements of the two Wooden Golems, and each of her movements was clearly decomposed.

The next moment, Li Qing dodged sideways, avoiding the blow of the whip, and appeared behind Wooden Golem. The grass pheasant sword once again turned into an icy cold light and stabbed out.

Everything happened too fast, and for those ninjas with relatively low strength, it was impossible to see how the two men did it.


Seeing Li Qing avoid his tailed beast whip, Wooden Golem's expression changed slightly, and his heart sank, knowing that the kid in front of him was not that easy to deal with.


The empty whip directly hit a huge pit!

The two of them were quickly dodged by Wooden Golem, and Li Qing's Pheasant Sword also failed, creating a huge deep hole. But all this was not over. After the Pheasant Sword, he had another [Long Knife and Needle] in his hand.

Several steel wires that appeared at an unknown time appeared behind the second-in-command Wooden Golem without any warning, and quickly wrapped around her arms in an attempt to control her tightly. It's a pity that this tried-and-tested steel wire is in vain for the extremely powerful tailed beast.

Bang bang bang!

The steel wire broke instantly, and the hot tailed beast flames burned along the steel wire.


Suddenly, Wooden Golem fell to the ground, strong Chakra gathered in his throat, and the next moment countless huge blue fireballs hit Li Qing like meteorites.

Fortunately, there is already a time barrier around here as an isolation, otherwise such a huge movement would definitely attract the attention of Cloud Shinobi Village.

【Rewind time】!

Seeing the Onii-Huo Pills coming, Li Qing's [Mangekyō Sharingan] suddenly spun, and the Oni-Huo Pills that came towards him instantly dissipated completely, as if they had never appeared before.


The face of the two led by Wooden Golem changed slightly. He didn't expect that his attack actually disappeared. He couldn't help but think secretly in his heart. Could it be that the ability of the kid in front of him is the power of transporting time and space? Can he transport things in the real world to other spaces?

"Cat fire bowl!"

The two leader Wooden Golem's face turned cold. Countless ghost fire pills formed a shower-like attack, covering the sky and the sun, and fiercely covered Li Qing. The thick and hot monster blue flames

It also filled the entire battlefield with an inexplicable color, as if a haze enveloped it.


As soon as she took out the ghost fire pill, Li Qing appeared behind the second leader Wooden Golem without any warning, and then detonated the artifact in his hand [Explosive Knife: Spray Droplet].

On the broad blade, countless detonating symbols exploded instantly.

Li Qing's shot was too fast, and the timing was very appropriate. Who would have thought that Li Qing would take such a big risk and appear behind him?

Two by Wooden Golem was releasing Onihuomaru at this moment, and when his whole body was stiff, he was unable to resist his attack for a while.

Although the damage of the detonating talisman is extremely low, at such a close range and in such large numbers, sometimes its power is even more powerful than S-level ninjutsu.


The explosive knife droplets exploded instantly, and a deafening sound was heard. The terrifying fluctuations carried the power of the devastating shock wave and spread to the surroundings. Even Li Qing's extremely hard time barrier was suddenly affected by this terrifying explosion. It also shook violently, crumbling as if it was about to shatter and explode...

A terrifying damage was dealt, 823421!

Yes, Li Qing's attack actually caused more than 800,000 points of damage!

Wooden Golem, the two half-tailed beasts, were violently knocked away and crashed into the time barrier, causing the barrier to violently shake again!

At this time, Li Qing also saw clearly the health volume of the two Wooden Golems. It didn't matter, but he was shocked when he saw it. The two Wooden Golems actually had more than 6 million health, and he had just The attack was only one-eighth of it.

"As expected of the BOSS among BOSSs, he has so much HP."

Li Qing chirped, and a cruel and cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, bosses like the Tailed Beast BOSS are super dungeons that can only be defeated by hundreds of thousands of players, but now only Li Qing is doing the dungeon missions alone.

Just as they were thinking about it, the two Wooden Golems suddenly jumped up in the air and spit out multiple rat-tail ball jade from their mouths. Each one turned into a ray of light and bombarded Li Qing fiercely. Compared with the will-o'-the-wisp just now, Maru, this rat tail 3.1 ball jade is much larger, and it carries a terrifying tracking power.

The next moment, countless rat tail jade exploded around Li Qing.

"Humph, it's just that..."

Just when the two Wooden Golem thought they had won, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth, her eyes turned into a look of astonishment, and her mouth also grew slightly at this moment.

She couldn't help but open her eyes, because in front of her, a God of War with blue flames burning all over his body and wearing evil armor appeared in front of her.

And the horrific attacks just now only caused ridiculous three-digit damage of 132, 133, and 124.


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