The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 28: Surprise, Open [Uzumaki Bloodline]?

The task is not difficult, but it is not easy.

It was Uzumaki Kushina who found that near her home, there were always sneaky figures appearing, seeming to come for [Uzumaki Naruto] who has become Nine Tails Jinchūriki, hoping that players can help her get rid of hidden dangers.

Task difficulty: SS level, task level: 50, and the task reward, in addition to 500,000 experience points and 100,000 points, can also get Uzumaki Kushina's favorability.

In fact, the reason why Li Qing came with Kushina's idea was because of Namikaze Minato's [Flying Thunder God Technique] and the Uzumaki clan's [Sealing Technique]. When the level is reached, the player can exchange the corresponding ninjutsu with the NPC through [Ninja Proof].

The Flying Thunder God Technique and the sealing technique are extremely fierce ninjutsu in the ninja world.

Although the ninjutsu of the Uchiha family is extremely powerful, there are terrifying ninjutsu such as Amaterasu and Susanoo, but their agility is not only a star and a half behind. Of course, in the original book, Sasuke realized space movement with Rinnegan, but that is also a later thing. .

After receiving the task, Li Qing immediately rushed to [Uzumaki Kushina]'s home. At this time, Konoha Village was under construction. As the fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato was extremely busy, and many ninjas were sent out, so the defense of the entire Konoha Village It was reduced to a minimum, and it also gave many other hidden village ninjas a chance.

There should have been Anbu members secretly protecting the safety of Uzumaki Kushina, but Namikaze Minato removed all the Anbu in order to commend him, and arranged for [Guards] to protect him, and this is how the current mission came about.

"I didn't expect the guards to send someone over so soon, ah! It's you!"

When Li Qing knocked on the door, Kushina had just coaxed Uzumaki Naruto to sleep.

A pretty face poked out, seeing that the person who came was the boy from that day, Kushina's face immediately revealed a look of surprise and gratitude.

"Uchiha Qing, thank you for what happened that day, without you, I'm afraid Uzumaki Naruto would have met with disaster!" Kushina said while rushing into the kitchen, putting on her apron, ready to cook a special dish for Li Qing, He deliberately raised his voice and said, "Leave whatever you say today, and Minato and I will treat you well!"

It has to be said that Kushina looks exactly the same as in the original book, but in reality it is more lively, with big eyes blinking non-stop, giving people the image of a grumpy big sister next door.

"Uh, isn't this appropriate? Girls who have just given birth are not suitable for cooking." Li Qing smiled lightly, snatching the spoon from Kushina's hand, "It's been a long time since I showed my cooking skills, it's time Let you have a taste of my craft!"

"I didn't expect Uchiha Qing to be able to cook?" Uzumaki Kushina was surprised at first, and then showed a shy smile. "Actually, I don't cook very well. Minato usually cooks..."

[System prompt]: Uzumaki Kushina's favorability towards you has increased!

Li Qing was overjoyed, as expected, interacting with NPC tasks more often can increase the favorability value.

In his previous life, Li Qing was very good at cooking. For him, cooking a meal was like a small KISS. In just half an hour, the delicious four dishes and one soup were on the table.

The smell of vegetables makes Uzumaki Naruto wake up in the inner room.

"I never imagined that Qing Jun could cook such good food." Looking at the delicacies on the table and smelling the faint fragrance, it was so delicious!

Uzumaki Kushina, who had never eaten Chinese rice, fell completely. He couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and picked them up, and he didn't care about the image at all.

[System prompt]: Uzumaki Kushina's favorability towards you has increased!

[System prompt]: Uzumaki Kushina's favorability towards you has increased!

[System prompt]: Uzumaki Kushina's favorability towards you has increased!

[System prompt]: Uzumaki Kushina's favorability towards you has increased! !

[System Prompt]: The relationship between you and Uzumaki Kushina has reached [close friend], [Uzumaki Bloodline] has been successfully opened, players can redeem it through points, or use [Ninja Proof] to buy from NPC.

While Kushina was eating delicious food, Li Qing's ears heard bursts of system prompts.

Li Qing, who thought he would get the sealing technique, was overjoyed, "Uzumaki bloodline?"

Li Qing manipulated his mind, entered the [Guard Tracking System], and found the blood of the [Uzumaki Clan] in the [Exchange] column.

[Uzumaki bloodline]: This bloodline can strengthen the player's blood volume attribute, and allows the player to have a 4% blood volume recovery speed per second. When fighting with tailed beasts, offensive ninjutsu has a 15% restraint effect.

He thought that the Uzumaki bloodline could be superimposed with his Uchiha bloodline, but he didn't expect that it would appear in a strengthened form, which could increase the recovery speed of blood volume.

At 4% per second, that is to say, if he is empty of health, as long as he is not attacked by any attack for 25 seconds, he will be able to recover to full health... I have to say heaven-defying.

However, [Uzumaki Bloodline] needs 2,000,000 points to redeem, and [Ninja Proof] needs 50 points!

"It's better to rob a bank..." Li Qing pouted, feeling like a profiteer.

But he thought about it carefully, how could such a heaven-defying thing as [Uzumaki Bloodline] be cheap?

[System Tips]: When the player's affection for the NPC character reaches the level of [close friend], he can learn the ninjutsu or ability of [NPC], and when the favorability of the player reaches the level of [close friend], he can even upgrade these learned skills. !

While Li Qing was thinking, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside, as if there were ninjas haunting.


Uzumaki Kushina immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks, subconsciously rushed into the side room and hugged [Uzumaki Naruto] in his arms, protecting him.

Li Qing did not forget the mission, and rushed out. With Sharingan's keen eyesight, he noticed a few suspicious ninjas, and they had already sneaked into the crowd, trying to hide their bodies.

"Want to run?"

Li Qing still wants to use these people to earn experience points, how can they let them leave successfully? Immediately got into the crowd and chased after it!

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