Just when all the Chinese eyes below were focused on Li Qing, they discovered that Li Qing disappeared instantly.

By the time they found Li Qing again, the Grass Pheasant Sword in his hand had already harvested the lives of three flying ninjas and exploded them into countless gold coins and equipment. The rewards were like rain. It slowly fell from the sky.

Li Qing moved too quickly. With their eyesight, it was extremely difficult to capture Li Qing's figure, let alone Li Qing's movements.

"You...actually killed the flying ninja Jōnin in an instant!?"

The leader of the flying ninja looked at his companions who died instantly, his heart was bleeding and he was full of shock.

When Li Qing took action just now, he didn't even see clearly how Li Qing took action... This was the first time he had seen such a rapid attack speed.

"Let me ask again, surrender or destruction!?"


The Grass Pheasant Sword passed by an icy cold light. The unstoppable momentum, supported by the Wind Style Chakra, vaguely exuded the sword energy of an ancient hero, giving people a feeling that it was difficult to compete.

With just these words, several flying ninjas felt their bodies shaking, and a touch of fear rose in their hearts!

This fear is very strong. Even if they have fought countless times, they have never been like this today... What is even more frightening is that they have only faced one person from beginning to end, just one person!


Several flying ninjas subconsciously took a few steps back, not daring to touch Li Qing's edge at all.

Even the leader of the flying ninja subconsciously turned his body sideways.

In fact, after Li Qing broke through and became a Chūnin, killed several Akatsuki members one after another and completed the task of capturing the second tail, while his strength increased, he also vaguely exuded the aura of a strong man.

Under this momentum, any ninja who is weaker than him will tremble all over just hearing his name, let alone facing him. This is momentum. Like when Payne appeared in the original work, countless ninjas were frightened and fled. That was the aura of a strong man showing off his power. Only ninjas with very firm beliefs could ignore the existence of this aura with their tyrannical mental power.

"Don't ask me to repeat myself." Li Qing is still Haki, Haki is superb.

"Come on, don't be afraid of him!"

The leader of the flying ninja gritted his teeth and gave instructions to his companions. However, as soon as he finished speaking, a cold light appeared in front of his neck without any warning. It would kill the leader of the flying ninja if it entered even an inch further.

The leader of the flying ninja still hasn't figured out how Li Qing did it, but he actually appeared behind him, almost like a ghost.

When several other flying ninjas saw this scene, there was no resistance left in their hearts. They hurriedly put their weapons down one by one, and then raised their hands high, "Looking like they are content with their hands tied!"

Yes, they are afraid, they are completely afraid, and there is only the word fear in their hearts!

"You, you..."

When the leader of the flying ninja saw that his companion had chosen to give up, a look of reluctance flashed across his eyes. Suddenly, he took out countless detonating talismans from his waist and threw them at Li Qing, preparing to rely on the terrifying explosive power of the detonating talismans to attack Li Qing. He created time to escape, but in the next scene his eyes widened, and his legs that were planning to escape stopped working.

The detonating symbols that flew toward Li Qing flew back into his pocket one by one, as if nothing had happened.

"Uh? What's going on?" The flying ninja leader was shocked.

"I just gave you a chance." Li Qing gently touched the head of the flying ninja leader like a ball of steel, and the latter flew away from the huge flying bird. Then, only the sound of With a bang, the piles of detonating talismans exploded instantly, blowing the leader of the flying ninja into a flying mess of meat and paste.

Li Qing can turn back time. He just reversed the flight path of the detonating talisman, but he did not control the detonation time of the detonating talisman, so this scene happened.

Seeing the leader die like this, the eyes of several flying ninjas shone with deep fear and apprehension, completely different from the arrogant look they had just now.

The Chinese players below looked at Li Qing with almost admiration. Uchiha Qing god-tier has always been a very mysterious existence. They knew that he was very strong, but they didn't know how strong he was. Today You see, no one is not excited or excited.

They are very clear about the strength of flying ninjas. In the eyes of Uchiha Qinggod-tier, flying ninjas have no ability to resist at all. This makes them feel a strong expectation for the future of Huazhen Hidden Village, and they also have strong expectations for Huazhen Hidden Village. more confident about the future.

Li Qing's move undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm!

"`"Lin Jiachen, these flying ninjas will be left to you for interrogation. "Li Qing ignored the admiring glances and looked down at Lin Jiachen below. The latter nodded slightly, and then ordered several Chinese players to rush forward with a wave of his hand.

The flying ninjas landed obediently, were quickly confiscated by the players, and then sent to the interrogation room, intending to extract some useful information.

"Uchiha Qingge, you are great!"

As soon as Li Qing fell, Cheng Mengmeng threw herself into his arms, her face full of intimacy. When Lin Jiachen on the side saw this scene, he turned his face away with a pout [not suitable for children].

"Reward you with one!"

I don't know where Cheng Mengmeng suddenly got the courage to kiss Li Qing hard on the forehead.

Li Qing, who was kissed, not only did not feel embarrassed, but hugged the beauty in her arms even more tightly. Just as he was about to say something, he saw the beauty suddenly burst into tears and began to cry.

"Uh...why are you crying?" Li Qing was confused by Cheng Mengmeng. I have to say that Cheng Mengmeng looks pretty good when she cries, especially those big eyes that seem to be able to talk. Blinking away tears, not to mention how lovable she is.


Cheng Mengmeng opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but suddenly her face turned red and she fainted again in Li Qing's arms...

Li Qing, who was intrigued, suddenly yelled angrily: "Hey, wake up, don't say a word!"

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