The Online Game Hokage: I Have Three Thousand Cheats

Chapter 264: The Attack Of Grass Ninja Village?

It's a pity that no matter how Li Qing shakes Cheng Mengmeng, Cheng Mengmeng will not wake up.

Cheng Mengmeng's look reminded Li Qing of Hinata in the original novel. Naruto would often say a few words to her, and she would be so shy that she couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Don't, don't go..."

Cheng Mengmeng, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to have suddenly encountered something terrible. Her face suddenly turned pale, and then she put her hands on Li Qing's waist.

Li Qing subconsciously wanted to break away from Cheng Mengmeng's arms, but Cheng Mengmeng was too strong, and he didn't want to disturb Cheng Mengmeng. It would be too embarrassing for the two of them, so Cheng Mengmeng succeeded like eight He climbed up like a clawed fish, and his soft body, impeccable figure and beautiful face all made him take a breath of cold air and feel like he was on fire.


Fortunately, Li Qing was an unusual person. Although his body was hot and hot, he quickly restrained himself with his strong willpower and carefully placed Cheng Mengmeng on the bed.

He was about to pour a glass of water for Cheng Mengmeng and then leave, but he heard a rustling sound. It turned out to be Cheng Mengmeng taking off his clothes...


Li Qing's emotions, which he had been holding back, suddenly rose. At this moment, he wanted to turn into a beast and vent his anger, but he still held back. Although the scene of Cheng Mengmeng taking off his clothes kept replaying in his mind, he still restrained himself and closed the door heavily.

When Li Qing left, the sleeping Cheng Mengmeng suddenly opened her beautiful big eyes, which were a little red and swollen.

She said in an almost crying voice: "Am I so unattractive? Why aren't you tempted?"

Ever since she first met Uchiha Qing, she had completely fallen in love with this upright Chinese player. Her heart, which she had never opened before, was instantly opened. Over the years, I don’t know how many wealthy princes and nobles have come to propose marriage. She - refused, she has been waiting, secretly waiting for a chance to meet Uchiha Ao again...

Now Uchiha Qinggod-tier has returned to the Hidden Village of China. She thought her chance had come, so she thought of this method. She has been a very reserved and conservative girl since she was a child. If she hadn't wanted to get true love, she wouldn't have been like this. Practice yourself. But what she didn't expect was that Uchiha Ao god-tier didn't have any feelings for her.

This... This made her heart shatter into countless pieces like glass, making it impossible to put it back together again.

Just when Cheng Mengmeng was heartbroken, a faint voice suddenly sounded: "Well, classmate Mengmeng, don't you think it's too embarrassing for ten girls to chase boys?"

Hearing Li Qing's words, Cheng Mengmeng immediately shed tears and tried her best to look normal. However, Li Qing's words made her frown and feel confused.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"Give me some time."

Li Qing's figure disappeared, leaving only one sentence that echoed faintly.

Cheng Mengmeng was wondering about Li Qing's words, and suddenly she thought of something, and her desperate pretty face was instantly filled with a happy smile!

In the city, in a castle.

Lin Jiachen put the intelligence just handed over from the Intelligence Department on the table with a solemn face. Just when Lin Jiachen didn't know what to do and was about to invite Li Qing, Li Qing appeared here instantly.

Seeing Li Qing, Lin Jiachen's somewhat solemn expression relaxed a little. He handed the information to Li Qing and his voice trembled: "It's a little bad. The ninjas from Cao Ninja Village are rushing here quickly. It seems that they want to destroy all our Chinese Hidden Villages. According to the secret sentry players I placed there (afee), it seems that all this is caused by the island players. Judging from the news from the interrogation of several flying ninjas, they The action to suppress the Hidden Villages of China seems to be inextricably linked to the island country players."

"It's true that the road between enemies is narrow." Li Qing smiled coldly.

After the real world and the online game world are completely separated, player forces from various countries are secretly accumulating strength to develop themselves and then suppress other countries. The purpose of this island country is very simple, that is, to destroy the Hidden Village of China.

Since ancient times, China and the island country have been at odds with each other, and the situation is like fire and water. I think the ninjas from Kusanagi Village are not doing well.

"How far are the ninjas from Cao Ninja Village from here?" Li Qing suddenly asked, his eyes flashing with hot flames.

"It seems that there is still a distance of 20,000 meters." A player on the side replied subconsciously.

"Well, I understand..." Li Qing nodded and was about to form a seal to leave when a few angry voices suddenly came from outside, and then a middle-aged man led a few strong men to break into the house.


The middle-aged man and the strong man both have yellow skin and black hair, and they appear to be Chinese. However, the middle-aged man's face is extremely unkind, and he still faintly exudes the aura of a superior, and his eyes flash with deep disdain. It seems that he is Come to stir up trouble.

"What's going on?" Lin Jiachen asked, and his subordinate staggered to his side and shook his head.

"Are you injured?" Seeing that his subordinate was injured, Lin Jiachen's eyes immediately burst into anger.

Li Qing on the side was also full of coldness, like frost.

"From today on, I am the village chief of Huaxia Hidden Village, and I am in charge of all affairs here." Before Li Qinglin's retainer could get angry, the middle-aged man sat on the city lord's chair and lit up leisurely. A cigarette, "Hey hey hey, it's better to be here... Being a ninja and doing any tasks is really boring!"

"What the hell..." Lin Jiachen was about to take action, but Li Qing stopped him, "Who are you?"

"Me? You actually asked me who I am? Don't you know? I am the military commander of the XXXX department, commanding a military region of several thousand square meters. Lin Jiachen's military rank is only a few ranks lower than mine. Those who know how to do it will be given to me from now on. I am a subordinate and follow my arrangements. If you are not convinced, you can leave here." After saying this, the middle-aged man took another deep puff of cigarette.

"Laozi traveled a long distance and was almost killed by the ninjas coming and going. I finally came to you. Why are you still standing there? Why don't you bring me tea and water? It's your blessing to be able to bring me tea! In the real world , I don’t know how many people are kneeling down and want to pour me tea!”.

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