The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 261: Crisis In The Hidden Village Of China

Just when the entire ninja world was undergoing tremendous changes because of Li Qing's incident, Li Qing had followed Konan back to Rain Shinobi Village.

By the way, Li Qing clicked on the [100,000 Kill Gift Pack] on the way back and got a total of 200 million experience points, 3 pieces of level 400 [artifact] ninja armor, and a [rare] [crit necklace] .

Although there are only a few items, it can be seen that each of them is extremely rare and valuable equipment, even if it is only a [rare grade] [Crit Strike Necklace].

With the bonus of 200 million experience points, Li Qing successfully rose to level 410, and several pieces of [artifact] level ninja armor were also worn on him, and his attack speed and movement speed increased again by about 20%. "September 17", at this time, he could clearly realize how powerful he was, and the power dormant in his body began to awaken. 0

After handing the two-tailed beast to Pain, the Ninja of the Dawn soon began to [absorb] the Chakra. It was similar to Gaara. This time the absorption work lasted for three days.

Due to Li Qing's outstanding performance, this time he was allowed to participate in the recruitment work.

There will be no more tasks next. Payne asked him and Konan to take a brief rest. At this time, Li Qing found the target of Lin Jiachen and others, and wanted to see how the Hidden Village in China was developing. .

When he left, Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng left the coordinates for him, so the coordinates were easy to find.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Qing came to a small town on the border between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire. The place was bustling with activity, and there were players from the [Chinese Alliance] everywhere, and every one of them showed a strong smile. , countless buildings are being built rapidly with the sweat of Chinese players. No need to look, as long as you give this place a while, it will soon become the most lively town for Chinese players.

Li Qing stood at the entrance of the city, his eyes flashing with joy, thinking that Lin Jiachen was really efficient in doing things, and he had such a territory in just a few days.

"who are you?"

Just when Li Qing was deep in thought, an unfriendly voice slowly sounded, and two Chinese players were seen staring at him nervously, holding sharp kunai in their hands.

Since Li Qing didn't want to attract attention, he changed his name.

Seeing the two dedicated guards, Li Qing's smile became even stronger: "Please tell me that I'm here. Your president will know after hearing it.

"I'm here?" One of the guards frowned seductively, and then his face was full of disdain: "There are countless players who want to see President Lin every day, who do you think you are! Humph!

It's not that the guards are embarrassing Li Qing, but that there are so many people who find various excuses to find Lin Jiachen every day that they can't tell them apart.


Li Qing was a little speechless for a moment, but thought that the guard was doing his duty, so he didn't care. As long as he made a seal with his hands, he would disappear without a trace with a swipe.

"Hey, hey? Where is the person?"

The two guards were stunned for a moment, and then they seemed to suddenly think of something terrible, and then their eyes widened in surprise...

"You think, have we really bumped into a big shot? If I guessed correctly, the knot just now seems to be the seal of Body Flicker Technique...

"It seems, it's true..."

"It's over, it's over... If you accidentally offend a big shot, you will suffer."

At this time, Li Qing had arrived in the city, and Lin Jiachen and Cheng Mengmeng were inspecting the streets and alleys, reviewing the construction work of Huaxia Hidden Village.

At present, many countries are secretly building their own power. For example, Miyin Village, Dao Hidden Village, Yingyin Village, etc. are all being established rapidly. They must establish a firm foothold before these hidden villages are established.

However, what worries Lin Jiachen the most is not the inside of the city, but the covetous outside of the city. There are more than a dozen ninja groups and local snake forces gathered around, and they often come to harass them, and the wandering ninjas of these ninja groups and local snake forces gather around. The strength is not bad, basically all have the strength of Chūnin or above. Although Huaxia Hidden Village has recruited many Chinese players these days, there is no strong player in charge. They often lose after the two sides fight, resulting in Huaxia Hidden Village. Development is at a standstill....

When he thought of this, Lin Jiachen couldn't help but frown in worry.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, Uchiha Qing god-tier will be back soon." Cheng Mengmeng on the side seemed to have noticed something and said hurriedly.

Hearing Uchiha Ao's name, Lin Jiachen felt a little relieved. Yes, their Huaxia Hidden Village still has a trump card like Uchiha Ao. The only thing they don't know is... Uchiha Ao, Where are you?!

"Ah, ah, ah, good morning, everyone!"

Just when several people were worried, a faint and familiar voice slowly sounded, pulling several people back from their thoughts.

Cheng Mengmeng almost subconsciously rushed towards the figure who spoke, and Lin Jiachen's eyes also flashed with excitement.

"Uchiha Aoge!"

Yes, that's right, the figure that suddenly appeared was none other than Li Qing.

Cheng Mengmeng immediately wrapped herself around Li Qing like an octopus and refused to come down even after saying anything.

"Uh, Mengmeng, come down quickly, come down quickly..."

1.4 Being hugged tightly by such a beautiful woman as Mengmeng, feeling the faint warmth coming from the girl's body, and seeing that delicate and beautiful face, Li Qing couldn't control herself for a moment.

This is not because he is a loser and has seen few beauties, but because their posture is too ambiguous.

Only then did Cheng Mengmeng realize that she was too close, her face instantly turned red, and then her heartbeat accelerated...and she fainted again.

"I'll go..." Li Qing was speechless for a while, and had no choice but to slowly put Cheng Mengmeng down and hand it to a female player on the side. The player nodded and sent her back to the room.

When everything was over, Li Qing was about to say something when an alarm suddenly sounded!

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