The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 262: Ninja Group Looking For Trouble?

The alarm sound was very loud, and it spread throughout the entire Huaxia Hidden Village in an instant. After hearing the sound, the Chinese players who had been looking relaxed just now, now looked solemn and nervous, and put the pain in their hands. Wu secretly clenched his fist and stared into the distance, as if he was on guard and wary of something.

Several players at the city entrance even carried the special Chakra crossbow and put all the detonating symbols into it.

In just this moment, the originally relaxed and lively Huaxia Hidden Village was gone, replaced by fully armed and full-scale killings, showing that the players in the Huaxia Hidden Village were in good order.

Without waiting for Li Qing to ask, Lin Jiachen replied with a somewhat embarrassed expression, "Well, Uchiha Qing god-tier, the surrounding ninja groups have been harassing us for a long time. Due to our lack of manpower,

They have always been passively beaten, and this time they made a comeback, MA..."

"Ninja group?" Li Qing smiled secretly, "I didn't expect these ninja groups to have their idea to reach the Hidden Village of China. Hehehe, it's interesting... Where are they?"

05 "Here... uh, they're coming!" Lin Jiachen was about to say something, but his eyes suddenly widened, but then the panic in his eyes dissipated.

With Uchiha Ao god-tier here, what else do they have to fear?


[Mangekyō Sharingan] spun rapidly, and Li Qing quickly noticed a dozen big birds in the distance rushing over with several fully armed ninjas. Those ninjas held a lot of detonating charms in their hands, and they also had explosive talismans in their mouths. With a mean smile.

"It's actually a flying ninja?" Li Qing smiled faintly.

At this time, the ninja who led the largest bird said calmly: "Listen to the players below, you have to transport us food for thirty days within three days, otherwise, we will use these detonating symbols to destroy your city. It will be blown to pieces. Of course, the male players will be killed, and the female players will be killed hehehe..."

NPCs can also molest female players and even rape them, but if the female players commit suicide, they will be free of trouble.

Hearing this, all the players were filled with grief and anger, with anger flashing in their eyes.

They had fought against the flying ninja several times, and every time the flying ninja caused them a lot of trouble with their superiority in the air, and if it weren't for them, Huaxia Hidden Village would not be huddled in such a small city.

"Where is your boss?" The leader of the flying ninja suddenly asked, his keen eyes moving.

Lin Jiachen was about to speak, but Li Qing stopped him. His cold eyes met the arrogant flying ninja, and a faint voice sounded: "What ninja group are you from? How many are there in total?"

His voice exuded a strong Haki involuntarily. Several flying ninjas in the air trembled involuntarily when they heard this, shaking like chaff. Even the flying ninja leader felt a force suppressing his chest. It was so heavy that it was hard to breathe.

With just this sound, the leader of the flying ninja knew that the guy who spoke was difficult to deal with. He looked at Li Qing with a keen eye and felt a trace of doubt. For a moment, he didn't know whether Li Qing was real or not.

If the other party really has a Jōnin, then he will be in a lot more trouble.

"Who are you? How come I've never seen you before?" the flying ninja leader asked scoldingly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that you have to surrender to me, surrender to me, China." Li Qing's cold and arrogant voice came again.

"Huaxia? What the hell is this?" Several other ninjas suddenly smiled, showing their sharp teeth.

The leader of the flying ninja also smiled coldly: "Haha, you Chinese players are just like a bunch of chickens and dogs under us flying ninjas. I'm sorry, I really don't see what's so great about you!"

"You haven't answered my question yet. Faced with Fei Nin's ridicule, Li Qing asked very calmly.

"As long as you defeat me, I will tell you!" The leader of the flying ninja smiled coldly, with an arrogant and domineering look on his face. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the ninja who knew nothing about the details below was, he might not be the best flying ninja like them. For Ninja's opponents, you must know that their Flying Ninja Group is running rampant in countless cities, and it is like a no-man's land. Wherever the sword points, the edge points.


"Well, I keep my word!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the leader of the flying ninja was about to form seals with both hands and use his advantage in the sky to attack Li Qing below, but his eyes suddenly showed a look of horror and shock. In his violently contracted pupils, he could clearly see When he saw Li Qing's empty figure, he was floating in the air.

"You, you can actually fly?"

This scene beyond cognition is simply unacceptable to the flying ninja. You must know that not just any ninja can fly at will. Either he knows the Earth Style Technique or has the 827 Summoning Summoning Beast. He can fly in the air like the boy in front of him without any help. This was the first time he saw the Summoning beast.

"Ah, I know a little bit..."

Li Qing smiled lightly. A few days ago, he defeated the Cloud Shinobi ninja and got a copy of the Earth Style Secret Technique [Light Heavy Rock Technique], which can make his body extremely light and fly, so flying is very important to him. As far as I'm concerned, it's not difficult at all.

Although Li Qing's reply was very plain, it sounded like a bell in the ears of these flying ninjas! Damn, you can fly so easily and freely, and you actually said, "A little bit good?"

If these flying ninjas knew how to use swear words, they would definitely call me fuck, fuck, and other unhealthy words.

"Fuck me!"

The flying ninja leader felt a strong threat to his life and immediately commanded his companions.

The Chinese player below was about to take action, but Lin Jiachen reached out to stop him: "Don't you know the god-tier strength of the Uchiha game? Just watch Feifei!"

After hearing this, the Chinese players could hold back their excitement one by one, but they were still very excited to see Uchiha Ao's god-tier performance. .

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