The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 27: Server First, Don't Mess With Players, Li Qing!

"Bah, I thought it was something, just a broken medal, brothers, give it to me! This time we also found 2 NPCs to support us, this kid is finished!"

Murakami said arrogantly, waved his hand, but he was not the first to rush forward, "The player who successfully kills Uchiha Qing will be rewarded with one million gold coins!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man. Hearing the million gold coins, all the players became excited and rushed towards Li Qing quickly. Ninjutsu has already begun to seal.

Murakami also learned ninjutsu and started to seal, but his movements were a bit clumsy.

"Wow, my bounty has actually increased from 200,000 to 1 million? Not bad, but I think my head should be worth 100 million!" Li Qing sneered, strong chakra gathered in the throat, the next moment, terror The incomparable flames covered the [Ninja League] players fiercely like covering the sky and covering the earth!

Countless critical strikes burst out.

Even a blood bull with more than 5,000 blood usually loses its blood at this moment, and the two NPCs are hard to escape...

Hundreds of elite [Ninja League] players lay dead in an instant, turning into gold coins and equipment everywhere...

Instant kill!

"It's so strong...the gap is getting bigger and bigger..."

A desperate voice sounded, this was Murakami's last thought before he died...

Since the end of the plot mission, in order to squeeze into the first echelon and have the hegemony to dominate the entire server, they [Ninja League] have added a lot of manpower dedicated to helping upgrades. League] members bought a lot of equipment and ninjutsu...

I thought that if I made trouble this time, I would definitely be able to get back the place, but I didn't expect that they, who were more than twice as strong as before, were killed in an instant...

Well, I am so unwilling!

"Huh? Why didn't we hang back to Xinshou Village?"

Suddenly, Murakami and the other members noticed that their blood bars and screens were black, but they were not teleported away...

"Ahem, cough, want to go back to Novice Village? Dream it! You just attacked the guard members of Konoha Village. According to the law of Konoha Village, you need to go to jail..."

"Sit, go to jail?" Murakami instinctively felt something was wrong.

"Ah, yes... I won't let you go. If you want to blame, blame you for provoking the 'police' in Konoha Village..." Li Qing rubbed his chin, pretending to be very regretful, and then turned on the [Guard The [Arrest] function of Special System...

The golden light flashed, and the next moment, the hundreds of players were surprised to find that they were transported to a cold prison surrounded by high walls and guards everywhere.

"Fuck, is this a prison?"

"Looking at the time, it seems that it will be closed for more than 30 days..."

Looking at the walls on all sides, Murakami and all the members showed a look of despair.

Not to mention thirty days, even if it is closed for three days and released again, it is impossible for them to do anything. Maybe when they come out, others will already be Chūnin Jōnin...

"Damn it! I didn't expect this kid to put us in prison... so fucking pervert."

Murakami punched the wall hard. Now, he already regretted provoking the player Li Qing. Moreover, Murakami didn't know how he should explain to the Emperor.

If His Majesty the Emperor knows about this, let alone investing money in [Ninja League], even his hard-won position will be removed...

"Hey, let's quit the game first."

Murakami had no choice but to quit the game...

During these thirty days, they should not think about playing games.


After solving more than a hundred players in [Ninja League], Li Qing heard the sound of a system prompt.

[System Prompt]: Congratulations, you have completed the [Arrest] achievement, won the title of [Arrest Master], and received rewards of 1,000,000 experience points and 500,000 points!

[System prompt]: You broke through and reached level 63!

Hearing the prompt, Li Qing was excited. He never thought that he could get so much experience by sending these hundreds of players in! ? Go up to level 7 again.

Moreover, the points also give away so many...

He checked carefully, only to discover that several of these [Ninja League] players had [Murder] in their hands, killed many [players], and obtained tens of millions of illegal gold coins!

At this time, the world channel was swiped by him again.

[World Channel]: After the player [Uchiha Qing] became a member of the Konoha Village [Security Department], he performed well. He arrested a total of 121 [Ninja League] players and sent them to prison. He made a huge contribution to purifying the online game environment For his contribution, he won the title of [Master of Arrest] and was rewarded with 1,000,000 experience points! Players who are arrested in [Jail] will be locked up in prison for 30 days by the system!


[World Channel] Little Joe and Big Joe are all mine: 6666666, now [Uchiha Qing] has become an official, whoever dares to provoke him will have to go to jail, [Uchiha Qing] god-tier, please have a leg hair...

[World Channel] The girl is not a nympho: I'm curious, after being locked up for 30 days, will [Ninja League] players angrily cancel their accounts? But it seems that each person can only bind one account, which is really sad.

[World Channel] I love to take a bath: After being imprisoned for so long, it seems that I can only play GG. In addition, congratulations [Uchiha Qing] for becoming the first person on the server not to be messed with!

[World Channel] Girls love handsome men: Damn, I also want to join the [Security Department] to pretend to be aggressive everywhere, and ask god-tiers for guidance!

[World Channel] The idiot is me: Upstairs, if we know, it's your turn? The identity of this member of the [Security Department] is simply like the existence of a bug in the police in the real world...

Ignoring the players' comments, Li Qing opened the [Case Handling] column again, looking for the next experience value task.

At this time, he noticed an S-level mission, which was about 【Uzumaki Xin Jiuna】!

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