The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 260: Trends In The Ninja World (Fifth Update!)

"Let's get out of here quickly!" Konan was worried that the movement here would attract experts such as Fourth Raikage, so he hurriedly tugged on Li Qing's sleeve.

Li Qing was pulled by Konan, and the bloodthirsty look in his eyes turned clear and he recovered. He nodded heavily, knowing that it was not easy to stay here for a long time: "Let's get out of here!"

Then the two people quickly formed seals with their hands, taking away the two-tailed Wooden Golem, and then turned into two mist and disappeared without a trace.

Brought them to reappear, already at the border of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Soon, the news of their capture of Erwei reached the ears of the Fourth Raikage of the Film House.

There was a sound of impact, and Fourth Raikage punched the wall to pieces, and the entire wall was shattered.

"What did you say?" Fourth Raikage's eyes were filled with deep anger. You must know that Cloud Shinobi Village has been quiet for at least ten years. Not to mention Akatsuki, even Konoha Village and Iwagakure did not dare to hit him. Akatsuki was so bold that he dared to capture his second-tailed Jinchūriki. How could he swallow his breath?

"The second-tailed Jinchūriki was kidnapped by two members of Akatsuki. After identification, one was Konan, a senior member of Akatsuki, and the other was a new member named Uchiha Qing.

"The subordinate said with a trembling body. He knows Lord Raikage's temper best. He is a master who will do many impulsive things when he is unhappy.

"Uchiha Ao?" Hearing this familiar name, a figure suddenly flashed through Raikage's mind. It was with the help of the figure's master that his subordinates were able to be treated by Tsunade. "I didn't expect that this kid actually joined. Akatsuki... wasn't he a ninja from Konoha Village before? What the hell is going on?"

"Master Raikage, it's a long story. Here's what happened..." The subordinate told everything he knew.

After listening to his subordinate's narration, the burly man who had been sitting in the Fourth Raikage position for a long time finally slowly closed his eyes tightly and fell into brief contemplation.

"Sir Raikage...I will immediately prepare for the Cloud Shinobi Ninja Force to hunt down." The subordinate was about to retreat, but Fourth Raikage waved his hand: "No need, they should be far away by now... …"

"Lord Raikage, the latest battle report!"

Suddenly, a masked member of Cloud Shinobi Anbu appeared silently and knelt in front of several people.

"Ah, say it!"

Fourth Raikage looked down.

"The news just came back that the 100,000 players who joined our Cloud Shinobi Village were all killed by Uchiha Ao and sent back to the Novice Village, and as many as 80% of them dropped levels." The member of Cloud Shinobi Anbu took a deep breath and replied. When he first received the news, his body was trembling.

"Okay, I get it..."

The Fourth Raikage nodded heavily to show that he understood, then closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Several Cloud Shinobi ninjas looked at each other and saw that something was not right with Mr. Raikage, but they did not ask, but the seals on their hands disappeared.

When his subordinates left, Fourth Raikage's eyes flashed with anticipation: "Uchiha Ao, have you become so strong now...

Orochimaru Laboratory.

Uchiha Sasuke is practicing with Orochimaru, and all around him are pythons that have been cut in half with a knife.

Yakushi Kabuto appeared without warning.

"Kabuto, what happened?" Orochimaru was very curious about Yakushi Kabuto's sudden interruption, but after hearing Kabuto's message, his eyes immediately flashed with excitement, "Uchiha Ao actually captured the two tails?" ?Players who have killed 100,000 people are growing very fast."

Uchiha Sasuke on the side, hearing Orochimaru's neither salty nor salty words, the corners of his mouth that were a little proud suddenly tightened, and were replaced by strong anger.

He smashed the rock with a punch: "Uchiha Qing, my dear brother, I, I will definitely catch up with you, I swear!"

Konoha Village.


Hokage Namikaze Minato, who had just received the information sent from Cloud Shinobi Village, threw the information aside heavily, with a solemn look in his eyes.

Not far away, Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi, Might Guy, Tiantian, Xiao Li and others also frowned tightly.

"I believe you all know the information, right?" Namikaze Minato tried to keep his tone calm, "The Akatsuki has already begun to take action to capture the tailed beasts, and Naruto, as Nine Tails, will definitely have a battle with the Akatsuki members in the end. Although I don’t know why they captured the tailed beasts in this order, what is certain is that, Uzumaki Naruto, you are in danger now."

"I..." Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but clenched his fists after hearing this, "But Uchiha Ao is so strong...

"You have to believe in yourself. Believe in your father." Namikaze Minato stood up slowly, "As a member of Konoha Village, I plan to give you some special training, hoping to quickly improve your strength."

In the Country of Grass, in an underground castle.

Countless players in camouflage uniforms stood aside in an orderly manner, and a few officers crushed the intelligence they had just collected into pieces and threw them aside.

The leading officer said to the players below in broken Chinese: "I believe you have seen the terror of Uchiha Qing. As the elite of the United States, we cannot continue to let this guy continue to be rampant. We must quickly select people who can fight with Uchiha Ao fights against players at all costs!"

After the separation between the real world and the online game world, some powerful countries or forces secretly established their own gangs or groups in the ninja world. What is in front of them is a small group composed of elite players and leaders in the United States. Such a group as a whole There are many people in the ninja world, and they are all secretly accumulating strength to occupy the ninja world and then dominate it.

Powerful players like Uchiha Ao are often the ones they strive to win over or the thorns in their side that they want to destroy!

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