The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 26: The Official Player Hugging Konoha's Thigh!

As a native Chinese, how could he just sit back and watch when his compatriots were being bullied? What's more, the experience value given away is not cheap.

Li Qing smiled coldly and accepted the task.

[System news]: The player has successfully received the task of [Guard], [Ninja League] players recently teamed up to defraud Chinese players of more than 1 million gold coins, and killed several Chinese players back to level 1, which violated the Konoha Village player's friendly relationship Legal terms, please arrest these [players] as soon as possible! Task difficulty: SS, task level: level 50, task rewards: 300,000 experience points, 10,000 points, 100,000 gold coins, 100 justice points.

[System Message]: The coordinates of [Ninja League] players in the outskirts of Konoha Village (302, 123) have been automatically detected, please go as soon as possible!

Li Qing was not polite, and quickly rushed over after finding out the coordinates.

Sure enough, at the coordinate point, he saw these [Ninja League] players. At this time, these people were beating up several Chinese players, their names turned red, and those Chinese players were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces.

The player with the red name represents the player who just killed the player. In this state, everyone can attack.

When a player with a red name dies, all items in the luggage will drop.

"You Chinese and Xia people have been there for thousands of years, and the signboard of the sick man in East Asia still hasn't been removed. Our island country is the strongest country in East Asia!" [Ninja League] players stepped on China. On Player Xia's head, his face was full of complacency, "I see, Hua, Xia's kung fu is all bullshit..."

"As long as you loudly say that the island nation is the strongest nation, we will let you go! Otherwise, we will send you back to Xinshou Village now!"

"Yo? Look at this stubborn little eyes, look at your appearance, don't you plan to say anything?"

Several island country players around were watching the excitement, their faces full of arrogance.

"Fuck, even if you beat us back to Xinshou Village, we won't say that the island country is the strongest!" The Huaxia player with a bruised nose and a swollen face spat at the island country player, with a stubborn temper.

"Okay, very good... just keep calling me!"

The island player was spit out, wiped the disgusting liquid off his face, and his eyes were full of anger.

Just when the island player was about to beat the Huaxia player, a leisurely voice suddenly sounded: "I'm sorry, a few island players, you have to come with me. You are suspected of blackmailing the player's money and beating the player..."

Before Li Qing could finish speaking, several island players rushed forward with a sneer.

This is not the first time that Konoha [Guard] has approached them. Every time a member of the Guard comes, they will kill them mercilessly.

Unfortunately, what they met this time was not an NPC, but a player!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

A mouthful of scorching flames rushed towards the face, and the scorching breath directly turned the blood bars of the players from the island country black, and they lay down on the ground, dying beyond death.

Because Li Qing has the [Uchiha Medal] and became a member of the [Guard], island country players who broke the law will not be sent back to Novice Village as before, and will only lie dead when their HP is zero.

"You, you are Li Qing? Huh? Why haven't we been hung back to Xinshou Village?" Several island players didn't respond until they died, and they didn't react until they were lying on the ground and the screen turned black. Killed.

As for the beaten Huaxia players, when they saw someone helping them out, especially when they had the same yellow skin as them, their eyes flashed with excitement!

When they saw the players' names again, their already excited expressions became even more excited!

They never imagined that the one who helped them out was actually a god-tier player, Li Qing! !

"Sorry, you have been arrested." Li Qing said coldly, and at the same time, used the [Arrest] function on several island players, and then, these island players disappeared without a trace. .

I have to say, this feeling of being an NPC and being able to arrest others is really good...

"It's like hugging Konoha's thigh, right?" Li Qing laughed at herself.

When they wake up, they will be surrounded by a cold prison. They will live in prison for three days and three nights. During these three days and three nights, they will not be able to upgrade or do tasks...

At this time, the system prompts:

[System Information]: You have completed the task of the [Guard] and successfully arrested the island player who bullied the Chinese player!

[System Information]: Because of [Double Rewards], you got 600,000 experience points, 20,000 points, 200,000 gold coins, and 200 justice points!


[System Information]: You break through, you have successfully upgraded to level 56!

The golden light of Six Paths came out, feeling the feeling of power expanding again, Li Qing couldn't help but let out a crisp sound, let out a long breath, and the artifact [Shinigami Breath] in his hand shone with a stunning black light!

After completing the capture task, Li Qing was about to simply settle down the Chinese players, but a cold voice came from his ears, in broken Chinese: "I remember an old saying in your Celestial Dynasty, it is not that the time has not arrived, Dear Mr. Uchiha Qing, it seems that today you will be sent back to Novice Village together with these Chinese players."

The one who spoke was Murakami, the vice president of [Ninja League], still the bald island player.

With his appearance, more than a hundred [Ninja League] players appeared, and Li Qing was surrounded. These [Ninja League] players were all equipped with rare equipment, which was expensive, and they Most of the levels are around level 40.

"Only more than a hundred people?" Facing so many [Ninja League] players, Li Qing smiled coldly, very calm.

"Although there are not many people, they are all the elites of [Ninja League]. Each of them has experienced the training of the ninja teacher and has the ability to single-handedly kill the captain-level boss... Moreover, we also spent a lot of money to brush two Konoha Genin's Favorability, now it’s ours.”

Murakami sneered, "We lost to you in embarrassment the first two times, but this time, it won't happen..."

Saying that, two Konoha Village Genin slowly came out, showing their figure.

Spirit Fire, normal level, Genin, level 70!

Arclight, normal level, Genin, level 65!

Seeing these two Konoha Genins, Li Qing laughed, these idiots don't even know how to find the right least find a Yamanaka, Nara and other clans. He had never heard of these two names!

"What, I forgot to tell you. Now that I am a member of the guard, if you do something to me, that is Konoha's rebellion. I can only arrest you and go to jail. Now, that is to say, I hugged Konoha thigh."

Li Qing touched his nose, shook the [Guard Medal] on his chest, and scratched his head, "I remember, it seems... a pass is 30 days."

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